Robotis Dynamixels are the top-tier actuator choice in the industry for researc
Robotis Dynamixels are the top-tier actuator choice in the industry for researchers and universities Dynamixel actuators have been used by every major university, re- search lab, military & government research lab, and robotic competi- tion worldwide. Each Smart Actuator has an onboard microprocessor to facilitate bus communication, positional feedback, temperature & load monitoring. The casing of each servo is built specifically with robotics in mind, providing easy to use mounting rails and a compre- hensive bracket system available for building robotic limbs. TTL and RS-485 serial communication allows for daisy-chainable bus connec- tions at up to 1-3mbps. In addition, the Dynamixel’s onboard MCU has a set of user customizable features, allowing users to tune the servos in specifically for their application. • Dedicated onboard MCU • Adjustable torque, speed, and response • Position, load, voltage, temperature feedback • Daisy-chainable Serial Communication • Wide range of sizes, strengths, and communication options • Modular mounting design with comprehensive brackets and frames • 3D models, dimensional drawings, full documentation available AX, 24/28, 64 & 106 Series Trossen Robotics Dynamixel Guide Strength & Speed Chart of the Dynamixel Family Dynamixel AX Series Model AX-12A (Visit Product Page) AX-12W (Visit Product Page) AX-18A (Visit Product Page) Stall Torque @ Max Voltage 1.5N.m (16.5 kg-cm) 0.2N.m (2.0 kg-cm) 1.8N.m (18 kg-cm) Speed (RPM) 59 470 97 Nominal Operating Voltage 12v 12v 12v Stall Current Draw 1.5A 1.4A 2.2A Dimensions 32x50x40 mm 32x50x40 mm 32x50x40 mm Weight 54.6g 52.9g 54.5g Resolution 0.29° 0.29° 0.29° Operating Angle 300 300 300 Gear Reduction 254 : 1 32 : 1 254 : 1 Geartrain Material Eng. Plastic Eng. Plastic Eng. Plastic Onboard CPU ATMega8 (ATMEGA8- 16AU@16MHZ, 8 Bit) ATMega8 (ATMEGA8- 16AU@16MHZ, 8 Bit) ATMega8 (ATMEGA8- 16AU@16MHZ, 8 Bit) Position Sensor Potentiometer Potentiometer Potentiometer Com Protocol TTL TTL TTL Com Speed 1mbps 1mbps 1mbps Compliance/PID Compliance Compliance Compliance Dimensional Drawing PDF PDF PDF AX Series Dyanmixels & Brackets (Click to View Full Line) Dynamixel 24/28 Series Model RX-24F (Visit Product Page) RX-28 (Visit Product Page) MX-28 (Visit Product Page) Stall Torque @ Max Voltage 2.6N.m (26.5 kg-cm) 3.7N.m (37.7 kg-cm) 3.1N.m (31.6 kg-cm) Speed (RPM) 126 85 67 Nominal Operating Voltage 12v 12-18.5v 11.1-14.8v Stall Current Draw 2.4A 1.9A 1.7A Dimensions 35.6x50.6x35.5 mm 35.6x50.6x35.5 mm 35.6x50.6x35.5 mm Weight 67g 72g 72g Resolution 0.29° 0.29° 0.088° Operating Angle 300 300 360 Gear Reduction 193 : 1 193 : 1 193 : 1 Geartrain Material Hardened Steel Hardened Steel Hardened Steel Onboard CPU ATMega8 (AT- MEGA8-16AU @ 16MHZ, 8 Bit) ATMega8 (ATMEGA8- 16AU @ 16MHZ, 8 Bit) Cortex M3 (STM32F103C8 @ 72MHZ, 32 Bit) Position Sensor Potentiometer Potentiometer Magnetic Encoder Com Protocol RS-485 TTL TTL/RS-485 Com Speed 1mbps 1mbps 3mbps Compliance/PID Compliance Compliance PID Dimensional Drawing PDF PDF PDF 24/28 Series Dyanmixels & Brackets (Click to View Full Line) Dynamixel 64 Series Model RX-64 (Visit Product Page) MX-64 (Visit Product Page) Stall Torque @ Max Voltage 5.3N.m (54 kg-cm) 7.3N.m (74.4 kg-cm) Speed (RPM) 64 78 Nominal Operating Voltage 12-18.5v 11.1-14.8v Stall Current Draw 2.6A 5.2A Dimensions 40.2x61.1x41 mm 40.2x61.1x41 mm Weight 125g 126g Resolution 0.29° 0.088° Operating Angle 300 360 Gear Reduction 200 : 1 200 : 1 Geartrain Material Hardened Steel Hardened Steel Onboard CPU ATMega8 (ATMEGA8-16AU @ 16MHZ, 8 Bit) Cortex M3 (STM32F103C8 @ 72MHZ, 32 Bit) Position Sensor Potentiometer Magnetic Encoder Com Protocol RS-485 TTL/RS-485 Com Speed 1mbps 3mbps Compliance/PID Compliance PID Dimensional Drawing PDF PDF 64 Series Dyanmixels & Brackets (Click to View Full Line) Dynamixel 106 Series Model EX-106+ (Visit Product Page) MX-106 (Visit Product Page) Stall Torque @ Max Voltage 10.9N.m (111 kg-cm) 10.0N.m (101 kg-cm) Speed (RPM) 91 55 Nominal Operating Voltage 12-18.5v 11.1-14.8v Stall Current Draw 7A 6.3A Dimensions 40.2x65.1x46 mm 40.2x65.1x46 mm Weight 154g 153g Resolution 0.29° 0.088° Operating Angle 251 360 Gear Reduction 184 : 1 225 : 1 Geartrain Material Hardened Steel Hardened Steel Onboard CPU ATMega8 (ATMEGA8-16AU @ 16MHZ, 8 Bit) Cortex M3 (STM32F103C8 @ 72MHZ, 32 Bit) Position Sensor Magnetic Encoder Magnetic Encoder Com Protocol RS-485 TTL/RS-485 Com Speed 1mbps 3mbps Compliance/PID Compliance PID Dimensional Drawing PDF PDF 106 Series Dyanmixels & Brackets (Click to View Full Line) Controllers The Arbotix Robocontroller, the #1 Microcontroller for Dynamixel Robot Actuators Other Controllers Need a ready to go robotic platform? USB2Dynamixel (View Product Page) CM-700 (View Product Page) The Arbotix Robocontroller is a full featured microcontroller solu- tion based upon the Arduino-compatible Sanguino; the only third party microcontroller built specifically for Dynamixel based robot projects. AX & MX Series Dynamixels plug directly into the board and can be controlled using open-source libraries and code ex- amples. Xbee wireless communication, 8 analog & digital IOs, and I2C/SPI breakouts are available. The programming environment uses the popular Arduino IDE, complete with open source code examples and an online community furthering development. Click here to view the Arbotix product page. The Interbotix line of research & pro-hobby robotic platforms utilize the latest in Dynamixel servo technology. Interbotix incorporates the Vanadium Labs Arbotix Robocontroller, rugged ABS frame & structure, and advanced Dynamixels to bring solid yet affordable robots to students, educators, and researchers. CM-530 (View Product Page) Pan & Tilt Kits (View Product Page) Hexapod Kits (View Product Page) Robotic Arm Kits (View Product Page) uploads/Management/ dynamixel-guide.pdf
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- Publié le Dec 24, 2021
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