THE FIRST GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION IN MARINE TECHNOLOGY AND THE FUTURE OF MARITIME TRANSPORTATION 1 Template (Style Guide) for the Preparation of Electronic Full Papers for Istanbul Conference (14 pt Times New Roman, Bold) (Subtitle should be in parentheses, if needed) Author 1 (11 pt Times New Roman, Bold) Professor, ITU Maritime Faculty, (11pt Times) Author 2 (11 pt Times New Roman, Bold) Title, Affiliation, e-mail address (11pt Times) ETC… (11 pt Times New Roman, Bold) Title, Affiliation, e-mail address (11pt Times) Abstract (10 pt Times New Roman, within 200 words) This template should be used for the preparation of the ‘full papers’ for the Proceedings of Istanbul Conference. Paper should be A4 size (21.0cm by 29.7cm) and the margins are Top 2.5 cm, Bottom 2.5cm, Left 2.5cm, Right 2.5cm. Main body text is 12pt Times Roman, 1.5 spaced between the lines. Keywords: (10.5pt Times New Roman) Marine, Ocean, Sea etc. (maximum 8 words are preferable) 2 1. Title of Section (e.g. Introduction) (14 pt Times New Roman, Bold) Lorem ipsum cu pro alia ipsum iudicabit, sea quod sententiae in. Sumo probatus mandamus ea ius. An qui alii tantas oblique. Te mei dicam altera, nam graeci legimus dolorem eu. Amet autem ne per. 2. Preparation of Papers (14pt Times New Roman, Bold) 2.1 Submission of Papers (12pt Times New Roman Bold) The papers should be submitted in the form of an electronic document in ‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’ (MS-Word). 2.2 Paper Length (12pt Times New Roman Bold) The length of the full paper should not exceed more than 10 pages with this template. 2.3 Style of Writing (12pt Times New Roman Bold) The language is English and with UK spelling. Abbreviations should be spelt out in full the first time they appear and their abbreviated form included in brackets immediately after. Words used in a special context should appear in inverted a single quotation mark the first time they appear. Papers are accepted on the basis that they may be edited for style and language. The author himself/herself is responsible for the correctness of the scientific content and wording. THE FIRST GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION IN MARINE TECHNOLOGY AND THE FUTURE OF MARITIME TRANSPORTATION 3 2.4 Tables, Figures, Photographs (12pt Times New Roman Bold) Tables, figures and photographs should be embedded in your digital file. If it is not possible for you to save your graphics embedded in your paper, then save them separately using several graphic formats (GIF, BMP, JPEG with medium compression). Most native bitmap formats should be usable. All Tables, Figures and Photographs should be referenced and numbered consecutively. Tables should be numbered above; Figures and Photographs should be numbered below. 2.5 Submission of full papers (12pt Times New Roman Bold) You can submit your files through e-mail ( as attached files. Be sure to confirm the Primary author's (Presenter’s) name and his e-mail address. 2.6 File Size Limit (12pt Times New Roman Bold) The data size of the digital file is limited to 6 M-bytes. 2.7 Equations (12pt Times Bold, Inclined) Equations should be prepared in the most recent version of Word available to the author(s) or any other compatible software. F = ma (1) The equations, where they are referred to in the text, should be numbered sequentially and their identifier enclosed in parenthesis, right-side justified. The symbols, where referred to in the text, should be italicized. 4 3. Reviews, Copyright, Benefits of Paper Submission (14pt Times New Roman Bold) Full papers will undergo review by our international scientific board. Authors will be asked to sign a copyright transfer form. Reproduction of any part of the publication is not allowed elsewhere without permission from the editors whose prior publication must be cited, only in the cases that the contents issued in the material are completely the same as others submitted in other publications. The understanding is that they have been neither previously published nor submitted concurrently to any other publisher with the same contents. References (description) (14pt Times New Roman Bold) References should be collected at the end of the manuscript/paper in numerical order and set in the following order: Author surname, initials, title, publication, volume, page range, year. In the text a reference is shown by the author’s name, followed by the number in square bracket on the same line (Brebbia, C., 1993: 22), (Bratanow, T. & De Grande, G, 1985). Refer to the examples included with these instructions. Do check your final paper to ensure that references within the text correspond to the reference list at the end. The full references at the end should be listed alphabetically. THE FIRST GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION IN MARINE TECHNOLOGY AND THE FUTURE OF MARITIME TRANSPORTATION 5 References (Example) Brebbia, C.A., Telles, J.C.F. & Wrobel, L.C., Boundary Element Techniques, Springer-Verlag: Berlin and New York, pp. 11–13, 1984. Bratanow, T. & De Grande, G., Numerical analysis of normal stress in non-Newtonian boundary layer flow. Engineering Analysis, 6(2), pp. 20–25, 1985. Brebbia, C.A. & Aliabadi, M.H., (eds). Industrial Applications of the Boundary Element Method, Computational Mechanics Publications: Southampton and Boston, 1993. CEDRE, Funke, E.R., Laboratory experimental studies controlled by mini and micro-computers. Proc. of the 1 st Int. Conf. On Hydraulic Engineering Software, eds. C.A. Brebbia, C. Maksimovic & M. Radojkowic, Elsevier: Amsterdam, pp. 1–26, 1984. Nardini, D. & Brebbia, C.A., Boundary element integral formulation of mass matrices for dynamic analysis (Chapter 7). Topics in Boundary Elements Research, ed. C.A. Brebbia, Springer-Verlag: Berlin and New York, pp. 191–207, 1895. Person, A.B. Personal communication, 27 January 1998, Head of Mech. Engineering, Another University, London, UK. Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes, Physical/Chemical Methods; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Wastes, SW-846 Online. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Web Site, Washington DC,                                            uploads/Litterature/ template-style-guide-for-the-preparation-of-electronic-full-papers-for-istanbul-conference.pdf

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