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pdfcrowd.com open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API New hot app: Facebook Albums To PDF GameSpot To Dark Search Log in Sign up Reviews News Videos Cheats Culture Xbox 360 PC PS3 Wii 3DS PS Vita iPhone Android Forums Fuse Jump to: PC | PS2 | PC Hints & Cheats Walkthroughs Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Walkthrough Go to Online Walkthrough » Tommy Vercetti's got a dirty job to do, and a lot of ground to cover. Help him sort out all his business and uncover every last one of Vice City's secrets in our comprehensive walkthrough. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Cheat Codes CHEAT Effect THUGSTOOLS All ''light'' weapons Codes Galore! During Gameplay, type any of these cheats (note: codes are not case sensitive) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Hints & Cheats Review Scores Platform GameSpot Metacritic User Score PC Edit your review 9.3 94 8.9 PS2 Edit your review 9.6 95 9.2 MAC Review this game - - - - 7.5 Game Info Summary Reviews News Previews & Features Rockstar Games Rockstar North Action Release: Nov 8, 2002 (EU) PEGI: 18+ PC PS2 MAC Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Follow for the latest new s, videos, & tips from experts & insiders GameSpot Fuse Add to List Platforms: Follow pdfcrowd.com open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API New hot app: Facebook Albums To PDF PROFESSIONALTOOLS All ''medium'' weapons NUTTERTOOLS All ''heavy'' weapons ASPIRINE Full Health PRECIOUSPROTECTION Full Armor ICANTTAKEITANYMORE Commit Suicide YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE Raise Wanted Level LEAVEMEALONE Decrease Wanted Level FANNYMAGNET Ladies Man, Women Follow You CERTAINDEATH Makes you smoke a cigarette DEEPFRIEDMARSBARS Makes Tommy fatter PROGRAMMER Gives Tommy girly arms/legs STILLLIKEDRESSINGUP Change Skin/Clothes CHEATSHAVEBEENCRACKED Play as Ricardo Diaz LOOKLIKELANCE Play as Lance Vance MYSONISALAWYER Play as Ken Rosenberg ILOOKLIKEHILARY Play as Hilary King ROCKANDROLLMAN Play as Love Fist character (Jezz Game Info PC Release Date: May 12, 2003 PEGI: 18+ PS2 Release Date: Oct 27, 2002 PEGI: 18+ MAC Release Date: Nov 12, 2010 GameSpot on YouTube Related Unions Bleeding Ear productions Images Videos Answers Hints & Cheats › Forum Games You May Like Grand Theft Auto III Grand Theft Auto Double pdfcrowd.com open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API New hot app: Facebook Albums To PDF Torent) WELOVEOURDICK Play as Love Fist character (Dick) ONEARMEDBANDIT Play as Phil Cassidy IDONTHAVETHEMONEYSONNY Play as Sonny Forelli FOXYLITTLETHING Play as Mercedes PANZER Spawn a Rhino TRAVELINSTYLE Spawn a Bloodring Banger GETTHEREQUICKLY Spawn a Bloodring Banger #2 GETTHEREFAST Spawn a Sabre Turbo GETTHEREVERYFASTINDEED Spawn a Hotring Racer GETTHEREAMAZINGLYFAST Spawn a Hotring Racer #2 THELASTRIDE Spawn a Romero's Hearse ROCKANDROLLCAR Spawn Love Fist's Limo RUBBISHCAR Spawn a Trashmaster BETTERTHANWALKING Spawn a Caddie BIGBANG Blow up nearby cars MIAMITRAFFIC Aggressive Drivers Grand Theft Auto GTA: San Andreas Grand Theft Auto 2 Grand Theft Auto IV Complete Users w ho looked at content for this game also looked at these games. See More Similar Games pdfcrowd.com open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API New hot app: Facebook Albums To PDF AHAIRDRESSERSCAR All cars are pink IWANTITPAINTEDBLACK All cars are black COMEFLYWITHME Cars can fly GRIPISEVERYTHING Perfect Handling GREENLIGHT All traffic lights are green SEAWAYS Cars can drive/hover over water WHEELSAREALLINEED Only the wheels of a car are visible LOADSOFLITTLETHINGS Sportscars have big wheels ALOVELYDAY Sunny/Clear Weather APLEASANTDAY Light Clouds ABITDRIEG Dense Clouds CANTSEEATHING Foggy Weather CATSANDDOGS Stormy Weather LIFEISPASSINGMEBY Speed up game clock ONSPEED Makes everything faster BOOOOOORING Makes everything slower FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT Peds Riot pdfcrowd.com open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API New hot app: Facebook Albums To PDF FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT Peds Riot NOBODYLIKESME Peds Hate You OURGODGIVENRIGHTTOBEARARMS Peds Carry Guns CHICKSWITHGUNS Girls Carry Guns CHASESTAT Shows Media Level (when 2+ stars) AIRSHIP Fast boats can fly for short periods of time IWILLGETTOMARS Spawn a hunter WOWPOWER 200 ARMOR GODPOWER Peds carry rocket launchers AIRJUMP Spawn a hunter MOSTWANTED Full wanted level stars MEGASPEED Cars and bikes have nitros LOLOLDISGUS Peds without clothes STOPTHEMTORUSHAGAINST Peds follow you JUSTALITTLEFASTER All cars have nitros (boosters) LETSMERISEUP Spawn a hunter GIVEUSPOWERTOREVENGE 150 health pdfcrowd.com open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API New hot app: Facebook Albums To PDF THEGODHASGIVEUSPOWERTOFIGHT Peds riot with weapons WORLDISMAD All weathers in one time NOTHINGENDS Unlimited ammos LOSTALL no money left Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Unlockables UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Go to the mission where you must race Hillary. When the race starts turn around and drive for about ten seconds, park your car across the street to make a road block. Wait for Hillary to come and shoot him in the head with a sniper rifle. Bullet proof Sabre Turbo bullet proof car sabre tubro pdfcrowd.com open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API New hot app: Facebook Albums To PDF UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Complete the Game 100% 200 Health Complete the Game 100% 200 Armor Complete the Game 100% 200 Health on all cars Complete the Game 100% 3 Bodyguards in your Mansion Complete the Game 100% Frankie t-shirt found in mansion with "I BEAT VICE CITY AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS LOUSY T-SHIRT" on it Complete the game 100% Infinite Ammo Rewards for completing the Game 100% UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Beat a level 12 Paramedic Mission Infinite Sprint on Foot Beat a level 10 Pizza Boy Mission 150 Health 100 Taxi fares Taxi Hydraulics Beat a level 12 Firetruck Mission Fireproof on Foot Beat 45 or more Points at the shooting range Faster weapon reload Beat a level 12 Vigilante Mission 150 Armor Misc. Unlockables pdfcrowd.com open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API New hot app: Facebook Albums To PDF UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock find 10 Hidden Packages Body Armor delivered to Hideout(s) find 20 Hidden Packages Chainsaw delivered to Hideout(s) find 40 Hidden Packages Flame-thrower delivered to Hideout(s) find 100 Hidden Packages Hunter appears at Military Base find 50 Hidden Packages Laser Scope Sniper Rifle delivered to Hideout(s) find 60 Hidden Packages Minigun delivered to Hideout(s) find 30 Hidden Packages Python delivered to Hideout(s) find 90 Hidden Packages Rhino appears at Military Base find 70 Hidden Packages Rocket Launcher delivered to Hideout(s) find 80 Hidden Packages Sea Sparrow spawns at Vercetti Mansion Rewards for finding Hidden Packages UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Steal it during the Two Bit Hit Mission. Black Voodoo Secret Cars These are the secret cars list and how to get them: pdfcrowd.com open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API New hot app: Facebook Albums To PDF Complete the Bloodring event at Hyman Memorial Stadium and two will spawn in the nearby parking lot. Bloodring Banger Steal it during the Guardian Angels mission. BP/EP/DP/FP Admiral Complete the first list of cars at the car showroom and it will spawn on the first floor. The list is on the wall down by the garages. Deluxo Complete the fourth list of cars at the car showroom and it will spawn on the second floor. Hotring Racer Collect all 100 hidden packages or complete all of the main story missions and it will spawn at Fort Baxter Air Base. Hunter Take it to a garage during one of the Love Fist missions in which you drive the limo. Love Fist Limo Collect 90 hidden packages and it will spawn at Fort Baxter Air Base. Alternately, get six stars and the army will use it against you. Rhino Steal it during the final Avery Carrington Mission Romero's Hearse Complete the second list of cars at the car showroom and it will spawn on the first floor. Sabre Turbo Complete the third list of cars at the car showroom and it will spawn on the second floor. Sandking Collect 80 hidden packages and it will spawn behind the Vercetti Estate. Sea Sparrow Complete all the Film Studio Missions and it will spawn behind the Film Studio. Skimmer pdfcrowd.com open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API New hot app: Facebook Albums To PDF After the Jury Fury mission by Ken Rosenburg, you can steal the car. Spand Express Steal it during the Gun Runner Mission. White Walton Complete all of the missions for the Kaufman Cabs asset and it will spawn in the parking lot. Zebra Taxi UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Beat Phil's score in the "The Shootist" mission. "Best Shooter" trophy at Ocean View Hotel Complete the Protection Ring missions. "Gash" shopping bag at Vercetti Estate Complete the "Keep Your Friends Close" mission 0.357 Pistol at Vercetti Estate Complete the Printing Press missions. Bag of cash at Ocean View Hotel Complete the "The Job" mission. Robber's mask at Ocean uploads/Litterature/ vice-city-cheats.pdf
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