Plato Bibliography 2008-2009 by Luc Brisson with the assistance of Michael Chas
Plato Bibliography 2008-2009 by Luc Brisson with the assistance of Michael Chase and Frédéric Plin, CNRS Paris Bibliographie Platonicienne 2008-2009 par Luc Brisson avec la collaboration de Michael Chase et Frédéric Plin, CNRS Paris Plato Bibliography 2008-2009 2 This bibliography, based on a Lustrum-type model, consists of two lists: a list of the editions and translations of Plato's works, and a list of titles of studies on Plato and his works, arranged according to the alphabetical order of their author's name. These lists are preceded by a complete directory of sources – periodicals, proceedings, studies in honor of and collections – enabling the reader to precisely locate all listed articles. This bibliography does not, however, include commentaries, a directory of critical reviews nor an analytical Index. Nonetheless, we trust that in its present state this work will prove useful to the members of the International Plato Society. Our goal, that of my assistant and myself, was twofold: establish the most complete and accurate list of works, published in 2006 and 2007 on Plato and his works; take into account all those earlier studies not mentioned in the International Plato Society's previous bibliographies. We hope these directions in English will simplify the use of this bibliography produced in French. We would like to express our gratitude to Michael Chase, who allowed us to consult the proofs of volume 76 of l'Année Philologique, to Tomoko Hatano and to Filip Karfík who respectively provided us with a bibliography of works on Plato published in Japanese and in Tcheq for 2008-2009.We would like to thank Michel Christiansen and Wilfried Kühn for checking the accuracy of the references. Any mistakes published, however, remain our responsibility. We gratefully receive any comments or corrections our readers might suggest. We trust as well that the next edition of that bibliography will follow as scheduled. N.B. For ancient Greek, we have used the following system of translitteration. Greek letters are written in Roman letters according to this system: eta = e; omega = o; dzeta = z; theta = th; xi = x; phi = ph; khi = kh; psi = ps. Iota subscript is written after the letter (for exemple ei, but if is an alpha (which in this case only is a long vowel) with a subscript iota = ai), rough breathings are written as h, and smooth breathings are not noted. All accents are noted. Table of Contents – Tables des Matières Sources Periodicals = Périodiques ................................................................................................. 03 Proceedings = Congrès (Actes de) ................................................................................... 06 Studies in honor of = Mélanges....................................................................................... 08 Collections of articles = Recueils ..................................................................................... 09 Plato and his works. Editions and translations = Éditions et traductions Complete works = Œuvres complètes .............................................................................. 11 Selected Works = Œuvres choisies .................................................................................. 11 Individual works = Œuvres particulières.......................................................................... 11 Divers = Miscellaneous .................................................................................................... 12 Studies on Plato and his works = Travaux d'interprétation sur Platon et ses œuvres ........... 13 Bibliographie Platonicienne 2008-2009 3 PERIODIQUES AALig Atti della Accademia Ligure di Scienze e Lettere, Genova. ABG Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte, Bonn. AC L'Antiquité Classique, Bruxelles. AClass Acta Classica. Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa, Pretoria. Aevum Rassegna di Scienze storiche, linguistiche e filologiche, Milano. Aevum (ant) Aevum Antiquum, Milano. AFLPer (filos) Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Perugia. AGPh Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, Berlin. AION (filol) Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli. Sezione filologico-letteraria, Napoli. AncPhil Ancient Philosophy, Pittsburg. Annals of Ethics Rinrigaku-Nenpo, The Japanese Society for Ethics, Tokyo. Apeiron Publ. by the Dept. of Philosophy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Archê Annual Review of the Kansai Philosophical Association, Kyoto. ArchPhilos Archives de Philosophie. Recherches et documentation, Paris. Ariadne Revue de la Société de Philosophie, Rethymnon, Crète. Arion A Journal of Humanities and the Classics, Boston [Mass.]. ASAA Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene et delle Missione Italiane in Oriente, Padova. ASHF Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, Madrid. ASMG Atti e Memoria della Società Magna Grecia, Roma. Athenaeum Studi periodici di Letteratura e Storia dell’Antichità, Pavia. AZP Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie, Allgemeine Gesellschaft für Philosophie in Deutschland, Stuttgart. BAB Bulletin de la Classe des Lettres et des Sciences morales et politiques, Académie royale de Belgique, Bruxelles. Cahiers d'Études Lévinassiennes Organe de l'Institut d'Études Lévinassiennes, Paris. Circe Circe: de clásicos y modernos. Santa Rosa : Universidad Nacional de la Pampa, Instituto de Estudios Clássicos. CJ The Classical Journal, [Va.]. ConnHell Connaissance Hellénique, Université de Provence, Faculté des Lettres, Aix-en- Provence. CQ Classical Quarterly, Oxford. CT Les Cahiers de Tunisie. Revue de Sciences humaines, Tunis. Doispontos Revista do Departamentos de Filosofia da Universidade Federal do Paraná e da Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brésil. Eikasmos Quaderni bolognesi di filologia classica, Bologna. Elenchos Riv. di studi sul pensiero antico, Roma / Napoli. EPh Études Philosophiques, Paris. Études Platoniciennes Publication annuelle de la Société d'Études Platoniciennes, Paris. FČ Filozofický časopis, Bratislava. FZPhTh Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie, Freiburg en Suisse. GCFI Giornale critico della filosofia italiana, Firenze. GFA Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft, Göttingen. Gymnasium Zeitschrift für Kultur der Antike und humanistische Bildung, Heidelberg. HEL Histoire, Épistémologie, Langage, Paris. Plato Bibliography 2008-2009 4 Hermathena A Trinity College Dublin Review, Dublin. Hermes Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie, Wiesbaden / Stuttgart. Historia Philosophiae Tetsugakushi, The Society of Philosophy of Tokyo Metropolitan University. Hormos Quaderni dell'Istituto di Storia Antica dell'Università di Palermo, Palerme. HSPh Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Cambridge [Mass.]. Hyperboreus Studia Classica, St. Petersburg. Ilu Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones, Universidad Complutenses, Madrid. JCS Journal of Classical Studies, Kyoto. JHS The Journal of Hellenic Studies, London. Kriterion Revista de Filosofia, Departamento de Filosofia da Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte. Lexis Poetica, retorica e comunizazione nella tradizione classica, Amsterdam. LF Listy Filologické, Prague. Logos (Madrid) Anales del Seminario de Metafísica, Madrid. MEG Medioeovo Greco, Rivista di Storia e Filologia Bizantina, Alexandrie. Métis Revue d'Anthropologie du Monde grec ancien: philologie, histoire, archéologie, Paris. Methodos A Journal for Ancient Philosophy, The Kodai Tetsugaku Kennkyu (The Society of Ancient Philosophy, at Kyoto University) Mnemosyne Bibliotheca Classica Batava, Leiden. Mouseion Journal of the Classical Association of Canada, Calgary. MUSJ Mélanges de l'Université St. Joseph, Beyrouth. OSAPh Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Oxford [UK]. Paideia Rivista letteraria di informazione bibliografica, Brescia. Parnassos Filologikos Syllogos Parnassos, Athènes, Grèce. PDJ Politisches Denken Jahrbuch, Berlin. PF The Philosophical Forum, A philosophical quarterly, Oxford. Ph&PhenR Philosophy and Phenomenological research, Providence [R.I]. PhilInq Philosophical Inquiry: International Quarterly, Athènes. Philologus Zeitschrift für antike Literatur und ihre Rezeption, Berlin. PhilosAnt Philosophie antique: problèmes, renaissances, usages, Villeneuve d'Ascq. Philotheos International Journal for Philosophy and Theology, Niksic, Montenegro. Phronesis A Journal of ancient Philosophy, Assen. PlA Philosophiegeschichte und logische Analyse, Paderbonr. Praesentia Revista Venezolana de Estudios Clásicos, Departemento de Lenguas y Literaturas Clásicas, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela. Prometheus Rivista Quadrimestrale di Studi classici, Firenze. PLR Pepperdine Law Review, Pepperdine University School of Law, Malibu [CA] QS Quaderni di Storia, Bari. QUCC Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica, Pisa. REA Revue des Études Anciennes,Talence Reflexe Revue de philosophie et de théologie, Prague. REG Revue des Études Grecques, Paris. RFC Revista Filosófica de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal. Rhizai A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science, Sofia, Bulgaria. RhM Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, Frankfurt am Main. RMeta Review of Metaphysics, Cath. Univ. of America Press, Washington. RPhA Revue Philosophique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve. RPHLE Revista Portuguesa de História do Livro e da Ediçáo, Lisbonne. RSQ Rhetoric Society Quarterly, University Park [Pa.]. Bibliographie Platonicienne 2008-2009 5 Salesianum Periodicum internationale trimestre editum a professoribus Pontificiae Studiorum Universitatis Salesianae, Roma. SCO Studi Classici e Orientali, Pisa. SemRom Seminari Romani di Cultura Graeca, Roma SJPh The Southern Journal of Philosophy, Memphis [Tenn.]. SMU Studi Medievali e Umanistici, Roma. StudClas Studii Clasice, Bucarest. StudPhil Studia Philosophica, Berne, Suisse. TAPhA Transactions of the American Philological Association, Philadelphia [Pa.]. W&D Wort und Dienst, Jahrbuch der kirchlichen Hochschule Bethel, Bielefeld. WS Wiener Studien. Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie, Patristik und lateinische Tradition, Wien. WüJbb Würzburger Jahbücher für die Altertumswisswennschaft, Würzburg. ZPE Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, Bonn. Plato Bibliography 2008-2009 6 Congrès Athénée et les fragments d'historiens – Athénée et les fragments d'historiens, Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg [16-18 juin 2005], Dominique Lenfant (ed.), Paris (de Boccard) 2007, 474 p. Congreso andaluz de estudios clásicos IV – Las raíces clásicas de Andalucía : actas del IV congreso andaluz de estudios clásicos, Miguel Rodríguez Pantoja (ed.), Córdoba (Publicaciones Obra Social y Cultural Cajasur) 2006, 2 vol. (1 083 p.) Illustrations [Colección mayor]. Epik durch die Jahrhunderte = Epik durch die Jahrhunderte, Internationale Konferenz Szeged 2.-4. Oktober 1997, hrsg. von Ibolya Tar (Szeged) and József Attila (Tudományegyetem), 1998, 225 p. Illustrations [Acta Universitatis de Attila József nominatae. Acta antiqua et archaeologica 2]. Eros – Eros : zur Ästhetisierung eines (neu)platonischen Philosophems in Neuzeit und Moderne. Beiträge des 29. Deutschen Romanistentags vom 25.-29. September 2005 in Saarbrücken hrsg. von Maria Moog-Grünewald, Heidelberg (Winter) 200, VIII-226 p. Illustrations [Neues Forum für allgemeine und vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft 32]. 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