Battlefield 4 elite strategy guide ebook review
C The most comprehensive walkthrough you'll ?nd for singleplayer multiplayer and co-op complete with tips tricks strategies guides videos and more which you won't ?nd anywhere else The hottest inside secrets to becoming not just a good player but the greatest player you can possibly be We'll show you how you can boost your K D ratio to in just a matter of days Ongoing support for Battle ?eld meaning it will be continuously updated with the latest info as well as all you will ever need to know and more about future DLC's and expansions BF Elite is much more than an eBook You like being in control of your games so we know you deserve to be in control of how you learn about them as well BF Elite is a Live Interactive Database ?lled to the brim with everything there is to know about Battle ?eld Your journey to the top begins with our handy Battle ?eld Bible the Companion Guide With it beside you as you play you will know what to do Cand how to do it from the opening screen to the end credits and beyond In it you will ?nd the most Complete Walkthrough of all campaign levels and all the tips tricks easter eggs secrets and more not found anywhere else online As a valued member of the BF Elite team you will have access to our Private Forum where you will ?nd other players from around the world to interact with as well as be assisted by our team of exclusive Battle ?eld experts You no longer have to ?ght alone because BF Elite has got your back Our support will save you CFrustration Stop rage quitting and allow us to relieve your stress From overcoming that tricky level you just can't get past to reminding that year old with a sailor's mouth who's boss we won't let you down Finally you can sit back and relax with no worries of breaking your K D ratio or worse your TV E ?ort No longer will you have to struggle to score a kill or defend your point as BF Elite will show you how to gain the upper hand on your enemy without even breaking a sweat You'll e ?ortlessly build scorestreaks without having to strain your ?nger muscles Time Most importantly BF Elite will save you time We all have lives so who wants to waste precious minutes doing monotonous repetitive stu ? No longer will you have to keep retrying from your last checkpoint or playing with bots to get a feel for the maps BF Elite will have you speed-running that level in no time giving you in-depth knowledge of any map instantly The bad news is that you're missing out on how this game can really be played right now Our online package helps you end your frustration and enjoy the game We have the most cutting edge techniques that pro-gamers are using to DOMINATE it right
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- Publié le Mar 06, 2022
- Catégorie Creative Arts / Ar...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 37.9kB