A user x27 s guide to hathitrust
A ?User ? s ?Guide ?to ?HathiTrust ? ? HathiTrust ?is ?a ?growing ?partnership ?of ?libraries ?that ?are ?pooling ?their ?resources ?to ?create ? the ?library ?of ?the ?future ?Millions ?of ?volumes ?from ?their ?combined ?collections ?are ?available ? in ?HathiTrust ?currently ?and ?millions ?more ?will ?be ?added ?in ?coming ?months ?and ?years ?The ? libraries ? ? ?rst ?concern ?is ?ensuring ?the ?long- ? term ?preservation ?of ?the ?collections ?they ?have ? worked ?to ?assemble ?over ?centuries ?of ?time ?But ?what ?is ?preservation ?without ?access ? Providing ?as ?much ?access ?to ?materials ?in ?the ?digital ?library ?as ?legally ?possible ?is ?a ?key ?part ? of ?libraries ? ?preservation ?strategy ? ? What ?does ? ??legally ?possible ? ?mean ?It ?means ?that ?public ?domain ?volumes ?in ?HathiTrust ?are ? available ?to ?anyone ?anywhere ?in ?the ?world ?to ?read ?and ?search ?online ?In- ? copyright ?works ? can ?only ?be ?read ?under ?special ?circumstances ?so ?they ?are ?closed ?for ?reading ?to ?most ?users ? but ?they ?are ?available ?to ?search ?using ?libraries ? ?traditional ?bibliographic ?methods ? title ? author ?keyword ?etc ?and ?HathiTrust ? s ?full- ? text ?search ?Searching ?HathiTrust ?is ?described ? in ?detail ?in ?the ?tutorial ?section ?below ? ? What ?are ?the ? ??special ?circumstances ? ?of ?access ?to ?in- ? copyright ?works ?and ?how ?does ? HathiTrust ?di ?er ?from ?other ?resources ?one ?might ?use ?such ?as ?Google ?Book ?Search ?or ?the ? Internet ?Archive ? ??Special ?circumstances ? ?are ?enhanced ?access ?to ?in- ? copyright ? and ?public ? domain ?works ?for ?users ?with ?print ?disabilities ?and ?legal ?uses ?libraries ?are ?able ?to ?make ?of ? in- ? copyright ?items ?from ?their ?collections ?that ?are ?falling ?apart ?missing ?or ?stolen ? ?? ?namely ? making ?digital ?versions ?available ?to ?their ?library ?users ? see ?Section ? ?of ?U S ?copyright ? law ?for ?more ?details ? ? Specialized ?access ?and ?targeted ?services ?are ?the ?main ?di ?erentiators ?between ?HathiTrust ? and ?sources ?like ?Google ?Books ?and ?the ?Internet ?Archive ?HathiTrust ?was ?born ?raised ?and ?is ? being ?sustained ?by ?libraries ?It ?is ?not ?a ?corporation ?or ?organization ?It ?brings ?the ?particular ? concerns ?of ?libraries ?and ?research ?libraries ?speci ?cally ?to ?bear ?on ?the ?ways ?the ?scholarly ? record ?will ?be ?cared ?for ?and ?made ?available ?now ?and ?long ?in ?the ?future ? ? The ?ways ?it ?is ?doing ?this ?currently ?include ?the ?following ? ? Scholarly ?collection ? ?? ?HathiTrust ?is ?oriented ?to ?serve ?the ?particular ?needs ?of ? scholarly ?research ?To ?support ?these ?needs ?it ?aims ?to ?assemble ?a ?comprehensive ? collection ?of ?published ?literature ?in ?digital ?form ?and ?provide ?tools ?and ?services ? adequate ?to ?read ?search ?mine ?and ?cite ?resources ?for ?advanced ?research ? HathiTrust ?is ?now ?and ?will ?increasingly ?be ?a ?unique ?resource ?and ?destination ?on ?the ? Web ?for ?scholarly ?research ? ? Basic ?and ?advanced ?bibliographic ?search ? ?? ?with ?materials ?cataloged ?and ?curated ?by ? librarians ?the ?quality ?of ?search ?results ?for ?research ?purposes ? e
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- Publié le Mai 20, 2021
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 88kB