ASGVIS V-Ray for SketchUp Version 1.48 New Features User Manual By Fernando Ren

ASGVIS V-Ray for SketchUp Version 1.48 New Features User Manual By Fernando Rentas Render by Adam Warner, Aura Studio SketchUp users in all fields depend on V-Ray as a quick, easy and cost-efficient way to render their most cutting edge images. Developed with the Chaos Group, V-Ray for SketchUp works within Google’s SketchUp, one of the most popular 3D modeling tools available today. New features in version 1.48 include more shader types (great for metal textures), more than ten new procedural textures (including dirt), better material layers, faster parsing times, lights now have the ability to add IES profiles & more. Download the 30 day trial, or buy V-Ray for SketchUp now from! V-Ray for SketchUp A Rendering Plug-in for Designers Contents Page 4-8 User Interface (UI) Page 9 Anti-aliasing Page 10 Physical Camera Page 11 Sun & Sky Page 12-13 Indirect Illumination Page 13 Color Mapping Page 14-15 Lights: IES Lights Page 16-19 Lights: Spotlights Page 20 V-Ray Frame Buffer Page 21 Output (Rollout) Page 22-31 Materials Page 32 Helpful Links V-Ray for SketchUp Version 1.48 | New Features User Guide Page 4 User Interface (UI) New Toolbar Icons: For this new version we re-worked our old toolbar icons. V-Ray Menu: There are now more V-Ray options on the plug-ins menu of SketchUp. Enable and Disable V-Ray: This option will allow you to automatically disable or enable the program. To find this option on a PC, look under Windows/Preferences/Extensions. On Mac, the option is under SketchUp/Preferences/Extensions. This option will take effect the next time you start SketchUp. Material Editor Infinite Plane V-Ray Options Sphere Render Button IES Light V-Ray Help Spotlight Rectangular Light Open V-Ray Frame Buffer Omni Light V-Ray for SketchUp Version 1.48 | New Features User Guide Page 5 V-Ray Material Editor: Allows you to create V-Ray materials. You can access this window by clicking on the first icon on the V-Ray toolbar. The V-Ray material editor has three areas: 1. Material Preview: By clicking the preview button you can see a preview of the selected material or layer. 2. Material Workspace: This area shows all of the created materials. By right clicking on them you will find more material options. 3. Material Options: Allows you to change and control all of the material properties. Adding Materials: By right clicking on “Scene Material” you will find options to create and load materials. How to add materials: 1. Right click on “Scene Material”. 2. Select “Create Material”. 3. Choose one of the V-Ray material types. V-Ray for SketchUp has five different material types: 1. Skp Two Sided Material 2. V-Ray Default Material 3. Toon Material 4. Angle Blend Material 5. Two Sided Material 1 2 3 User Interface (UI) : Material Editor V-Ray for SketchUp Version 1.48 | New Features User Guide Page 6 Material Option: By right clicking on one material you will have more options to improve or manipulate the material. These options include: Add Layers, Save, Duplicate, Rename and Import. Texture Editor: This option allows you to add a texture mapping (images or procedural textures) to the materials. To access the texture editor, left click on the “m” or “M” on the materials option area. How to add layers to materials: 1. Right click on the material. 2. Select “Create Layer”. 3. Select the desired layer to add. Using the explained steps you can: - Save Material - Duplicate Material - Rename Material - Remove Material - Import Material - Apply Material to Selection - Select All Objects Using This Material - Apply Material to Layer - Purge Unused Materials The Texture editor has three areas: 1. Texture Editor Preview: By clicking the preview button you can see a preview of the selected texture. 2. Mapping Type: This area allows you to select the type of texture mapping. 3. Texture Editor Options: Allows you to change and control the parameter for the textures. 1 2 3 V-Ray for SketchUp Version 1.48 | New Features User Guide Page 7 How to add mapping: 1. Click on the “m” near diffuse color multiplier. 2. Select the desired texture mapping (ex. TexBitmap). 3. Go to the lower right corner and click on the three dots next to “File” to select the image to use as a mapping. 4. Click ok. V-Ray for SketchUp Version 1.48 | New Features User Guide Page 8 V-Ray Render Options: Controls all the rendering parame­ ters in V-Ray. You can setup options from anti-aliasing and Environment to camera and resolution. Save V-Ray Option: Allows you to save all of the V-Ray parameters to use in the future. Open V-Ray Option: Allows you to open the pre-saved V-Ray options. Load Default V-Ray Option: Allows you to revert back the settings to the V-Ray default options. Click on the title bar to open its parameter. Save V-Ray Option Open V-Ray Option Load Default V-Ray Option User Interface (UI) : Render Options V-Ray for SketchUp Version 1.48 | New Features User Guide Page 9 Anti-aliasing Adaptive Subdivision: This new option improves the anti-aliasing around the edges of the geometry and on vertical and horizontal lines. Object Outline: This option always “super-sampler” the edge of objects. Your edges will always be sharp using Object Outline. You can see in the example above how the render without object outline enabled has jagged edges while the render with Object Outline does not. Randomize Sampler: This option displaces the sampler slightly to get better anti-aliasing on horizontal and vertical lines, and avoids the unwanted banding of edges. As you can see in this example, the image on the right has better anti-aliasing and no banding edges. No Object Outline Randomize Sampler Off Randomize Sampler On Object Outline Jagged Edges No Jagged Edges V-Ray for SketchUp Version 1.48 | New Features User Guide Page 10 Physical Camera Use the Physical Camera to render any type of standard camera. With this new feature you have the ability to create different lens effects, such as 360 spherical images and a Fisheye lens using the physical camera. Tips: Using a Spherical Camera, if you override FOV to 360 and set the image aspect radio to 2:1 (width: height) on the “Output” rollout, you can make a Panoramic render. Example using Spherical camera with Override FOV at 180 degree. Physical Camera On. Example using Fisheye camera with Override FOV at 20 degree. Physical Camera On. V-Ray for SketchUp Version 1.48 | New Features User Guide Page 11 Tips: When editing the sun parameters on GI Color, the setting is automatically updated in BG Color and vice-versa. You don’t have to setup the same value in each slot, with the exception of the “Sky Brightness” value. Sun and Sky Sky Brightness: Allows you to setup a different intensity for the sky mapping without affecting the intensity of the sunlight. With this option you can get a clear sky or a dark sky with a moon, no matter the brightness of the sun. You have to change the Sky Brightness on the “BG Color”. If you change this option through “GI color”, it will affect the illumination. V-Ray for SketchUp Version 1.48 | New Features User Guide Page 12 Indirect Illumination Ambient Occlusion (AO): This shading method will add more realism to your render and can produce the feeling of a more detailed image. Find the global option of AO under “Indirect Illumination” rollout. This image has no AO. Note how the details on the door and windows are missing. This image has AO All of the details are visible even with a very low quality GI solution. On: This option enables or disables Ambient Occlusion. Radius: Determines the amount of area where the AO effect is produced. Subdivs: Determines the quality of Ambient Occlusion. Large values mean better quality, but might increase the render time. Amount: The amount of Ambient Occlusion. Larger numbers mean more Ambient Occlusion. V-Ray for SketchUp Version 1.48 | New Features User Guide Page 13 Here is another example of Ambient Occlusion. In the image on the left, without AO, the render looks flat and some details in the ceiling are missing. The image on the right has AO, and the details are sharp. Color Mapping We added two new options in this version. Clamp Level: Allows you to define the level at which color components will be clamped. Now you can control the range of color. Adaptation Only: The color mapping will not be applied with this option. However, V-Ray will proceed with its calculation as though color mapping is applied. Ambient Occlusion Off Ambient Occlusion On Tips: V-Ray for SketchUp doesn’t have an AO channel, so there is no automatic way to create an AO pass. If you want to create an AO pass for post-processing purposes, use an override material and select a white color, then enable AO. On the environment, don’t use any mapping for GI color and BG color (use just plain white as a color). V-Ray for SketchUp Version 1.48 | New Features User Guide uploads/Litterature/ vray-for-sketchup-user-guide.pdf

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