ISSN 1112-5020 *** A An nn na al le es s d du u P Pa at tr ri im mo oi in ne e
ISSN 1112-5020 *** A An nn na al le es s d du u P Pa at tr ri im mo oi in ne e Revue académique annuelle en libre accès dédiée aux domaines du patrimoine et de l'interculturalité 06 06 2006 2006 Publication de l'Université de Mostaganem, Algérie © Annales du patrimoine, Université de Mostaganem (Algérie) A An nn na al le es s d du u P Pa at tr ri im mo oi in ne e Revue académique annuelle dédiée aux domaines du patrimoine Editée par l'Université de Mostaganem N N° ° 6 6, , J Ju ui in n 200 2006 6 Annales du patrimoine, University of Mostaganem, Algeria N° 6, June 2006 Comité éditorial *** Directeur de la revue Mohammed Abbassa (Responsable de la rédaction) Comité consultatif Larbi Djeradi (Algérie) Slimane Achrati (Algérie) Abdelkader Henni (Algérie) Edgard Weber (France) Zacharias Siaflékis (Grèce) Mohamed Kada (Algérie) Mohamed Tehrichi (Algérie) Abdelkader Fidouh (Bahreïn) Hadj Dahmane (France) Amal Tahar Nusair (Jordanie) Correspondance Revue Annales du Patrimoine Faculté des Lettres et des Arts Université de Mostaganem Algérie Email Site web Dépôt légal 1975-2004 ISSN 1112-5020 La revue paraît deux fois par an en papier et en ligne - 4 - Normes de publication Les auteurs doivent suivre les recommandations suivantes : 1) Titre de l'article. 2) Nom de l'auteur (prénom et nom). 3) Présentation de l'auteur (son titre, son affiliation et l'université de provenance). 4) Résumé de l'article (15 lignes maximum). 5) Article (15 pages maximum, format A4). 6) Notes de fin de document (Nom de l'auteur : Titre, édition, lieu et date, tome, page). 7) Adresse de l'auteur (l'adresse devra comprendre les coordonnées postales et l'adresse électronique). 8) Le corps du texte doit être en Times 12, justifié et à simple interligne et des marges de 2.5 cm, document (doc ou rtf). 9) Les paragraphes doivent débuter par un alinéa de 1 cm. 10) Le texte ne doit comporter aucun caractère souligné, en gras ou en italique à l'exception des titres qui peuvent être en gras. 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Les opinions exprimées n’engagent que leurs auteurs. o Revue Annales du patrimoine, N° 6, 2006 ISSN 1112-5020 - 5 - Sommaire Understanding culture in FL Learning Prof. Farouk Bouhadiba 7 Langues et interculturalité dans la littérature d’Afrique francophone Dr Yves-Abel Feze 19 A linguistic analysis of MTG A spoken dialect of Arabic Souad Hamerlain 31 Revue Annales du patrimoine Revue Annales du patrimoine, N° 6, 2006, pp. 7 - 17 ISSN 1112-5020 Publié le : 15/6/2006 © Université de Mostaganem, Algérie 2006 Understanding culture in FL Learning Prof. Farouk Bouhadiba University of Oran, Algeria Abstract: Our intervention will focus on the place of English in the current linguistic market to show that this place of choice is the result, among other things, of the efforts made in the dissemination of this language throughout the world. We will also discuss the main lines of cultural programs that allow the learner to grasp cultural differences as opposed to content programs that are limited to teaching-learning structures out of context. We will end our intervention by evoking the quality of the instruction in the teaching of English in Algeria by evoking the attitude of the Student and that of the Master concerning this language. Keywords: language, English, learning, student, teaching. o Comprendre la culture dans l'apprentissage des langues étrangères Pr Farouk Bouhadiba Université d'Oran, Algérie Résumé : Notre intervention portera sur la place de l'anglais dans le marché linguistique actuel pour montrer que cette place de choix est le résultat, entre autres, des efforts consentis dans la diffusion de cette langue à travers le monde. Nous évoquerons également les grandes lignes de programmes culturels qui permettent à l'apprenant de saisir les différences culturelles par opposition aux programmes de contenu qui se limitent à l'enseignement- apprentissage de structures hors contexte. Nous terminerons notre intervention en évoquant la qualité de l'instruction dans l'enseignement de l'anglais en Algérie en évoquant l'attitude de l'Elève et celle du Maître concernant cette langue. Mots-clés : langue, Anglais, apprentissage, élève, enseignement. o The issues addressed in this paper concern primarily the understanding of the Target Language Culture (English, in this Prof. Farouk Bouhadiba - 8 - Revue Annales du patrimoine case) and how the current syllabus hinders its understanding and learning. This will contribute, we hope, to the debate on Language and Alterity that this conference is about. We shall first refer to the place of pride the English Language has in the current linguistic market which is due to the efforts dedicated primarily by language policy makers, educationalists, text-book writers, in Britain and the US. We shall also touch one or two aspects concerning the learner’s awareness of cultural differences in classroom settings in Algeria. Then, we shall draw an overall comparison between the entry profile and the exit profile of a BA holder in English prior to the eighties and after. Finally, we refer to the quality of instruction, whether and how FL culture is taught in Algerian universities and what the Learner’s and the Teacher’s attitude (s) are towards the English Language in an Algerian educational setting. Many EFL educators seem to take for granted the fact that the teaching and learning of culture is directly or indirectly part of the reading of texts and literature of the target language. Classroom activities such as written expression - with the teaching of particular transitional expressions, the use of the modals, cause-and-effect reasoning (which may not necessarily be identical in sentence structure to those of L1), achieving sentence clarity, chronological order, and the like - are often cited as sound grounds for acquiring the target culture. Conversation activities - with dialogues including idiomatic expressions and conversation in context, role-playing, mimicry, etc. - are also suggested as activities dealing in one way or another with L2 culture. Other teachers prefer light verses and sayings to introduce the students to L2 culture. Finally, Lab. Sessions - tapes and videos - are sometimes used to this end. Curriculum wise, modules such as Brit. Civ. & Lit., Am. Civ. & Lit., Third World Lit. etc. represent the official facets of cultural learning to be studied. These are spelt out in the official syllabi in Algeria. Understanding culture in FL Learning - 9 - N° 6, Juin 2006 Our observation of classroom activities indicates that there are cases where the student is sometimes made aware of cultural learning. As a matter of fact, one teacher started the classroom warm up with the cultural meaning of ‘shaking hands’ for English people and how it differs from the typical everyday shaking of hands of most Mediterranean countries. Some teachers use reading and listening comprehension teaching aids such as "Making America: the society and culture of the United States (1992), or "Landmarks of American Language & Linguistics", or even "Are You Listening" to develop their activities on L2 culture. Culture teaching and learning may also be present in physical activities such as theatre plays. This takes place if time and space allow it. The overloaded teaching programs and the absence of theatre facilities are often cited as the main causes for the lack of such activities. Some teachers are so strongly motivated for such cultural activities that they go beyond the bureaucratic and logistic hurdles and organise these cultural events even in the open air. Nevertheless, our interviews with practitioners demonstrate that even if all these pedagogical activities are well conducted, it still remains unclear to them just how cultural learning and acquisition could be achieved and what impact this has on their classroom practice. Such a reaction from the teachers is proof enough that they are all aware of the issue at stake. We shall see below that as long as the learner does not have a face-to-face contact with the natives of L2, nor does he perform actual cross-cultural communication, his motivation for culture learning may not be very strong. He often ends up as holder of a "Licence d’Enseignement de l’Anglais" who is neither competent in the actual use of English nor is he competent - culturally speaking - in L2. This is the situation of English in Algeria where contact with natives of English has been virtually nil for the past decade or so. Similarly, institutions representing L2 in the country such as the British Council, the Afro-American Council, ESP centres and the like have moved house. The satellite Prof. Farouk Bouhadiba - 10 - Revue Annales du patrimoine dish is not the answer to cultural contact and understanding, as it stands as a uploads/Litterature/ revue-annales-du-patrimoine-numero-6.pdf
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