Universal Translator 11.5 USER GUIDE Information in this document is subject to

Universal Translator 11.5 USER GUIDE Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of the vendor or its representatives. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of Pitney Bowes Software Inc., One Global View, Troy, New York 12180-8399. © 2012 Pitney Bowes Software Inc. All rights reserved. Pitney Bowes Software Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pitney Bowes Inc. Pitney Bowes, the Corporate logo, MapInfo, Group 1 Software, and Universal Translator are trademarks of Pitney Bowes Software Inc. All other marks and trademarks are property of their respective holders. Contact information for all Pitney Bowes Software Inc. offices is located at: http://www.pbinsight.com/about/contact-us. © 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. 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The Universal Translator runs as a tool under MapInfo Professional's Tools Menu, but can also be run manually in a MapBasic window, using another language program, or in batch-file mode.  For using other data with universal formats such as ESRI ArcSDE, ESRI Personal Geodatabase (*.MDB), USGS Spatial Data Transfer Standard (*.CATD.DDF), VPF NIMA/NGA (*.FT), try the Universal Data option in MapInfo Professional. Sections in this Guide:  Introduction to the MapInfo Universal Translator . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4  Using the Universal Translator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7  Using the Universal Translator From the Command Line . . . . . . .9  Importing Data Using the Command Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10  Exporting Data Using the Command Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 © 1993 - 2012 Safe Software, Inc. 1 Chapter 1: MapInfo Universal Translator User Guide Introduction to the MapInfo Universal Translator Universal Translator 11.5 4 User Guide Introduction to the MapInfo Universal Translator The Universal Translator translates these file formats into MapInfo .TAB and .MIF\.MID files: • AutoCAD DWG/DXF • ESRI ArcInfo Export (E00) • ESRI Shapefile (SHP) • MicroStation Design (DGN) • Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS) • Vector Product Format (VPF) The Universal Translator translates MapInfo .TAB and .MIF\.MID files into these formats: • AutoCAD DWG/DXF • ESRI ArcInfo Export (E00) • ESRI Shapefile • MicroStation Design The Universal Translator translates external file formats to the lowest possible MapInfo .TAB and .MIF/.MID version that can support the features in it, up to version 900. About Using the Universal Translator To produce successful results, the data you are converting must be in the language of the system you are using. This version is double-byte enabled; contains support for the latest Shape file format; updated AutoCAD metafiles and updated Intergraph metafiles. The Universal Translator does not officially support 3-dimensional Intergraph DGN or 3 dimensional AutoCad DWG/DXF files; the translation results using these files are unpredictable. Unlike MapInfo Professional's import DXF, the Universal Translator does not perform coordinate transformations. When translating DWG/DXF to TAB/MIF, the Universal Translator does not translate AutoCad meshes. Universal Translator does support UNC paths. When translating from SHAPE to TAB, Universal Translator defaults empty fields to the following: • Empty numeric field with a width of one translates to a 0 (zero) • Empty numeric field with a width of two translates to -9 • Empty numeric field with a width of three translates to -99 • Empty numeric field with a width of four translates to -999 • Empty numeric field with a width of five or greater translates to -9999 A single file translation may result in multiple files depending on file types. Virtual Memory: when translating to or from DWG/DXF, it is possible to encounter a lack of virtual memory. An error message displays indicating this problem. Chapter 1: MapInfo Universal Translator User Guide Introduction to the MapInfo Universal Translator Universal Translator 11.5 5 User Guide Examples of Multiple Files Resulting from Translation This topic shows examples translation processes that result in multiple files. DGN to TAB - MIF/MID The name of original file is appended to geometry type. Original File CANADA.DGN Translated Files CANADA_ELLIPSES.TAB, CANADA_POINTS.TAB, CANADA_TEXT.TAB DWG/DXF to TAB - MIF/MID The name of original file is appended to layer name. AutoCad organizes drawing entities by user named layers. Original File SWEDEN.DWG Translated Files SWEDEN_FORESTS.TAB, SWEDEN_RIVERS.TAB, SWEDEN_ROADS.TAB SHAPE to TAB - MIF/MID One shape file creates one TAB/MIF/MID file. Original File STATES.SHP Translated File STATES.TAB TAB - MIF/MID to Shape The name of original file appended to geometry type. Original File USHIGHWAY.TAB Translated Files USHIWAY_POLYLINE.SHP, USHIWAY_POINT.SHP TAB - MIF/MID to DWG/DXF and DGN One TAB - MIF/MID file creates one DWG or DXF or DGN files. Original File STATES.TAB Translated Files STATES.DGN, STATES.DWG Chapter 1: MapInfo Universal Translator User Guide Introduction to the MapInfo Universal Translator Universal Translator 11.5 6 User Guide Loading the Universal Translator into the Tool Manager The Universal Translator is automatically loaded with MapInfo Professional. It is accessed by choosing Tools > Universal Translator > Universal Translator. If unloaded, then you must reload it manually from the Tools menu. To load the Universal Translator to the Tool Manager menu: 1. From the MapInfo Professional Main menu choose Tools > Tool Manager. The Tool Manager dialog box displays. 2. Scroll down the Tools list and do one of the following: • If the Universal Translator is not in the list, go to step 3. • If the Universal Translator is in the list, scroll down to the entry and go to step 7. 3. Click the Add Tool button and the Add Tool dialog box displays. 4. Type Universal Translator into the Description field. 5. Beside the Location field, click the button. Using the Select MapBasic Program dialog box, search for the MUT.MBX file in the \UT folder within your installation directory. When you find it, select it and click Open. 6. Click OK to add the Universal Translator to the Tool Manager window. Chapter 1: MapInfo Universal Translator User Guide Using the Universal Translator Universal Translator 11.5 7 User Guide 7. To load the Universal Translator for this session only, select the check box in the Load column. To load the Universal Translator each time you open MapInfo Professional, select the AutoLoad check box. Both check boxes can be selected. 8. Click OK to save your entries. Using the Universal Translator To run the Universal Translator: 1. Choose Tools > Universal Translator > Universal Translator to display the Universal Translator dialog box. 2. In the Source pane, from the Source Format drop-down list, select the source format for the dataset that you want to translate.  When you select AutoCAD, the translator defaults to DWG format. 3. In the File(s) box, type the name(s) of the files you want to translate or click to search for the source files and then click Open to return to the Universal Translator dialog box. 4. Depending on your selection from the Source Format list (in step 2), one or more of the following displays in the Source pane of the dialog: • Use projection setting in source file check box, displays after selecting ESRI Shape file from the format list. Select this check box to have the Universal Translator look for the Chapter 1: MapInfo Universal Translator User Guide Using the Universal Translator Universal Translator 11.5 8 User Guide projection setting in a *.prj file, that is in the same directory as SHP file, and use it for the translation if its a supported projection in MapInfo Professional. • Settings button, click to display the Design File Input Settings dialog box to choose the coordinate units for the input file: Master, Sub, or UOR. • Projection button, click to display the Choose Projection dialog box and set a specific projection for the input file. uploads/Litterature/ universal-translator-user-guide.pdf

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