Level A – Graduate Certificate in Team Leadership Qualification Candidate Guide

Level A – Graduate Certificate in Team Leadership Qualification Candidate Guide R Contents SECTION ONE – Introduction Background to the Worldwide Center for Organizational Development ...................................................2 Background to ILM and the Team Leading Qualifications...............................................................................2 What is in the Certificate in Team Leading?.........................................................................................................3 Can I do Distance Learning? .....................................................................................................................................3 How Long Will it Take? .................................................................................................................................................3 Where do the Qualifications Lead? .........................................................................................................................3 Outline of ILM Qualifications ......................................................................................................................................4 Membership of ILM ........................................................................................................................................................5 Information on Equal Opportunities.........................................................................................................................5 Assessment Appeals Procedure...............................................................................................................................5 Resources .........................................................................................................................................................................5 Programme Support Team..........................................................................................................................................6 SECTION TWO – Programme Details 20-20 MDS™Summary Overview.............................................................................................................................7 Underpinning Competencies......................................................................................................................................8 Module Progression.......................................................................................................................................................9 20-20 MDS™Assessment System.........................................................................................................................10 List of Assessment Instruments .............................................................................................................................11 Level and Module Assessment Framework .......................................................................................................12 Format of the Programme.........................................................................................................................................13 Core Programme Structure (tailored to each programme) ..........................................................................14 SECTION THREE – Appendices Appendix 1: Equal Opportunities Policy ..............................................................................................................15 Appendix 2: Criteria and Template for Assessment Work ............................................................................16 © Worldwide Center for Organizational Development, 2005 1 Candidate Guide 20/20 MDS™ Section One – Introduction Background to Worldwide Center for Organizational Development Worldwide Center for Organizational Development (WCOD) is an international provider of management and leadership programmes and is accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management or ILM to offer the full range of their core qualifications for Team Leaders, Line Managers, Middle and Senior Managers. Our programmes offer two unique features: • An objective initial assessment process that gives you credit for the competencies and skills that you have already and helps you to focus your development on the priority areas. • Flexible, interactive open-learning materials to make sure we do not take you out of the workplace for more than is needed. In addition, you will receive full support throughout your programme from a personal tutor and a team of specialists and support personnel. Background to ILM and the Team Leading Qualifications ILM: • offers members and accredited centres the opportunity to invest in management competencies and skills • represents members and their interests on national bodies • supports its members through the provision of services and benefits in the workplace and at home • membership recognises individual professionalism . ILM was formed in 2002 with the merger of the Institute of Supervisory Management (ISM) and the National Examination Board for Supervision and Management (NEBS). ILM supports international objectives to ensure that leaders and managers of the future can be developed, with a particular focus on first line and middle levels. The Institute offers membership services together with leadership and management qualifications. As part of the City & Guilds Group, ILM represents a strategic initiative to support excellence in leadership and management in all sectors and to develop new and appropriate services for organisations and individuals. ILM Team Leading qualifications are for those people who are current or potential team leaders or supervisors who may already be in position but have had little or no formal management training. They may work in factories and offices, in hospitals, in call centres, on building sites, in leisure centres, in the armed services and in the voluntary sector. Wherever people and resources are employed, team leaders with an ILM Team Leading Qualification ensure that they are employed effectively. The qualification is designed to improve your performance in the organisation through the strong focus on your specific job role. This highly practical programme can generate significant payback for your current/future employer in terms of cost savings and quality improvements in your workplace. © Worldwide Center for Organizational Development, 2005 2 Candidate Guide 20/20 MDS™ What is in the Certificate in Team Leading? The Certificate in Team Leading comprehensively covers the full range of responsibilities of the team leader and is tailored to fit HSBC’s specific needs. The modular design reinforces the commitment to short sharp flexible learning to ensure an exact fit with individual candidate needs and workplace requirements. The whole programme will take a minimum of 96 hours development time, plus time for assessment, to provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to perform effectively in the high-pressure world of the twenty-first century. Can I do Distance Learning? To reduce your time away from the workplace, you can take advantage of combining taught workshops with our flexible learning resources. The use of alternative delivery methods (such as open or online learning) allows you to fit study time around your work and personal life. For this course (leading to an ILM Team Leading qualification), the WCOD open learning materials entitled 20/20 MDS™enables you to develop skills both for individual personal development and to help you perform more effectively in your workplace. Published by WCOD, this is a set of workbooks and other support materials on key management topics and develops all the underpinning knowledge and skills that team leaders need. How Long Will it Take? The Certificate in Team Leading typically takes around 15 months. Timescales are flexible according to your personal and professional needs, and the use of open learning materials can be effective in enabling you to fit study around your personal and work priorities. Where do the Qualifications Lead? The main purpose of this award is to improve your performance which for some participants is an end in itself. However, this award can be a stepping-stone to future personal development and qualifications. © Worldwide Center for Organizational Development, 2005 3 Candidate Guide 20/20 MDS™ Outline of ILM Qualifications This “fit” into the wider framework of formally recognised qualifications can be seen from the following diagram: © Worldwide Center for Organizational Development, 2005 4 Candidate Guide 20/20 MDS™ Membership of ILM ILM has been at the forefront of meeting the needs of team leaders and managers, supporting them in their careers for over 50 years through the founder organisations, ISM and NEBS Management. ILM membership keeps members at the cutting edge of their management knowledge and provides information and development opportunities. No matter what their current job title anyone who is, or aspires to be, a team leader or supervisor in any sector of the economy is eligible to join the ILM. All application forms are assessed for entry level and applicants are advised as to the appropriate grade of membership. Some courses and their equivalents when combined with experience provide entry at certain levels. On being awarded the Certificate in Team Leading you will be eligible for Associate Membership (AMInstLM). Information on Equal Opportunities In managing the overall Leadership and Management Program for and on behalf of HSBC, the Worldwide Center for Organizational Development is committed to eliminating discrimination and promoting good relations and equal opportunities. The Company, in the provision of goods and services and employment of staff will seek to involve and assist people from all groups in the communities within which we work. Our Equal Opportunities Policy is attached as Appendix 2. Assessment Appeals Procedure In all cases we would encourage you to discuss ANY concerns with your tutor or with the Support Team at the WCOD office ((1) 310 606 5688). We also have a formal Appeals Procedure in case you have any grievance against assessment decisions relating to your work. Resources Candidates will have access to the following resources from WCOD and/or locally within your organisation where practicable. • Initial assessment on “MEP” and “LEP” – an objective measurement of your knowledge, understanding and skills – to help you prioritise your development time • A 20/20 MDS™competency description pack giving guidance on target behaviours to be developed and honed across all twenty competencies that underpin the learning system • This candidate handbook and a range of guidance notes and criteria, issued throughout the programme • Full set of the 20/20 MDS™Open Learning Modules for you to keep (following assessment) which will be distributed to each candidate in stages throughout the programme. • Recommended reading will be offered in the 20/20 MDS™modules and by the tutors if/when required © Worldwide Center for Organizational Development, 2005 5 Candidate Guide 20/20 MDS™ Programme Support Team Your project team for this programme is as follows: Internal Support: Cassandra Ei (Malaysia) (HSBC) cassandra@hsbc.com.my Priti Shetty (India) pritishetty@hsbc.co.in Project Manager: Jon Warner, CEO, WCOD www.OD-center.org Tel: +1 310 606 5688 Fax: +1 310 606 5645 Overall responsibility for the project and programme Project Administrator: Tom Lewis Tel: +1 310 606 5688 Contact point for general and administrative enquiries Centre Co-ordinator: Rowena Beresford Tel: +61 7 5553 6099 rowena@od-centre.org Responsible for ILM links Facilitators/Assessors: Stewart Mitchell Anne Sandberg Aub Warren David Tooth John Campbell Tel: +1 310 606 5688 Deliverers and assessors who work directly with the delegates Internal Verifier: Jon Warner joncwarner@aol.com Quality assures assessment and delivery practices within WCOD External Verifier: Amanda Kelleher amanda@i-l-m.com Quality assures WCOD’s practices against the ILM criteria ILM: www.i-l-m.com 020 7294 2470 The Awarding Body offering the qualification through WCOD Detailed descriptions of the specific roles of the team are available by writing to Centre Coordinator, WCOD LLC, 8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 110-705, Los Angeles, California 90245. © Worldwide Center for Organizational Development, 2005 6 Candidate Guide 20/20 MDS™ Section 2 – Programme Details The 20/20 Management Development System™Summary Overview The uploads/Management/ candidate-guide 1 .pdf

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  • Publié le Jan 20, 2021
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