Modular building pack This modular building pack is intended for use by the Red

Modular building pack This modular building pack is intended for use by the Red Orchestra 2 Level design community. I hope that this will see some use in projects, or will be useful in the rapid creation of prototypes or place holders. This has also been an exercise for myself, which has helped me learn some important lessons. Included is an example map, showing how some of the meshes can be used. Feel free to use this package in your RO2 maps or projects. The package contains 80 meshes, split into these groups -Details Contains building details such as trims, pillars and window frames. It also contains damaged versions of the details. -walls Contains all the wall meshes in their intact form -walls damaged Contains damaged versions of all the wall meshes, plus damage trims. Some damaged pieces have a second variation. Wall sizes -There are several lengths of wall available: 128, 256, 512 and 768 units in length. -Each wall is 16 units thick -For walls intended for upper floor use, the walls are 180 units high -For walls intended for groundfloor use, the walls are 212 units high. This is so the mesh can intersect the terrain properly. -Obviously walls can be scaled, but with texture stretching if none uniformly. Damage Trim Sizes -Damage trims are for use around the edges of damaged walls -There are 2 damage trim set variations (But are the same size, to allow mix and match) -There are 4 sections for side trims, Bottom, Middle, top, Corner -There are trims for the tops of the walls -The bottom and top sections can be joined together with, or without, a middle section being added. -The side trims are the same height as walls -Short versions of the side 'top' trim are for use with 'corner trims' (to account for 64 unit height of corner trim) -Short Versions of the top trims are for use with the 'corner trims' (again, to account for 64 unit length of corner trim) -2 corner trim variants, one for use with 'top' side trim', and one for 'bottom' side trim. -All damage trims have a 'Mirror' Version, so textures are on correct side (more info later) Detail Sizes -details such as pillars and trims are 180 units high -Some details have bottom, middle, and top parts. (see demo map for example of use) Mesh Names The meshes are named according to the type, size and state of the mesh. For example: 'wall_512_door_groundfloor' This means the mesh is a wall (intact), that is 512 units long, has a door opening, and is for use on the groundfloor. 'wall_768_plain_upperfloor' This means the mesh is a wall (intact), that is 768 units long, but has no window or door openings. 'wall_256_windows_damage_upperfloor' This means the wall is 256 units long, has window openings, is damaged, and is for use on upper floors. Damage Trim names For example: 'Damage_trim_top_01' This means the trim is for use on the top of the walls 'Damage_trim_side_02' This means the trim is for use on the sides of walls Notes : -trims with 'Short' in the name are for use with corner trims, which join the tops and side walls trims together. (see Demo map for example of use) -Trims with 'Mirror' in the name are meshes flipped over for use opposite each other. It is not necessary to use these as the materials can be switched sides. However this may work quicker for you. Using the meshes I have provided a demo map to show the basic use of the meshes. All of the meshes snap to the grid (right click mesh, transform, snap origin to grid). All wall meshes have their origins on the corner of the mesh, this allows for easy rotation, snapping, and scaling. It also makes it easy to swap the mesh, in the static meshes properties. Wall meshes are designed to touch at inner corners (see example below) Use trims, pillars and other details to fill the gap. As for floors, you will have to use BSP or other meshes. Trim Meshes can be mixed and matched a bit as there are 2 variants, see the below images for an example. Changing Materials All wall meshes have 2 material slots, one for exterior (brick), one for interior (wallpaper, crap ect) However, The trims and the 2 wall chunks, have 3 material slots. This is for several reasons. You may want to swap the textures around rather than using the mirrored meshes included. Or you want to use the meshes indoors, so wallpaper on both sides, with the brick texture on the edge. This is not to say you cant do this with the walls with only 2 material slots, you just wont have the option to have a separate texture on the edges. How to change them If you want only one texture on the whole mesh, drag a texture from the material browser onto the mesh (quicker than the next step) If you want more than one texture on the mesh, open the meshes properties, under 'Rendering', press the green plus sign next to 'materials'. Press the plus to add more slots ( so for standard walls, 2, and for trims, 3.) Either paste in the name of a material, or find one in the content browser, select it, then hit the green arrow in the properties. Note : this may take some quick trial and error getting the right slot you want to replace. I will write a list of suitable textures, with their correct name for easy copy paste. Vertex Painting Red Orchestra 2 already has some great textures to work with. Some utilise vertex painting. This is how I have added the burn marks on the damaged walls. To use vertex painting, select a mesh, or group of meshes. Then select the vertex paint tool. Hold 'Ctrl' and then using left mouse button, you can paint over the mesh. Usually using a black colour will paint on the second texture. Personally I use either solid white or black, and then just adjust the strength of the brush to control how visible it is. There are some really awesome materials that can be used with vertex painting, such as degrading plaster. Note : If the mesh turns a solid texture instantly, switch the colour to white, or black (depending on what you had selected), and then hit the 'Fill' Button. This will leave you with the base texture, which you can then paint on. List of suggested textures (plenty more out there) Material'Environment_Mats.ENV_Brick.Brick_6_M' MaterialInstanceConstant'Props_Commissars_House.Dest_Buildings.Materials.Comm_Dest_Building_1_Brick_Master_M' Material'Environment_Mats.ENV_Brick.Brick_6_2_M' Material'Environment_Mats.ENV_Brick.Brick_4_M' MaterialInstanceConstant'ENV_Brick.Materials.Brick_4_pink_MIC' Material'Environment_Mats.ENV_Brick.Brick_4_M' Material'Environment_Mats.ENV_Plaster_Two.Interior_Plaster_Dest_Master' Final things to note Collision -Collision is applied to most detail meshes - Collision is applied to only plain walls, The level designer will have to use the same methods TWI has to create collision on walls using blocking volumes (see stock maps for example). Lightmaps - Some lightmaps are not perfect, you may notice a seam. This due to the lightmap UV's slipping off grid. - Lightmap resolutions may not be suitable for you, adjust in the properties of the mesh. Textures - Some textures do not align well where meshes join. Cover up with trims or floor pieces, use easily tiles textures, or mask with vertex painting. (I've learnt my lesson, I apologise). Endless(ish) possibilities - Go nuts, you can make all sorts of combinations, using these meshes along with stock RO2 meshes. They can be used as simple houses and apartments to industrial buildings. Optimisation - In some cases the meshes wont do well occluding objects. Use basic BSP or other meshes to do the job. You may also want to combine meshes where appropriate. Using stock Windows and window frames - the window sizes I have used don’t fit the stock windows and window frames exactly. When using these stock assets, scale them as follows: X = 0.9 Y= 1 Z= 0.926 (Blame Drecks) I hope this guide cleared a few things up. Credits: Tripwire Interactive Drecks Me uploads/Litterature/ modular-building-pack 1 .pdf

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