Liste de faux amis ANGLAIS FRANCAIS ET NON QUI SE DIT EN ANGLAIS to abuse insul

Liste de faux amis ANGLAIS FRANCAIS ET NON QUI SE DIT EN ANGLAIS to abuse insulter abuser to take advantage to accommodate loger accommoder to prepare to achieve réaliser achever to complete actually en fait actuellement at present affluence richesse affluence rush caution prudence caution guarantee character personnage caractère nature to charge faire payer charger to load check contrôle chèque cheque close proche, serré clos closed commodity marchandise commodité convenience comprehensive complet compréhensif understanding conductor contrôleur conducteur driver confection friandise confection ready-made clothes (in)consistent (in)cohérent consistant solid, thick to contemplate envisager contempler to gaze at copy exemplaire copie reproduction countenance expression (visage) contenance capacity to deceive tromper décevoir to disappoint delay retard délai time limit to dispose se débarrasser disposer to arrange dispute conflit dispute quarrel, argument distracted fou, égaré distrait absent-minded engaged occupé engagé committed (artist) estate domaine état state, condition eventually finalement éventuellement possibly expertise compétence expertise expert's report extra supplémentaire extra first-rate fortunate chanceux fortuné wealthy, well-off gentle aimable, doux gentil nice, kind grand grandiose grand tall, big grapes raisin grappe bunch (of grapes) habit habitude habit dress, clothes hazard danger hasard chance inconvenient inopportun inconvenant improper indulge laisser aller indulgence leniency invaluable inestimable non valable invalid, not valid lecture conférence lecture reading location emplacement location renting, lease mechanic mécanicien mécanique engineering medicine médicament médecin doctor mercy miséricorde merci thanks notice avis, préavis notice note, instructions partition séparation partition (musical) score petrol essence pétrole oil, petroleum photograph photographie photographe photographer phrase expression phrase sentence positive catégorique positif definite, positive to prevent empêcher prévenir to warn proper adéquat propre clean, decent to recover se rétablir recouvrir to cover refuse déchets refus refusal to regard considérer regarder to look at relieve soulager relever to raise to resume recommencer résumer to sum up route itinéraire route road rude grossier rude rough, hard sensible raisonnable sensible sensitive socket douille socquette sock store grand magasin store blind, shade suit costume suite sequel, rest to supply fournir supplier to implore to survey examiner surveiller to supervise sympathetic compatissant sympathique nice, friendly tentative timide tentative attempt touchy susceptible touché struck, moved tour voyage, circuit tour stroll, drive, turn vacation vacances vacation session, sitting valid valable valide fit, well wagon chariot wagon carriage, car uploads/Litterature/ liste-de-faux-amis.pdf

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