www.ingenico.com 28/32, boulevard de Grenelle, 75015 Paris - France / (T) +33 (

www.ingenico.com 28/32, boulevard de Grenelle, 75015 Paris - France / (T) +33 (0)1 58 01 80 00 / (F) +33 (0)1 58 01 91 35 Ingenico – S.A. au capital de 53 086 309 € / 317 218 758 RCS PARIS LLT 5.2 User guide ICO-OPE-01834-V06 Security Tools team 2015-12-21 2/29 LLT 5.2 / 2015-12-21 Contents 1_ Global presentation ......................................................................... 3 1_1 What is new? ................................................................................................. 3 1_2 Telium file tree structure ................................................................................ 3 1_3 Declination of LLT modes .............................................................................. 4 2_ Installation ........................................................................................ 5 2_1 Configure the user language ........................................................................ 10 3_ Graphical interface presentation .................................................. 11 3_1 Definitions of terms ...................................................................................... 11 3_2 The local browser ......................................................................................... 12 3_3 The terminal browser ................................................................................... 15 3_3_1 Terminal activities ......................................................................................................... 18 3_4 Error message ............................................................................................. 18 3_5 Favorite paths .............................................................................................. 18 3_6 Plugged terminals view ................................................................................ 19 3_7 Transfer tasks view ...................................................................................... 20 3_8 Terminal observatory ................................................................................... 21 3_9 Installed components list .............................................................................. 22 3_10 File viewer ................................................................................................. 23 3_11 Actions history view ................................................................................... 24 4_ How to start a connection with the terminal ................................ 25 4_1 Perform the disconnection ........................................................................... 25 5_ Command line mode ...................................................................... 26 5_1 Command-line usage ................................................................................... 26 6_ Catalogue files format ................................................................... 29 3/29 LLT 5.2 / 2015-12-21 1_Global presentation The Local Loading Tool (LLT) is a software application that allows exchanging information and files between a PC and an Ingenico electronic payment terminal. The LLT application provides the user with an access to the terminal content and details. This tool allows to browse the terminal content, consult its characteristics, and retrieve the terminal life counters. The LLT can only run on Windows platforms. The following versions are compliant with LLT v5.2 (others versions are not officially supported): 32 bits 64 bits Windows XP Windows Vista Windows Seven Windows 8 Windows 8.1 Windows 10 For this LLT version, only one terminal connection is possible at a time. 1_1 What is new? The version 5.1 of LLT was the first version which supports Telium 1, Telium 2 and Telium Tetra. It constitutes a total renew of the previous application, including:  A fully integration into IngeDev in the form of a plugin  Offering an ergonomic standalone tool  An enhanced command-line mode, allowing easy integration with other software tools requiring capabilities of download / upload  A new communication stack without any configuration required, that highly improves the user- experience with a “ready to connect” solution The Telium USB Jungo driver is bundled with LLT installation and is required for communication operation. 1_2 Telium file tree structure The Telium Tetra file tree structure is different from Telium 1 and 2. When the LLT browses the terminal content, it works with a sand-box file system. 4/29 LLT 5.2 / 2015-12-21 / Telium 1 and Telium 2 file tree Directory Description /HOST The parameters files must be downloaded into this directory. This directory is called “import” in Telium Tetra terminals. /SWAP The signed applications and components files must be downloaded into this directory. This directory is called “package” in Telium Tetra terminals. All files downloaded in the “/SWAP” directory will be checked after changing the activity or after disconnecting the LLT connection. A “Bad signature” error could appear if the component is not properly signed. / Telium Tetra file tree Directory Description /config Contains the configuration files of the terminal. /export This directory receives the non-sensible files from applications in the terminal. These files aim to be locally uploaded for further analysis. /import The parameters files must be downloaded into this directory. This directory is called “HOST” in Telium 1 and Telium 2 terminals. /log Contains system and applications logs files. /package The application package files must be downloaded into this directory. This directory is called “SWAP” in Telium 1 and Telium 2 terminals. All files downloaded in the “/package” directory will be checked after disconnecting the LLT connection. An “INVALID_SIGNATURE” error could appear if the package is not properly signed. Thus, this incorrect package must be manually deleted from the “/package” directory. If the package check passes when the terminal is disconnected, the package is installed into the terminal. 1_3 Declination of LLT modes The LLT application can be used through three modes:  Standalone application  Command-line mode  Perspective and plug-in integration into IngeDev The standalone application and the “Local Loading Tool” perspective in IngeDev are identical. 5/29 LLT 5.2 / 2015-12-21 2_Installation Launch the “LLT_setup.exe” program and follow the installation steps. With Windows Vista, Seven or 8, the following message could appear: Click “Yes”. Choose your language in the combo-box and click “OK”. Click “Next” to continue. 6/29 LLT 5.2 / 2015-12-21 Accept the agreement, and click “Next”. Choose the destination path for the LLT installation and click “Next”. 7/29 LLT 5.2 / 2015-12-21 The list of supported terminal by the Telium USB Jungo driver is displayed for information. Select the check-box if you want to install this driver. Click “Next” to continue. Select the shortcut location in the Start menu. Then click “Next”. 8/29 LLT 5.2 / 2015-12-21 Select whether you want a LLT desktop icon and click “Next” to continue. This screen summarizes the installation process: Click “Install” to start the copy of required LLT files. www.ingenico.com 28/32, boulevard de Grenelle, 75015 Paris - France / (T) +33 (0)1 58 01 80 00 / (F) +33 (0)1 58 01 91 35 Ingenico – S.A. au capital de 53 086 309 € / 317 218 758 RCS PARIS The installer window shows the files copy progression. The installation of the Telium USB Jungo driver may take a few minutes. During this period of time, the progress bar may not be progressing. A report message confirms the driver is correctly installed. 10/29 LLT 5.2 / 2015-12-21 At the end of the installation process, this installer window confirms the installation is completed, and proposes to launch LLT. Click “Finish” to close the installation program. 2_1 Configure the user language By default, the user interface is in the same language as the current operating system. There are two ways to change to another language. In the shortcut properties, append to the command-line -nl en (to force English) or -nl fr (for French) as following: In order to apply the same language for all, create a file named jllt.ini in the installation directory of the LLT, with the following content: -vmargs -Duser.language=fr 11/29 LLT 5.2 / 2015-12-21 3_Graphical interface presentation The LLT can be used as standalone application or integrated in IngeDev via the “ Local Loading Tool” perspective. In order to launch the standalone mode, click on the LLT shortcut on your desktop or in the Start menu. If you use Windows Vista, Windows Seven or Windows 8, you may be prompted to confirm the LLT execution (by User Account Control). Click “Yes” to accept. / LLT perspective overview The main view of the LLT software presents 2 parts:  The left side represents the local view of the PC  The right side is mainly related to terminals: it displays the list of available terminal devices, the terminal browser and its corresponding files transfers 3_1 Definitions of terms  In this document is mentioned “local browser” and the “terminal browser”. If the single term “browser” is used, it can refer either to the “local browser” or the “terminal browser”.  An “item” designates a file or a directory in the browser. A “catalogue file” refers a list of files to be loaded. This particular file is used to ease downloads for Telium 1 and Telium 2 products (see “6_Catalogue files format” for more details).  A “container file” is a file that contains files or refers a list of files. For the moment, only the catalogue files are handled as container files. 12/29 LLT 5.2 / 2015-12-21 3_2 The local browser The Local browser view is usually displayed on the left side. It displays the computer drives content and eventually mapped network drives. Full context menu: 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 4 10 9 12 12 13 14 15 24 24 13/29 LLT 5.2 / 2015-12-21 / Legend # Element Description Action / details 1 Path bar Display the path of the current directory displayed in the browser. Change the path bar value to directly browse the input path. Validate your input by pressing the Enter key, or leave focus from the path bar. The path bar is case-sensitive. 2 Tree panel The tree panel of the browser displays:  Only the directory and the container files, if the detail panel is shown;  All files and directories, if the detail panel is hidden. Select a directory or a container file in order to view its content, or to execute an action on it. If files are present, actions on files are also available. 3 Detail panel The detail panel of the browser provide more information about files of the selected directory or container file (in the tree panel). Select one (or more) file or directory for details, or to execute uploads/Litterature/ llt-user-guide 1 .pdf

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