Create a story educator guide

CREATE A STORY EDUCATOR GUIDE EDUCATOR GUIDE Create a Story With this guide you can plan and lead a one-hour workshop using Scratch Participants will create a story with settings characters and dialogue CREATE A STORY EDUCATOR GUIDE Workshop Overview Here ? s a suggested agenda for a one-hour workshop IMAGINE minutes First gather as a group to introduce the theme and spark ideas CREATE minutes Next help participants as they create story projects working at their own pace SHARE minutes At the end of the session gather together to share and re ect SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE ? scratch mit edu go SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE ? scratch mit edu go CCREATE A STORY EDUCATOR GUIDE Get Ready for the Workshop Use this checklist to prepare for the workshop Preview the Tutorial The Create a Story tutorial shows participants how to create their own projects Preview the tutorial before your workshop and try the ?rst few steps scratch mit edu story Print the Activity Cards Print a few sets of Create a Story cards to have available for participants during the workshop scratch mit edu story cards Make sure participants have Scratch accounts Participants can sign up for their own Scratch accounts at scratch mit edu or you can set up student accounts if you have a Teacher Account To request a Teacher Account go to scratch mit edu educators Set up a studio for project sharing on Scratch Set up a studio so participants will be able to add their projects Go to your My Stu ? page then click the New Studio button Type in a name for the studio such as ? Our Fashion Projects ? Set up computers or laptops Arrange computers so that participants can work individually or in pairs SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE ? scratch mit edu go CREATE A STORY EDUCATOR GUIDE Imagine IMAGINE Begin by gathering the participants to introduce the theme and spark ideas for projects Warm-up Activity Draw a Hat Give each participant a piece of paper Ask them to think of a favorite character for example from a book movie or their imagination Then ask them to imagine a new scene Where could their character go Who would they meet there What would they say Suggest that they write or draw the scene from their story Ask them to share their scene with someone else in the group Provide Ideas and Inspiration Show some example Story projects to spark ideas You can ?nd some in the Create a Story examples Studio on the Scratch website View the studio at scratch mit edu studios SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE ? scratch mit edu go CCREATE A STORY EDUCATOR GUIDE Demonstrate the First Steps IMAGINE Demonstrate the ?rst few steps of the tutorial so participants can see how to get started In Scratch click Create Choose a setting from the Backdrop library Choose a character from the Sprite library CREATE A STORY EDUCATOR GUIDE Create CREATE Support participants as they create Story projects on their

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