ACI Engineering Page 1 09/17/2010 Metrication Conversion Guide for 318M and 318
ACI Engineering Page 1 09/17/2010 Metrication Conversion Guide for 318M and 318S Note: Based on IEEE/ASTM SI 10-2002 document 1a. LENGTH 1 in. = 25.40 mm Rules: 2. Orange shading: equivalence number for ACI 318M document. in.-lb Units [in.] 1/4 6.35 6.4 6 3/8 9.53 9.5 10 1/2 12.70 13 13 5/8 15.88 16 16 3/4 19.05 19 20 7/8 22.23 22 22 1 25.40 25 25 1 1/4 31.75 32 30 1 1/2 38.10 38 40 1 3/4 44.45 44 45 2 50.80 51 50 2 1/2 63.50 64 65 3 76.20 76 75 3 1/2 88.90 89 90 4 101.60 100 100 5 127.00 130 125 5 1/2 139.70 140 140 6 152.40 150 150 7 177.80 180 175 7 1/2 190.50 190 190 8 203.20 200 200 9 228.60 230 230 9 3/4 247.65 250 245 10 254.00 250 250 11 279.40 280 280 12 304.80 300 300 12.5 317.50 320 315 14 355.60 360 350 16 406.40 410 400 18 457.20 460 450 20 508.00 510 500 24 609.60 610 600 25 635.00 640 635 30 762.00 760 750 36 914.40 910 900 The values stated in either inch-pound or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore, each system must be used independently of the other, without combining values in any way. 1. Convert in. to mm using the factor 25.40 and round to two significant digits. 3. Change to m, when conversion reaches 1000 mm. Example 1: 1/2 in. = 0.5 x 25.40 = 12.70 à use 13 mm Conversion to SI Units [mm] Equivalent SI Units [mm] ACI 318M Units [mm] ACI Engineering Page 2 09/17/2010 1a. LENGTH CONTINUED in.-lb Units [in.] 48 1.22 1.2 1.2 50 1.27 1.3 1.3 54 1.37 1.4 1.4 60 1.52 1.5 1.5 72 1.83 1.8 1.8 120 3.05 3.0 3.0 144 3.66 3.7 3.7 1,200 30.48 30 30 1,800 45.72 46 46 1b. CRACK WIDTH 1 in. = 25.40 mm Rule: in.-lb Units [in.] 0.01 0.3048 0.30 0.30 0.02 0.4064 0.41 0.41 1c. AGGREGATE SIZE ASTM E 11 4 4 in. 100 mm 100 mm 3.5 3-1/2 in. 90 mm 90 mm 3 3 in. 75 mm 75 mm 2.5 2-1/2 in. 63 mm 63 mm 2 2 in. 50 mm 50 mm 1.5 1-1/2 in. 37.5 mm 37.5 mm 1 1 in. 25.0 mm 25.0 mm 0.875 7/8 in. 22.4 mm 22.4 mm 0.750 3/4 in. 19.0 mm 19.0 mm 0.625 5/8 in. 16.0 mm 16.0 mm 0.500 1/2 in. 12.5 mm 12.5 mm 0.375 3/8 in. 9.5 mm 9.5 mm 0.250 1/4 in. 6.3 mm 6.3 mm 0.187 No. 4 4.75 mm 4.75 mm 0.132 No. 6 3.35 mm 3.35 mm 0.0937 No. 8 2.36 mm 2.36 mm 0.0787 No. 10 2.00 mm 2.00 mm 0.0469 No. 16 1.18 mm 1.18 mm 0.0331 No. 20 0.0234 No. 30 0.0165 No. 40 0.0117 No. 50 0.0070 No. 80 0.0059 No. 100 0.0029 No. 200 Conversion to SI Units [m] Equivalent SI Units [m] ACI 318M Units [m] Convert in. to mm using the factor 25.40 and round to 2 significant digits. Example : 0.013 in. = 0.013 x 25.40 = 0.3302 à use 0.33 mm Conversion to SI Units [mm] Equivalent SI Units [mm] ACI 318M Units [mm] ACI 318M Units [mm] Approx. Size in.-lb Units [in.] Nomenclature in.-lb Units Size and Nomenclature are the Same SI Units 850 µm 850 µm 600 µm 600 µm 425 µm 425 µm 300 µm 300 µm 180 µm 180 µm 150 µm 150 µm 75 µm 75 µm ACI Engineering Page 3 09/17/2010 1d. AREA 0.09290 Rule: 5,000 464.50 460 460 1e. AREA PER UNIT LENGTH 2117 Rule: 0.10 211.70 210 210 1f. VOLUME 0.76 Rule: 50 38.23 38 38 150 114.69 110 110 1g. LOADS 1 lb = 0 kN Rule: in.-lb Units [lb] 3,000 13.34 13 13 9,000 40.03 40 40 10,000 44.48 44 44 16,000 71.17 71 71 1h. LOADS PER UNIT LENGTH 1 lb / ft = 0.01 kN / m Rule: 200 2.918 2.9 3.0 300 4.377 4.4 4.4 1,500 21.885 22 22 3,000 43.770 44 44 1 ft2 = m2 Convert ft2 to m2 using the factor 0.09290 and round to 2 significant digits. Therefore 5,000 ft2 = 5,000 x 0.09290 = 464.5 à use 460 m2 in.-lb Units [ft2] Conversion to SI Units [m2] Equivalent SI Units [m2] ACI 318M Units [m2] 1 in.2 / ft = mm2 / m Convert in2/ft to mm2/m using the factor 2117 and round to 2 significant digits. Therefore : 0.10 in.2/ft = 0.10 x 2117 = 211.7 à use 210 mm2/m in.-lb Units [in.2/ft] Conversion to SI Units [mm2/m] Equivalent SI Units [mm2/m] ACI 318M Units [mm2/m] 1 yd3 = m3 Convert yd3 to m3 using the factor 0.7646 and round to 2 significant digits. Example : 50 yd3 = 50 x 0.7646 = 38.23 à use 38 m3 in.-lb Units [yd3] Conversion to SI Units [m3] Equivalent in SI Units [m3] ACI 318M Units [m3] Convert lb to kN using the factor 0.004448 and round to 2 significant digits. Example : 16,000 lb = 16,000 x 0.004448 = 71.17 à use 71 kN Conversion to SI Units [kN] Equivalent SI Units [kN] ACI 318M Units [kN] Convert lb/ft to kN/m using the factor 0.01459 and round to 2 significant digits. Example : 1,500 lb/ft = 1,500 x 0.01459 = 21.89 à use 22 kN/m in.-lb Units [lb/ft] Conversion to SI Units [kN/m] Equivalent SI Units [kN/m] ACI 318M Units [kN/m] ACI Engineering Page 4 09/17/2010 1i. AREA LOADS 1 psf = 0.05 Rule: in.-lb Units [psf] 100 4.7880 4.8 4.8 2. TEMPERATURE Degree F = (F-32)/1.8 = Degree C Rule: 35 1.6667 2 2 40 4.4444 4 4 50 10.0000 10 10 60 15.5556 16 16 90 32.2222 32 32 95 35.0000 35 35 100 37.7778 38 38 200 93.3333 93 93 300 148.8889 150 150 400 204.4444 200 200 600 315.5556 320 320 1,500 815.5556 820 820 3. CONCRETE UNIT WEIGHT 16.02 Rule: in.-lb Units [pcf] 70 1121.40 1120 1120 90 1441.80 1440 1440 105 1682.10 1680 1680 110 1762.20 1760 1760 115 1842.30 1840 1840 120 1922.40 1920 1920 140 2242.80 2240 2240 144 2306.88 2310 2310 145 2322.90 2320 2320 150 2403.00 2400 2400 155 2483.10 2480 2480 NOTE: In SI Units the kg is a unit of mass therefore the term "unit weight" in a SI document should be "unit density." kN/m2 Convert psf to kN/m2 using the factor 0.04788 and round to 2 significant digits. Therefore : 100 psf = 100 x 0.04788 = 4.788 à use 4.8 kN/m2 Conversion to SI Units [kN/m2] Equivalent SI Units [kN/m2] ACI 318M Units [kN/m2] To convert °F to °C use the conversion above and round to the nearest degree. Except for temperatures above 212 deg F, for which the conversion is rounded to 2 significant figures). Example: 35 °F = (35 – 32)/1.8 = 1.67 à use 2 °C According to ACI style manual, the degree symbol should be used with temperature, °F and °C. in.-lb Units [°F] Conversion to SI Units [°C] Equivalent SI Units [°C] ACI 318M Units [°C] 1 lb/ft3 = kg/m3 Convert the unit weight in lb/ft3 to kg/m3 using the factor 16.02 and round to three (3) significant digits. (Show to the nearest 5 kg/m3 for values in the 'ones' digit.) Example: 144 x 16.02 = 2307 à use 2310 kg/m3 Conversion to SI Units [kg/m3] Equivalent SI Units [kg/m3] ACI 318M Units [kg/m3] ACI Engineering Page 5 09/17/2010 4a. CONCRETE STRESS 1000 psi = 6.9 MPa Rule: in.-lb Units [psi] 50 0.3448 0.34 0.35 70 0.4827 0.48 0.5 80 0.5516 0.55 0.55 100 0.6895 0.69 0.7 125 0.8619 0.86 0.9 150 1.0343 1.0 1.0 200 1.3790 1.4 1.4 225 1.5514 1.6 1.6 250 1.7238 1.7 1.7 260 1.7927 1.8 1.8 300 2.0685 2.1 2.1 400 2.7580 2.8 2.8 500 3.4475 3.4 3.5 700 4.8265 4.8 5.0 800 5.5160 5.5 5.5 1,000 6.8950 6.9 7.0 1,200 8.2740 8.3 8.3 2,000 13.7900 14 14 2,500 17.2375 17 17 3,000 20.6850 21 21 3,500 24.1325 24 24 4,000 27.5800 28 28 4,440 30.6138 31 31 4,500 31.0275 31 31 5,000 34.4750 35 35 6,000 41.3700 40 40 8,000 55.1600 55 55 10,000 68.9500 70 70 11,000 75.8450 75 75 12,000 82.7400 85 85 15,000 103.4250 105 105 4b. MODULUS OF ELASTICITY 1000 psi = 6.9 MPa Rule: in.-lb Units [psi] 29,000,000 199955 200000 200 000 Convert psi to MPa using the factor 0.006895 and round to two (2) significant digits (except for concrete stress levels 5000 psi and above round to the nearest 5 MPa - see shaded equivalents below). Example 1: 4440 psi = 4.44 x 6.894757 = 30.61 à use 31 MPa Example 2: 12,000 psi = 12 x 6.894757 = 82.737 à use 85 MPa Conversion to SI Units [MPa] Equivalent SI Units [MPa] ACI 318M Units [MPa] Convert psi to MPa uploads/Litterature/ metrication-guide.pdf
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