A Journal of Religious Art and Culture | Revue d’art et de culture religieuse 1

A Journal of Religious Art and Culture | Revue d’art et de culture religieuse 1 / 2017 Muzeul Național al Unirii, Alba Iulia museikon https://journal.museikon.ro / https://biblioteca-digitala.ro Cover, design, and editing / Couverture, conception et édition : Vladimir Agrigoroaei, Anca Crișan, Ruxandra Matache. Cover photo / Photo de couverture : Mother of God surrounded by Apostles, Joachim and Anna. Icon, first half of the 16th century, from the Greek-Catholic church in Terło (Ukraine), nowadays in the National Museum in Cracow / Mère de Dieu entourée des Apôtres, de Joachim et d’Anne. Icône de la première moitié du xvie siècle, autrefois dans l’église gréco-catholique de Terło (Ukraine), aujourd’hui dans les collections du Musée national de Cracovie (Pologne). Credits / Cliché : Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie (cf. p. 59). www.museikon.ro issn 2601 - 2200 issn-l 2601 - 2200 https://journal.museikon.ro / https://biblioteca-digitala.ro Muzeul Național al Unirii, Alba Iulia A Journal of Religious Art and Culture | Revue d’art et de culture religieuse 1 / 2017 museikon https://journal.museikon.ro / https://biblioteca-digitala.ro Scientific Committee / Conseil scientifique : Chairman / Président : acad. Marius Porumb Institutul de Arheologie şi Istoria Artei (Institute of Archaeology and Art History), Cluj-Napoca (ro) Members / Membres : Ioan-Ovidiu Abrudan – Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” (“Lucian Blaga” University), Sibiu (ro) Henrik von Achen – Universitetsmuseet i Bergen (University Museum in Bergen), Bergen (no) Vlad Bedros – Universitatea Naţională de Arte, Bucureşti (National University of Arts) / Institutul de Istoria Artei „George Oprescu” (“George Oprescu” Institute of History of Arts), Bucharest (ro) Cristina Bogdan – Universitatea din Bucureşti (University of Bucharest), Bucharest (ro) Emanuela Cernea – Muzeul Naţional de Artă al României (National Art Museum of Romania), Bucharest (ro) Constantin Ciobanu – Institutul de Istoria Artei „George Oprescu” (“George Oprescu” Institute of History of Arts), Bucharest (ro) Waldemar Deluga – Uniwersytet Kardynała S. Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie (University “Cardinal S. Wyszyński”), Warsaw (pl) / Ostravská univerzita (Ostrava University), Ostrava (cz) Daniel Dumitran – Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” (“1st December 1918” University), Alba Iulia (ro) Claudio Galderisi – Centre d’Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale, Poitiers (fr) Elena Genova – Институт за изследване на изкуствата (Institute of Art Studies), Sofia (bg) Branka Ivanić – Народни музеј Србије (National Museum of Serbia), Belgrade (rs) Mirosław Piotr Kruk – Uniwersytet Gdański (University of Gdańsk) / Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie (National Museum of Cracow), Cracow (pl) Nagy Marta – Debreceni Egyetem (University of Debrecen), Debrecen (hu) Dragoș Năstăsoiu – Central European University / Közép- európai Egyetem, Budapest (hu) Jan Nicolae – Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” (“1st December 1918” University), Alba Iulia (ro) Darko Nikolovski – Национален конзерваторски центар (National Conservation Center), Skopje (mk) Ovidiu Olar – Romanian Academy. „Nicolae Iorga” Institute of History, Bucharest (ro) Kirill Posternak – Музей архитектуры имени А. В. Щусева (Schusev State Museum of Architecture), Moscow (ru) Vera Tchentsova – UMR Orient et Méditerranée (Monde byzantin), Paris (fr) / Maison française d’Oxford (fr, uk) Miša Racocija – Завод за заштиту споменика културе Ниш (Institute for Cultural Heritage Preservation), Niš (rs) Sarkadi Nagy Emese – Keresztény Múzeum (Christian Museum), Esztergom (hu) Szilveszter Terdik – Iparművészeti Múzeum (Museum of Applied Arts), Budapest (hu) Dumitru Vanca – Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” (“1st December 1918” University), Alba Iulia (ro) Marina Vicelja-Matijašić, Sveučilište u Rijeci (University of Rijeka), Rijeka (hr) Cécile Voyer – Centre d’Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale, Poitiers (fr) Veneta Yankova – Шуменски университет „Епископ Константин Преславски” (“Constantine of Preslav” University of Shumen), Shumen (bg) Publishing Director / Directeur de la publication : Gabriel Tiberiu Rustoiu Muzeul Naţional al Unirii (National Museum of the Union), Alba Iulia (ro) Senior Editors / Secrétaires de rédaction : Ana Dumitran Muzeul Naţional al Unirii (National Museum of the Union), Alba Iulia (ro) anadumitran2013@gmail.com Vladimir Agrigoroaei Centre d’Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale, Poitiers (céscm) / cnrs (fr) vladimir.agrigoroaei@gmail.com Assistant editors / Secrétaires de rédaction adjoints : Dragoș Ursu – Muzeul Naţional al Unirii (National Museum of the Union), Alba Iulia (ro); Ileana Sasu – Centre d’Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale (céscm), Poitiers (fr); Ioana Ursu – Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai (Babeș-Bolyai University), Cluj-Napoca (ro); Oliviu Botoi – Arhiepiscopia Ortodoxă Română a Alba-Iuliei (Romanian Orthodox Archbishopric of Alba Iulia), Alba Iulia (ro). Language Consultants / Superviseurs linguistiques : Nicolae Roddy – Creighton University, Omaha (us) - English; Cinzia Pignatelli – Centre d’Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale, Poitiers (fr) - Français; Dan Cepraga – Università degli Studi di Padova, Padova (it) - Italiano. https://journal.museikon.ro / https://biblioteca-digitala.ro https://journal.museikon.ro / https://biblioteca-digitala.ro https://journal.museikon.ro / https://biblioteca-digitala.ro 7 Museikon, Alba Iulia, 1, 2017, p. 7-10 | Dear reader, everything has been said – and has been for a long time – about the conditions that lead to the creation of a new journal. Everything we have to say on the matter would be but a replication, but this is by no means a reason why we should bow out of talking to you. Why a new journal when the scientific world has become oversaturated with publications of this kind? We will not hide the fact that, first and foremost, we wanted to pro- vide scientific emphasis to a newly created museum. Because the museum in Alba Iulia is a museum dedicated to icons, it is naturally expected that its journal be built around icons: hence a journal bearing the same name. You are however aware, dear reader, that icons are too periph­ eral a research topic to be able to fuel an entire journal. Such a journal, focusing on local, Romanian aspects, would not have been the best choice. We needed another approach. In order to open this journal to a broader range of re- search topics, we thought it seemed appropriate to focus on the main research theme of the museum. Since the icon itself is the link between art and religious text, a window on the sacred, it cannot be denied that it was born somewhere between the realm of the word and the realm of the vision. It has written sources, it follows mural paintings. Most icons are related to hymnody, and therefore be- long to a lyrical art of sorts. Historiated icons however are more akin to the epic genre of hagiography. Others are closer to illuminations, to sermons, to the Scripture, to exegesis or to the history of the church. Mural paintings or embroideries are all icons as well. The relationship with the Biblia pauperum is evident as well. Finally, the icon may be considered from an anthropological perspective. There is therefore ample reason to look towards a larger convergence of research fields towards a global vision of the history of religious culture, with the icon as a starting point. However, it is worth mentioning that Romania has never had a journal covering all the fields of ancient cultures – if we are to follow this logic. In Romania, art history is generally linked to history or archaeology, but not with literature. It so happens that as far as religious studies are concerned, the relationship between images and sacred texts is infinitely more important that factual history, albeit social or economic. To this is added the isolation of Romanian philology, although other means of com­ munication between disciplines do exist, but they remain largely unexplored. With this in mind, it is quite fortunate that the museum in Alba Iulia hosts – among others – a collection of ancient books. We have thus made the following choice for the Museikon journal: make it so that Tout est dit, cher lecteur, et depuis fort longtemps, sur les conditions qui mènent à la création de nouvelles revues. Tout ce que nous pourrons vous dire à cet égard ne serait qu’une répétition, mais nous n’avons pas pour cela renoncé à causer un moment avec vous. À quoi bon une nouvelle revue dans un paysage scienti­ fique devenu de plus en plus saturé de publications de ce type ? Nous ne vous cachons pas qu’il s’agit premièrement d’apporter du poids scientifique à un musée nouveau-né. Puisque ce musée d’Alba Iulia est un Musée de l’Icône, il est tout à fait attendu que sa revue soit constituée autour des icônes – une revue portant le même nom. Néanmoins, vous savez aussi que les icônes composent un thème trop périphérique pour pouvoir alimenter une revue entière. Une revue hyper spécialisée, concentrée sur les aspects locaux, roumains, n’était donc pas le meilleur choix à faire. Il fallait une autre sorte de revue. Pour ouvrir cette revue à une thématique plus large, il nous est paru convenable de regarder l’objet principal de recherche du Musée. L’Icône même étant un reliant de l’art et du texte religieux, une fenêtre vers le Sacré, nul ne peut nier qu’elle est construite à la limite entre la parole et la vision. Elle a ses sources écrites, elle suit les peintures murales. La plupart des icônes se manifestent en rapport avec l’hymnodie, elles appartiennent à une sorte d’art lyrique. Cependant les icônes historiées ont des rapports avec un genre épique, l’hagiographie. D’autres se rapprochent des enluminures, des sermons, de l’Écriture Sainte, de l’exégèse ou de l’histoire de l’Église. Les peintures uploads/Litterature/ museikon-journal-religious-art-culture-01-2017.pdf

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