Alienvault installation guide

AlienVault Installation Guide AlienVault LC - S Bascom Avenue Suite Campbell CA T - info AlienVault com wwww alienvault com CJuan Manuel Lorenzo jmlorenzo alienvault com Version Copyright ? AlienVault All rights reserved No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and publisher Any trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective holders AlienVault LC - S Bascom Avenue Suite Campbell CA T - info AlienVault com wwww alienvault com CAlienVault Table of Contents Introduction About this Installation Guide AlienVault Professional SIEM What is AlienVault Professional SIEM Basic Operation Components Detector Collector SIEM Logger Web interface Before installing AlienVault Installation Pro ?les Sensor Server Framework Database All-in-one Overview of the AlienVault installation procedure Automated Installation Custom Installation What you will need Professional Key Role of the installed system Network con ?guration for the Management Network card Requirements Hardware requirements Network requirements Obtaining AlienVault Installation Media Downloading the installer from AlienVault Website Creating a boot CD Booting the installer AlienVault Installation Guide CAlienVault Automated Installation Network con ?guration Disk Partitioning Set up users and passwords Update the installation Custom Installation Selecting Localization Options Pro ?les con ?guration Network con ?guration Time zone con ?guration Disk Partitioning Professional Key AlienVault Con ?guration Post ?x con ?guration AlienVault Plugins con ?guration Custom installation - Server Custom installation - Sensor Custom installation - Framework Custom installation - Database Next Steps How to administrate AlienVault Professional SIEM Web Management interface SSH Passwords Con ?guration Basic System Con ?guration Changing the keyboard layout Setting the Current System Date and Time Set the date and time via NTP Changing the time zone AlienVault Basic Con ?guration Enable Disable Plugins Con ?gure Plugins Con ?gure listening interfaces Change the System Pro ?le VPN Con ?guration Network Con ?guration Setting the hostname Setting up DNS AlienVault Installation Guide CAlienVault Setting up the IP address Setting up a network card in promiscuous mode Con ?gure AlienVault local ?rewall Setting the default Gateway Network cards information Network card statistics Change the management IP address of the AlienVault Box System Management Upgrade the AlienVault System Rsyslog Con ?guration Rsyslog ?ltering Log ?le rotation Cron job management Monit Further reading and Information Upgrade AlienVault Open Source SIEM to AlienVault Professional SIEM Reporting Bugs AlienVault Website Forums IRC AlienVault Installation Guide CIntroduction About this Installation Guide This manual contains installation instructions for the AlienVault Professional SIEM It also contains pointers for more information on how to start working with AlienVault Professional SIEM once it has been deployed Basic con ?guration and operation guidelines are contained in this document to assist you in implementing and using your AlienVault SIEM As the de facto standard in the world today AlienVault has a large community of users with experience using AlienVault SIEM in virtually any type of application from compliance to operations government to

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