Government College University Faisalabad Career Guider Government College Unive

Government College University Faisalabad Career Guider Government College University Faisalabad 1 Government College University Faisalabad DECLARATION The work reported in this project was carried out by us under the supervision of ( ) College of Computer Science & Information Studies GC University, Faisalabad, Pakistan. We hereby declare that the “Career Guider” and the contents of project is the product of our own research. We further declare that this work has not been submitted for award of any other degree / diploma. The University may take action if the information provided is found inaccurate at any stage. Signature of the Student: Registration No.: 2010-GCUF-5508-526 Signature of the Student: Registration No.: 2010-GCUF-5518-526 2 Government College University Faisalabad CERTIFICATE BY THE PROJECT SUPERVISOR This is to certify that Muhammad Ahmed Roll No. 1420 and Ihsan Ellahi Roll No. 1413 have successfully completed the final project named as: Career Guider, at the Department of Computer Science, GC University, Faisalabad, to fulfill the partial requirement of the degree of BS (CS). Internal Examiner Name: Signature: ___________ External Examiner Name: ______________________ Signature: ____________________ Principal College of Computer Science & Information Studies G.C. University Faisalabad Coordinator Projects: 3 Government College University Faisalabad STATEMENT OF SUBMISSION This is to certify that Muhammad Ahmed Roll No. 1420 and Ihsan Ellahi Roll No. 1413 have successfully completed the final project named as: Career Guider , at the College of Computer Science & Information Studies, GC University, and Faisalabad, to fulfill the partial requirement of the degree of BS (CS). _____________________________ ________________________ Project Supervisor Project Examiner Designation Designation College of Computer Science & Information Studies GC University, Faisalabad 4 Government College University Faisalabad Table of contents 1. Introduction……………………………………………………………….…...06 1.1 Project/Product Feasibility Report….…….…………………………….06 1.1.1 Technical Feasibility………………………...……………..06 1.1.2 Operational Feasibility……………………….…................06 1.1.3 Economic Feasibility………..………………………...…...07 1.1.4 Schedule Feasibility……………………………….……....07 1.1.5 Specification Feasibility……………………….……….....07 1.1.6 Information Feasibility…………………….………….......07 1.1.7 Motivational Feasibility…………………….……………..07 1.1.8 Legal & Ethical Feasibility………………………………..07 1.2 Project/Product Scope……………..…………………………………..08 1.3 CPM - Critical Path Method………..………………………………….08 1.4 Tools and Technology with reasoning………………….………….…10 1.5 Vision Document………………….…….………...………………......11 1.6 Risk List………………………….………………..….………………..13 2.Requirements engineering……………….…………………………………….14 2.1 Systems Specifications………….…………………………………….14 2.2 Identifying External Entities…….…………………………………...15 2.3 Context Level Data Flow Diagram…………………………………..16 2.4 Capture "shall" Statements………………………………………..…17 2.5 Allocate Requirements……………………………………………….18 2.6 Prioritize Requirements……………..……………………………….19 2.7 Requirements Trace-ability Matrix………………………………….20 5 Government College University Faisalabad 2.8 High Level Use case Diagram………………….………..………..21 3. Artifacts…………………………………….………………………….....22 3.1 Use case Description……………………….…………………………...22 3.2 Domain Model Diagram…………………….………………………….29 3.3 Usecase Diagram (refined and updated)…….………………………….31 3.4 Sequence Diagram…………………………….……………………......32 3.5 Collaboration Diagram…………………………………………………32 3.6 Operation Contracts…………………………………………………….36 3.7 Design Class Diagram………………………………………………….39 3.8 Data Model……………………………………………………………..40 4. Coding……………………………………………………………………41 5. Screen Shots……………………………………………………………...85 6 Government College University Faisalabad 1. Introduction It is basically a web-based project to help the students gather information regarding different events in different universities. Although we are targeting different types of events, in particular, we are focusing on admission information. The idea behind this project is to guide the students for their admissions. This project basically provides students a clear road map according to the merit. We will design a crawler which automatically collects the data from the educational websites. A student simply enters his marks, interested area etc. then he/she will get the list of all possible institutes and merit criteria. Our website will also help the students for understanding the admission process. Website will automatically update when something new posted on educational websites through crawler. We want to give benefits to all students who do not know about admissions and about other possible opportunities. Every member/user of the website is considered as “student”. 1.1 Project/Product Feasibility Report 1.1.1 Technical Feasibility 1. Career Guider Work Our project is a website. A student can simply access this through internet. He/she simply selects the criteria of search, after that he/she will enter his/her marks, city, province and area of interest. Our website will show the last year merit, number of seats and complete admission criteria so that a student can easily decide where to get admission and what is the criteria and merit required for admission. 2. Development technologies No special technology is needed apart from general development kits offered by .NET Framework. Microsoft Office, Rational Rose and SQL are required for documentation, project scheduling and costing, analysis and design diagrams and database management. All these software are available to us. 3. Internet So Internet is required to access the website. 1.1.2 Operational Feasibility This is social website for students and not for economical purpose that’s why it will be managed by us. We build a crawler that will manage the website for automatic updating the information. Other problems will be managed by our group manually. 7 Government College University Faisalabad 1.1.3 Economic Feasibility Career Guider requires no special technology that has some extra cost associated with it. Economically, the system can be categorized as follows:  Benefit estimates Awareness about all possible opportunities for students. More Accurate and Accessible results. Beneficial for those students who have no idea of admission The account holder of our site can also receive the alerts if any updates are done in website. 1.1.4 Schedule Feasibility The total time to complete the project is roughly six months. We have divided it into two segments. The connectivity of different modules is scheduled so the project is also feasible with respect to schedule. 1.1.5 Specification Feasibility The application is designed for students. They will use it free of cost. Required specifications of hardware and software for the completion of this project are feasible. Any operating system along with an internet connection and browser are sufficient to interact with our system. Some Non- functional requirements are also considered important which are as follows:  Security  Performance  GUI  Scalability 1.1.6 Information Feasibility For this Career Guider application we build a crawler that will gather information from required websites .Other information about whole project and its requirements will be gathered by our team. 1.1.7 Motivational Feasibility This website will motivate our users in deciding their future and further admissions in universities. 8 Government College University Faisalabad 1.1.8 Legal & Ethical Feasibility This project supports legally and ethically to all users .We provides our disclaimer and our privacy policy to users. This warranty gives them specific legal rights and they may also have other legal rights for this application. 1.2 Project/Product Scope There are three main parts of project scope; time, money and people. There may be very difficulties in our project but we are two group members, so we will divide our work and we will do our responsibilities on time and make our project very well. There is no additional expenses in our project expect field work. 1.3 CPM - Critical Path Method List of Main Activities with duration: Activity Activity Name Predecessor Duration A Planning None 4 B Project Feasibility A 2 C Project Costing B 2 D Vision document B 2 E Risk Identification B 2 F Requirement Engineering C,D,E 10 G Detail Analysis F 25 H Database Design G 20 I Implementation H 80 J Testing I 25 K Approval J 5 L Deployment J 4 9 D A Start H I E F G C B L K J Endd Government College University Faisalabad Network Diagram: 10 Government College University Faisalabad 1.4 Tools and Technology with reasoning The application tools, which are to be used on front and back end of the system to be developed, are listed below. 1.4.1 Adobe Photoshop It will used for logo design and basic web designing. 1.4.2 Adobe Dreamweaver It will used for advanced web designing and development. 1.4.3 Microsoft Word Microsoft word is the word processor and would be used for documentation purposes throughout the whole project. 1.4.4Microsoft Excel Microsoft excel is spreadsheet and would be used for data analysis throughout the whole project. 1.4.5 Microsoft Project Microsoft Projects provides extensive features on project management with a prominent feature of project scheduling. Gantt charts, resource allocations, Critical path can all be managed through this tool. This would be used as a project management tool throughout the whole project. 1.4.6 Microsoft visual studio Microsoft visual studio is the free development software which supports desktop/web development in a friendly environment .This tool would be used in the coding phase of proposed project. 1.4.7 Smart Draw Smart Draw a tool for modeling different diagrams which would be addressed during analysis and design phases of the project. 1.4.8 Project Modeling Rational Rose and Microsoft Visio are to be used to draw use cases with different perspectives as they support the language of Rational Unified Process (RUP). Use case diagram, Data Flow Diagram (DFD), domain model and all other OOAD analysis and design diagrams are supported. 11 Government College University Faisalabad 1.5 Vision Document This section highlights the vision for Project Career Guider being developed 1.5.1 Problems  Student does not know all the possible opportunities and criteria’s for admission on time  All information are not available on one platform  It is overhead to update on the time and inform disconnectivity of internet 1.5.2 Successful Solution Following solution is proposed to solve the problems mentioned above:  Survey should be conducted from the student to understand the requirement  We will provide uploads/Litterature/ career-guide 5 .pdf

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