Acpo manager guide Sponsorship Acceptance Statement This document has been generously sponsored by Safe ?? content input and the provision of design publication resources The sponsorship has been accepted by the Metropolitan Police Authority on behalf of

Sponsorship Acceptance Statement This document has been generously sponsored by Safe ?? content input and the provision of design publication resources The sponsorship has been accepted by the Metropolitan Police Authority on behalf of ACPO pursuant to Section of the Police Act The ACPO Good Practice Guide for Managers of e-Crime investigation published by Safe For more information visit www safe com ACPO Managers Guide Good Practice and Advice Guide for Managers of e- Crime Investigation O ?cial release version V Supported by www acpo police uk It gives me great pleasure to introduce this updated version of the ACPO Good Practice and Advice Guide for Managers of e-Crime Investigation I would like to congratulate all those who participated in the compilation of this useful guidance document I have held the ACPO Lead for e-Crime since April The creation of this portfolio has been in direct response to the Government and cross-party concern around the dramatic rise in e-Crime o ?ences Recent ?gures from the British Chamber of Commerce show a increase on the previous years ?gures and is the biggest increase since research in this area began It is estimated that only one in eight e-crimes is reported and that this equates to one ?fth of all reported crime at a cost of ? billion Criminal behaviour has shifted to take advantage of electronic mediums and serious and organised criminal networks have become increasingly sophisticated Corporations Government departments and businesses now need to invest considerable sums in order to protect their assets and data Lloyds of London have stated that they are defending up to sixty attacks a day on their corporate infrastructure Policing needs to equip itself with the necessary skills and knowledge to meet this new challenge I recommend this guidance and the application of its principles to both practitioners and managers in the on going battle against e-Crime Janet Williams QPM Deputy Assistant Commissioner Metropolitan Police Service ACPO Lead for e-Crime www safe com I am delighted that Safe is able to provide support this ACPO publication following similar sponsorship of the Good Practice Guide for Computer- Based Electronic Evidence From our company ? s involvement in data security breach investigations it is abundantly clear that electronic crime is rising in volume as well as becoming increasingly more complex It is therefore no surprise that this guidance document has been updated Compared to traditional crime the so called ? cyber criminal ? has several advantages including ? Potential anonymity ? Remote and cross-border opportunities ? Speed of attack ? Automation and ampli ?cation With the appeal of such factors it is understandable that this genre of crime has grown so rapidly The challenge is to maintain a thorough understanding and working knowledge of e-Crime which is a challenge that I believe the Police service will continue to overcome Alan Phillips Chief Executive O ?cer Safe Contents ACPO Forward Safe Forward Contents Introduction Initial Set-up Management Matters Investigation Matters General Issues Forensic Issues Training Appendix A Appendix

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  • Publié le Aoû 31, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 497.1kB