THE THE THE THE COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE BEGINNER’S BEGINNER’S BEGINNER’S BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO GUIDE TO GUIDE TO GUIDE TO HOLDING A HOLDING A HOLDING A HOLDING A HANDSTAND HANDSTAND HANDSTAND HANDSTAND BY LOGAN CHRISTOPHER & PROFESSOR E.M. ORLICK DISCLAIMER The exercises and advice contained within these pages may be too strenuous or dangerous for some people, and the reader should consult with a physician before engaging in them. The author and publisher of this work are not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any injury, which may occur through the use or misuse of the information presented here. THE COMPLETE BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO HOLDING A HANDSTAND All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2007 by Logan Christopher No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Published by: Logan Christopher Santa Cruz, California INTRODUCTION Thanks for downloading this Special Report on how to achieve your first free standing handstand. There are a couple places around on the internet that give a few details about how to hold a handstand, but nothing goes into full detail of every little piece you need to know. Now that has changed. Within these pages you will find everything you need to know about how to kick up into a handstand, hold it, and come down when you want. All the steps to reach that goal and get there fast are laid out. I am often asked if there really are secrets to hand balancing. Let me tell you right now. The answer is YES. These secrets can save you from days and months of frustration. I know what that is like. When I first tried holding a handstand I did not get very far. I know that if I had this report I could have cut my learning curve by at least half. I have used many of the words of Prof. E.M. Orlick from his book Hand Balancing Made Easy to help me write this report. He was a master of this craft and was able to distill his knowledge into clear writing. Mixed within his teachings are my own words to add more to the subject and help you further along. Just to ease the flow of writing there is no distinctions made between his words and mine. Here is a short bio of the Professor. E.M. Orlick was one of the most highly qualified handbalancing authorities of all time. He was a member of the world-famous "Orlick Family" which was thrilling audiences with its spectacular gymnastic feats for four generations. Members of this amazing family have been seen in action in nearly every country in the world, and have won hundreds of medals, trophies, certificates, and other awards for their outstanding performances. Besides being an outstanding handbalancer himself, Prof. E.M. Orlick also possessed exceptionally high qualifications of training and experience. He attended 7 different Universities in 2 different countries and held 5 recognized University Degrees. He taught handbalancing, gymnastics, and other physical education activities in public schools, high schools, playgrounds, YMCA's, dance studios, recreation centers, colleges and universities for many years. Still being an amateur myself I know what the most difficult tasks down this road are. Getting to the point of holding a decent handstand whenever you want will take effort. I aim to help you as best as I can. Make no mistake about it. The secrets of professionals will be revealed to you here. I will not hold anything back. I would also suggest that you read through this entire guide at least once before you even begin. As you continue to practice you should re-read the various chapters to let the ideas really sink in. Often times, when you review any instruction, you will find a passage that can help you dramatically which you passed by earlier without grasping the idea. Handbalancing use to be something that almost everyone practiced to some degree. All weightlifters had various amounts of experience, though that is far from the case today. I aim to bring hand balancing back to everyone. CHAPTER 1 - A FEW TIPS BEFORE WE BEGIN No stunt is more beautiful, more symmetrical, more eye pleasing, more attention- attracting, or more universally admired than the handstand. No stunt is more indicative of highly developed neuro-muscular coordination, controlled strength and power, and skillful daring than the handstand. No stunt is more satisfying to do, more impressive to watch, or more widely performed, than the handstand. The handstand is truly the "King Of All tricks" and probably the "grandfather" as well. For sheer psycho-somatic joy, nothing can equal that which comes from developing absolute control over your own body. There is no greater mental-physical pleasure than that which comes from being able to press into a perfect handstand and hold it without the slightest quiver. Nothing can give you a more satisfying feeling of self-confidence than that which comes from knowing that every muscle in your body, from the tip of your fingers to the tip of your toes, is eagerly waiting to obey your slightest command. A lot of spade work is necessary to become proficient at handbalancing or any other sport. No one ever became a top-notch handbalancer without a lot of mental determination as well as physical effort. There is no royal road to handbalancing. In fact, nothing worthwhile has ever been accomplished in any field whatsoever without a lot of hard work. You probably wouldn't be reading this unless you were interested in handbalancing. If you are a beginner, with ambitions of becoming an expert at this fascinating art, I would suggest that you let the above words really sink in. Make up your mind right now that you are not a wishy-washy individual, but one who sets his mind on a goal and keeps working and striving toward it until he reaches it. It requires more will- power than body-power to master a handstand so lets give the brain the right directions before we go to work on the body. So important is this matter of right mental attitude that I would strongly suggest that you take a minute right now, before you start the next chapter, to take care of this. The whole secret lies in what is called 'positive thinking'. You say to yourself: "I have made up my mind to become an expert handbalancer and nothing is going to prevent me from becoming one. I have a great deal of determination and a strong will-power and will not be discouraged by reverses or set-backs. I am positive that I will be successful because I have set my mind on success and will continue to work hard until I achieve it." Always think in terms of the improvements you have made and are making. Banish from your mind all negative thoughts such as "can't", "maybe'', "perhaps", "failure" and so forth. Think of the handstand in terms of some prize which stands at the top of a hill but which is within the reach of anyone who is willing to devote sufficient time, energy and thought. One final word before you start. Set in the habit of fighting to hold every handstand you do. This is especially important when you first start handbalancing. Most beginners get the habit of giving in. They kick into a handstand with the idea of falling out of balance. They are convinced that they can't hold the handstand even before they start. Their minds are instructing their bodies to fall out of balance. They are deliberately failing, but don't know it. To learn to hold a handstand quickly, easily and confidently you must kick into each handstand with the idea of staying there. You must think positively and act positively. You must fight each balance with all you've got. You must think yourself into a perfect handstand position and see yourself holding it without a quiver. Then you must fight with all your force to hold it. You must refuse to give in. This is the most important secret of handbalancing. I have seen many persons take ten times as long to learn a handstand as they should because they got in the habit of giving in. Often I have seen a beginner on the verge of giving in and have shouted "fight it", "don't come down", "stay there", or some such encouraging remark, and he has stayed. Perhaps he tried ten times before, falling out of balance every time, but the one time that he really fought he stayed up. \ CHAPTER 2 - HOW TO GET OUT OF A HANDSTAND We need a word or two about safety. As a beginner it is important that you practice in a wide open area. I shouldn’t have to mention that being upside-down, when you are not use to the sensation, can lead to falling down. If there are potentially painful uploads/Litterature/ guide-to-handstand.pdf

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