Developers guide DataGridView Extension Developers ? Guide to DataGridView Extension Revision date February Page of CDataGridView Extension Contents General Installation structure Assemblies Common Supported data sources Manage grid view programmatically

DataGridView Extension Developers ? Guide to DataGridView Extension Revision date February Page of CDataGridView Extension Contents General Installation structure Assemblies Common Supported data sources Manage grid view programmatically Open settings editor for a managed grid view Explicit refresh of a managed grid view Changing Xml persistence folder Custom columns Export MS Excel Html Pdf Export using the default settings Export using the exporting manager Events and error handling Export using the appropriate export settings editor dialog Creating custom exporter Changing exporters folder Security Default permissions for all grid view controls in the application Default permissions for all columns in the application Permissions for a particular grid view control Permissions for a particular column General permissions for the extension Find How to ?nd speci ?c cell value Page of CDataGridView Extension How to ?nd a value using the ?nd dialog Print Silent print No print dialog Print using the print dialog Print preview FAQ Which component does the DataGridView Extension extends Does DataGridView Extension component inherit the standard DataGridView control In what programming language is DataGridView Extension written Which version of NET framework does DataGridView Extension support Does DataGridView Extension have design time support What are the requirements in order to have a DataGridView control managed by the DataGridView Extension To which assemblies do I have to add references in my project How is DataGridView Extension integrated How DataGridView Extension stores its data Where is all Xml data stored on the user ? s computer What is the structure of the persistence folder Does DataGridView Extension support custom columns How does the export functionality work Which version of MS Excel is supported by the export The export to Excel does not work what should I do How to add DataGridView Extension to my VS NET Toolbox How many DataGridView controls can be managed by a single instance of the Extension How many instance of the extension can I have in single NET application Why the colors of my column and row headers are not applied although I have changed them Page of CDataGridView Extension General DataGridView Extension is a component that extends the basic DataGridView control provided with NET Framework with additional functionality without inheritance DataGridView Extension allows both developers and end users to control speci ?c features of the DataGridView control in runtime environment As part of these features the appearance and behavior of the control could be modi ?ed also DataGridView Extension provides additional functionality such as printing exporting of data and visualization to MS Excel Pdf documents and Html pages searching for text in the control and theme management Major functionality of DataGridView Extension is that it allows persistence and export import of all changes made to the control its columns widths ordering headers width and height appearance and behavior DataGridView Extension has the ability to manage multiple DataGridView controls in a single project and to store all user settings for every and each of them DataGridView Extension allows saving of themes de ?ned by the customer Themes

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