Conférence Internationale permanente d’Instituts Universitaires de Traducteurs
Conférence Internationale permanente d’Instituts Universitaires de Traducteurs et Interprètes CIUTI FORUM 2014 Sous le Haut Patronage de S.E. Monsieur Mauro DELL'AMBROGIO Secrétaire d’Etat à la formation, à la recherche et à l’innovation de la Confédération Suisse Pooling Academic Excellence with Entrepreneurship for New Partnerships 16th – 17th January 2014 United Nations Geneva Room XVIII Working languages: English, French Entrance free Registration mandatory under: 1 Thursday, January 16th Opening Ceremony 9:00 Hannelore LEE-JAHNKE (Honorary President CIUTI; University of Geneva, CH) 9:10 Michael MØLLER (Acting Director General, United Nations Geneva, CH) 9:25 Anne EMERY-TORRACINTA (Conseillère d’Etat, République et Canton de Genève, CH) 9:40 Break 9:45 Yves FLÜCKIGER (Vice-Rector; University of Geneva, CH) 9:55 Frank PEETERS (President of CIUTI; University of Antwerp, BE) 10:05 Marion BOERS (President FIT, ZA) 10:10 André LINDEMANN (President BDÜ, DE) 10:15 Lance HEWSON (Dean FTI, University of Geneva, CH) 10:20 Break 10.25 Valeurs et éthique: Quelle place à l’université? Salim DACCACHE (Rector, Université St. Joseph, Beyrouth, LB): 10:45 – 11:15 Coffee Break 2 Session 1 New Approaches to Demanding issues Moderation: Paul PAUWELS (KU Leuven, Antwerp, BE) 11.15 Nowe pokdenie liderów potrzebne w XXI wieku (The 21st Century in search of a new generation of leaders) Lech WALESA (Fondateur de l'institut Lech Walesa, ancien Président de Pologne, PL) 11:45 Global Gender Gap Saadia ZAHIDI (Senior Director, Head of Gender Parity and Human Capital, World Economic Forum, Geneva, CH) 11:55 Innover pour créer de la valeur sociale et économique Francine VERRIER (Directrice des relations avec la collectivité Ecole de technologie supérieure, Montréal, CA) 12:05 Les défis culturels et interdisciplinaires de la gouvernance mondiale Jean ROSSIAUD (Coordinateur du Forum pour une nouvelle gouvernance mondiale, FnGM, Geneva, CH) 12:15 60 Years FIT Jeanette ØRSTED (Executive Director of FIT) 12.25 Questions and Answers 12:30 – 14:30 Lunch Break 3 Session 2 Responsibilities of International Bodies and Institutions: Do incentives really lead to innovations? Moderation : Maurizio VIEZZI (University of Trieste, IT) 14:30 New Paradigm for Human Development: An Inter Academy Translation Panel? Ivo ŠLAUS (President, World Academy of Arts and Sciences, CRO) 14:50 Interpreting in a World of Change Linda FITCHETT (President AIIC, Brussels, BE) 15:00 La DG SCIC et ses relations avec les universités et d’autres Marco BENEDETTI (Director General, Directorate General Interpretation, European Commission, Brussels, BE) 15:10 Translating Europe Forum: DGT and its stakeholders Rytis MARTIKONIS, Directorate General for Translation, European Commission, Luxembourg, LU) 15:20 Innovations at EP's translation DG and measures of encouragement Jochen RICHTER (Head of Unit DG TRAD – Multilingualism and External Relations Unit, European Parliament, L) 15:30 Incentivizing innovation: Catalyst for progress or tool of destruction? Brian FOX (Chair, IAMLDP working grup on training, Brussels, BE) 15.40 Open for innovation or semper paratus: New roles for stakeholder organizations Wolfgang MACKIEWICZ (Former ELC President, FU Berlin, DE) 15:50 Questions and Answers 16:00 - 16:30 Break 4 Session 3 New sustainable strategies in university-, industry –, government relationships - less state, more entrepreneurship Moderation: Peter A. SCHMITT (Leipzig University, DE) 16.30 The Importance of the Dating Phase in New Partnerships John GEANEY (Global Consulting Services Portfolio Manager, Geneva, CH) 16:50 An Innovative Application-oriented Model for Training Translators and Interpreters- A Case Study of Jilin Huaqiao Univ. of Foreign Languages’ MTI Professional Degree Program. QIN He (President, Jilin Huaqiao University of Foreign Languages, Changchun, CN) 17:00 Values as a Core Competence for Future Leaders Ulrich DÖNGES (Associate Director, Supply Network Operations Asia & EMEA, Procter & Gamble, Geneva, CH) 17:10 Why Cooperation between academia and the TSP Industry is vital for the Future Success of Professional Translators Christine KAMER DIEHL (Senior Revisor & Quality Manager, CLS, Zürich, CH) 17:20 Cooperation between Universities and Translation Companies: The Perspective of a multi-language vendor François MASSION (Director D.O.G., Leonberg, DE) 17:30 A prospective Center of Translation at Princess Nourah University Hend ALSUDAIRY (Assistant Dean, Princess Nourah University Riyadh, SA) 17:40 New Technologies for Interpreter Training, Selection and Assessment Dirk VERBEKE (Sales director, Télévic Education, Kortrijk, BE) 17:50 Questions & Answers 18.00 CIUTI AWARD (Frank PEETERS, President CIUTI) 18:15 END 5 Friday, January 17th Session 4 Geopolitical changes make adaptations necessary Moderation: Alex KROUGLOV (London Metropolitan, UK) 9:00 Shanghai Free Trade Zone- Opportunities for Foreign Banks Xiaolu ZHANG (Executive Director & Special Advisor Bank Julius Baer, Zürich, CH) 9:20 Multilingual Training in a Monolingual Socio-linguistic Context : A Case-study of a Multilingual T&I Program in BISU (Wei CHENG Dean, Beijing Int. Studies University, BISU, Beijing, CN) 9:30 La post-rédaction comme objet de formation dans les nouvelles conditions géopolitiques Nikolay GARBOVSKY/Olga KOSTIKOVA (Vice-President CIUTI, Dean/Vice-Dean Lomonossov University, Moscow, RU): 9:40 Shanghai Language Service Centre-A Hub to Link the University Training with the Industry in China? Minjiong CHAI (Dean, Shanghai Int. Studies Univ., Shanghai, CN) 9:50 New Geopolitical Processes in the World: A Challenge for T/I-Training? Irina KHALEEVA (Rector, Moscow State Linguistic University, RU) 10.00 Dans l’attente du printemps, attention aux intempéries Henri AWAISS/Gina ABOU FADEL SAAD (Doyen Faculté des langues, Directrice ETIB, Université St. Joseph, Beyrouth, LB) 10:10 Korean Experience of English Policy in the age of Lingua Franca Gyo-Young BANG (Dean, Graduate School of I&T, Hankuk University Seoul, KR) 10:20 Universities as language service providers in response to societal needs Lidi WANG (Dean, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, CN) 10:30 – 10:45 Questions & Answers 10: 45 – 11:15 Coffee break 6 Session 5 Specific Needs for Global Responses in Transnational Partnerships Moderation: Nadia RODRIGUEZ (Vice-Dean University Comillias, Madrid, ES) 11:15 Les terres rares: Stratégie économique & Environnementale Bernard MORARD (Dean, Faculty of Economics, University of Geneva, CH) 11:35 Global lifestyle management bridges the cultural divide William DEVINE (CEO Devine Intervention SA, Geneva, CH) 11:45 Sharing Know-how with the next Generation Juan-Carlos JIMÉNEZ MARÍN (Director for Organization and Planning, Interpretation and Conferences in the Europ. Parliament, Brussels, BE) 11:55 Market- oriented T&I Training at the Universidad de Concepción Carolin ADAMS (Head of T&I program, Univ. de Concepción, CHI) 12 :05 La clé du succès en formation continue: Le partenariat Geneviève AUROI JAGGI (Director Continuing Education, University of Geneva, CH) 12 :15 Sustainable Values and Networking in T/I-Training as a Response to Geopolitical Changes Innara GUSEYNOVA (Dean of T&I Faculty of State Linguistic University Moscow, RU) 12:25 Digital Humanities, language Industry and Multilingualism: Global Networking and Innovation in Collaborative Methods Gerhard BUDIN (University of Vienna, A) 12:35 – 12:45 Questions & Answers 12.45 – 14:30 Lunch break 7 Session 6 Research & Innovation Need Courageous Drivers Moderation: Peter HOLZER (University of Innsbruck, A) 14:30 Computers and Brains – The Human Brain Project Richard FRACKOWIAK (Chef du dép. des Neurosciences cliniques, CHUV et co-directeur du Human Brain Project, Lausanne, CH) 15:00 Le cerveau bilingue Jean-Marie ANNONI (Chair de neurologie, Université de Fribourg, CH) 15:10 How Research informs Innovation and how Practice informs both Gauti KRISTMANSSON (University of Reykjavik, IS) 15:20 Implications of emerging Donors for Africa’s structural Transformation Shuaihua CHENG (Senior Program Officer & Managing Director of China Office (ICTSD), Geneva, CH) 15 :30 Innovative approaches to univ. research: MSLU Linguapark, a Case Study Natalya BARANOVA (Rector, Minsk State Linguistic Univ., Minsk, BY) 15:40 Measures of Human and Machine Translation: Attacking the Quality Barriers of MT Hans USZKOREIT (Scientific Director, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) Coordinator of META-NET, Berlin, DE) 15 :50 Mission spatiale CHEOPS, Les chasseurs de planètes extrasolaires Stéphane UDRY (Professeur d'Astrophysique au département d'astronomie de l'université de Genève, CH) 16:10 Questions and answers, followed by Closing ceremony Martin FORSTNER (Secretary General of CIUTI, Univ.vof Mainz, DE) Hannelore LEE-JAHNKE (Honorary President of CIUTI, University of Geneva, CH) uploads/Litterature/ ciuti-forum-draft-programme.pdf
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