Loyola Marymount University l Career Development Services l University Hall, Su
Loyola Marymount University l Career Development Services l University Hall, Suite 1300 l 310.338.2871 What is a resume? A resume is a snapshot of yourself on paper. It is a brief presentation that summarizes your skills, interests, and abilities. The purpose of your resume is usually to get an interview. It is a method of advertising and emphasizing your most marketable skills. When designing your resume, make each section and statement positive and straight to the point. Essential checklist before sending your resume to anyone!! ü Proofread, proofread, proofread. ü Grammar check & spell check. ü Don’t make the employer work; use an inviting and easy-to-read format and font. ü Font size should be between 10 pt and 12 pt. ü Utilize the whole page (8 ½ x 11). Adjust your margins between 0.5 and 1.0 inches. ü Use light colored paper; it is usually perceived as more positive and professional. Methods for creating a presentable resume If you are using Microsoft Word to create your resume, the following table will assist you in adding a unique and creative look to catch the eye of the employer. Bullet Points (l) SMALL CAPS Tabs Margins 1. Select insert 1. Highlight text that will be small caps 1. Select Format 1. Select File 2. Select symbol 2. Select Format 2. Select Tabs 2. Select page setup 3. Select font wingings 3. Select Font 3. Adjust default to 0.5” to 1.0” 3. Adjust all margins to 0.5” to 1.0” 4. Select desired symbol 4. Select small caps 4. Select OK 4. Select OK 5. Select insert 5. Select OK 6. Select close 7. Copy and paste bullet when needed (this method allows you to manipulate the size and location of the bullet) Resume Guide Would your resume stand out in this stack of papers? When and how do I indicate my salary history? Trends are showing that many companies are requesting salary history. Usually this information can be stated in the cover letter. Some people will list their previous and current salary range together. For example ~ My previous and current positions have ranged from $26k to $34K annually. Action Verbs Transferable skills encompass all fields. Make sure to review all verb categories before selecting your word. Skills Management Communication Teaching Clerical & Detail Technical Administered Addressed Adapted Approved Assembled Analyzed Arbitrated Advised Arranged Built Anticipated Arranged Clarified Catalogued Calculated Assessed Authored Coached Classified Computed Attained Confronted Communicated Collected Designed Chaired Conveyed Coordinated Compiled Devised Contracted Corresponded Developed Dispatched Engineered Controlled Developed Enabled Distributed Fabricated Consolidated Directed Encouraged Executed Installed Coordinated Drafted Evaluated Generated Maintained Delegated Edited Explained Implemented Operated Developed Enlisted Facilitated Inspected Overhauled Directed Formulated Guided Monitored Programmed Enforced Influenced Incorporated Operated Remodeled Evaluated Interpreted Informed Ordered Repaired Executed Lectured Initiated Organized Solved Expanded Liaison Inspired Processed Trained Fixed Listened Instructed Purchased Upgraded Improved Mediated Mentored Recorded Increased Moderated Observed Retrieved Financial Initiated Motivated Persuaded Screened Organized Negotiated Set Goals Specified Administered Oversaw Persuaded Stimulated Supported Allocated Perceived Promoted Tutored Systemized Analyzed Planned Publicized Tabulated Appraised Prioritized Reconciled Creative Transcribed Audited Produced Recruited Transferred Balanced Recommended Spoke Acted Validated Calculated Reported Translated Conceptualized Computed Resolved Wrote Created Developed Reviewed Designed Estimated Scheduled Research Developed Forecasted Screened Directed Managed Selected Clarified Established Marketed Strengthened Collected Fashioned Planned Supervised Critiqued Founded Projected Troubleshot Delivered Illustrated Researched Determined Instituted Sold Diagnosed Integrated Evaluated Introduced Examined Invented Explored Memorized Extracted Originated Gathered Performed Identified Planned Inspected Revitalized Interviewed Shaped Investigated Sketched Organized Reviewed Studied Summarized Surveyed Systemized Loyola Marymount University JASON R. JOHNSON 1234 Park Avenue l Los Angeles, CA 90045 l 310.338.1234 l jjohnson@lmu.edu OBJECTIVE To obtain the Development Coordinator position at International Red Cross which will allow me to utilize my community service experience and creative skills. STRENGTHS l Five years of community service experience interacting with various populations l Highly organized with excellent verbal and written communication skills l Bilingual ~ English and Spanish COMPUTER SKILLS l Microsoft Excel l WordPerfect l Internet l IBM/Macintosh l Microsoft Access l Microsoft PowerPoint E DUCATION Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles, CA May 2002 Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Minor in English Relevant Coursework: Child and Adolescent Development Psychology of Race, Culture and Ethnicity Community Psychology E XPERIENCE Los Angeles Psychological Services Los Angeles, CA 2001 to Present Social Case Counselor - Intern l Counsel clients in areas of personal growth and transition l Input statistical client data for research purposes into computer database l Assist Head Counselor in family group therapy sessions Boys & Girls Club of Westchester Los Angeles, CA 1999 to 2001 Social Events Coordinator l Coordinated and executed academic activities for children l Supervised 10 volunteers from local colleges Awesome Bistro Restaurant Culver City, CA 1998 to 2000 Server l Assisted customers in selections while maintaining entertaining environment l Trained all incoming hosts and servers with regards to customer service ACTIVITIES & HONORS l Psychology Department Honors 2001 l Ignatians Service Organization 2000 to Present l Psy Chi, Treasurer 1999 to Present MAUREEN J. SPUNKBERG mspunk@dream.et.com Current Address: Permanent Address: Campus Box 23, One LMU Drive 333 Paramount Street Los Angeles, CA 90045 Burbank, CA 90222 310-338-4444 818-555-5555 OBJECTIVE A Marketing Internship with Apple Production Studios HIGHLIGHTS OF QUALIFICATIONS n Event coordination experience n Energetic n Expertise in a variety of marketing techniques n Detail-oriented n Excellent communication skills n Efficient problem-solver EDUCATION LOYOLA MARYMOUNT UNIVERSITY, Los Angeles, CA May 2002 Bachelor of Business Administration, Emphasis: Marketing, GPA: 3.89 EXPERIENCE LOYOLA MARYMOUNT UNIVERSITY, Los Angeles, CA 2000 to Present Resident Advisor n Coordinate and implement 7 major educational and social events n Develop and publicize activities ranging from 20 to 2000 participants n Monitor daily activities of resident hall to ensure overall safety and well-being of 250 resident students n Communicate ideas and proposals on a regular basis with faculty, staff and community organizations n Confront peers behavioral misconduct and created judicial conduct reports CULVER CITY COFFEE COMPANY, Culver City, CA 1999 to 2001 Barista (Shift Manager) n Created various specialty coffees based upon customer requests n Coordinated and implemented over 7 major educational and social events n Conducted sales in a fast-paced environment n Promoted to Shift Manager within 6 months n Developed more efficient inventory management system AWARDS n M & M Ponce Marketing Student of the Year Award 2001 n The Beck Scholarship for Academic Achievement 1999 COMPUTER SKILLS Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop Loyola Marymount University Cover Letter Formats Your Name Your Address City, State, Zip Date Name of Contact Person Title Organization Street Address City, State Zip Dear (Contact Person or Human Resources Representative): Opening Paragraph: Opening salvo: make it good! l Catchy opening sentence to make the reader want to continue reading. l Name of job for which you are applying. Tell how you learned about it. l Mention the name of the person (if any) who referred you to the organization and vacancy ~ preferably a colleague of the contact person Body Paragraph: Critical content section. l Acknowledge the skills required by the open position. l State the skills/strengths/highlights of qualifications you will bring to the career opportunity that parallels those needed to fulfill the position. l Give examples of your skills and work experience ~ quantified results, accomplishments, achievements ~ and how they will transfer to the job. l You may wish to build this section from several short paragraphs that separate and emphasize your skills and strengths. Closing Paragraph: Push for personal contact; interview. l Refer to documents enclosed or available, such as your portfolio with resume, reference letters, a reference sheet, and writing samples. l Assert yourself by telling the contact person you will call him/her on a designated date to set up an interview. Alternatively, state you are available for a personal interview at his/her convenience. l Make it very easy for the person to contact you: list one or two phone numbers and days and times when you can be reached. Yes, even though it’s on the resume, state it again. Sincerely, (or Respectfully, In Anticipation, Enthusiastically, etc.) Sign above your name Your Name Typed Enclosures: Resume and/or Writing Sample (list only those enclosed) Tyler Kyle Katonia 42499 Roundhill Lane Los Angeles, CA 90045 August 25, 2001 Ellen S. Glass Human Resources Director Santa Barbara Research 6789 Hitchcock Road Santa Barbara, CA 90105 Dear Ms. Glass: I am writing to you in response to the mechanical engineering position available at Santa Barbara Research, which I learned about through your Monstertrak ad on August 25, 2001. I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your review and consideration. As my resume indicates, I have earned a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Loyola Marymount University. While in school, I maintained a 3.5 GPA and worked part-time to supplement my education. Through my studies, work, and extracurricular activities, I have gained time management, organization, and excellent written and verbal communication skills. In addition, I have benefited greatly from working in team situations by demonstrating my uploads/Litterature/ resume-guide 1 .pdf
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