enquire@interdynamics.com www.interdynamics.com FAID® Standard Version 2.1.1 Us

enquire@interdynamics.com www.interdynamics.com FAID® Standard Version 2.1.1 User Guide FAID Standard Version 2.1.1 User Guide – 2013-09-13 Page 2 of 66 Contents 1. Introductory Notes ................................................................................................... 4 1.1. What You Need to Know About FAID® ........................................................................... 4 1.2. FAID Scores .................................................................................................................. 5 1.3. Fatigue Tolerance Levels ............................................................................................... 5 1.4. FAID Inputs and Assumptions........................................................................................ 7 2. Overview ................................................................................................................... 9 2.1. FAID Control Panel ...................................................................................................... 11 2.2. Help and Tutorials ........................................................................................................ 11 3. Quick Start .............................................................................................................. 12 3.1. Setting a Fatigue Tolerance Level (FTL) ...................................................................... 12 3.2. Fatigue Hazard Analysis .............................................................................................. 13 3.3. First-time users can review a Sample Work Schedule ................................................. 13 3.4. Analysing the Sample Work Schedule ......................................................................... 14 4. INPUTS Tab ............................................................................................................ 15 4.1. Adding Work Period/Shifts within FAID ........................................................................ 15 4.1.1. Adding Single Work Periods to a Work Schedule ............................................. 15 4.1.2. Adding a Cycle of Work Periods to a Work Schedule ....................................... 17 4.1.3. Adding a Work Schedule by copying data ........................................................ 18 4.1.4. Adding a Second Work Schedule ..................................................................... 18 5. Input Table Editing Options .................................................................................. 19 5.1. Sorting a Work Schedule by ID# and Date ................................................................... 19 5.2. Deleting Work Periods within a Work Schedule ........................................................... 19 5.2.1. Clearing an Entire Work Schedule .................................................................... 20 5.2.2. Additional Work Schedule Editing Options........................................................ 21 5.2.3. Saving Work Schedules ................................................................................... 21 5.2.4. Opening FAID (RTR) files ................................................................................. 22 5.2.5. Copying data out of FAID using the Clipboard .................................................. 22 5.3. Testing Overtime or Extra Work Periods within FAID ................................................... 23 5.4. FAID Settings Options ................................................................................................. 25 5.4.1. Summary .......................................................................................................... 25 5.4.2. Work Schedule ................................................................................................. 26 5.4.3. Administration .................................................................................................. 27 5.4.4. Analysis ............................................................................................................ 28 5.4.5. FAID Version Reference ................................................................................... 28 FAID Standard Version 2.1.1 User Guide – 2013-09-13 Page 3 of 66 5.5. Display Options ........................................................................................................... 29 5.6. Analysing the Work Schedule ...................................................................................... 30 5.7. FAID Green / Yellow / Red Conditions ......................................................................... 31 6. OUTPUTS Tab ........................................................................................................ 32 6.1. Indicative Fatigue Assessment Results ........................................................................ 32 6.2. FAID Key Risk Indicators ............................................................................................. 36 6.2.1. FTL Compliance Percentage ............................................................................ 36 6.2.2. Peak FAID condition for Work Periods ............................................................. 38 6.2.3. Hours Worked Profile ....................................................................................... 39 6.2.4. Monthly Compliance Graph .............................................................................. 41 6.3. Exposure Logs / Work Periods in FAID Red Condition................................................. 42 6.3.1. External Exposure Log ..................................................................................... 42 6.3.2. Internal Exposure Log ...................................................................................... 43 6.4. Work Schedule 1 & 2 ................................................................................................... 44 6.5. FAID Fatigue Gantt Chart ............................................................................................ 45 6.6. FAID Score Plot ........................................................................................................... 47 6.6.1. Compare FAID Score Plots .............................................................................. 48 6.6.2. Capture Plot ..................................................................................................... 49 6.7. FAID Score Table ........................................................................................................ 50 6.8. Compare FAID Score Tables ....................................................................................... 51 6.9. Work Patterns .............................................................................................................. 52 6.10. Work Schedule Profiles ............................................................................................. 53 6.11. Concurrent Work Periods .......................................................................................... 56 7. Printing ................................................................................................................... 57 Appendix A: InterDynamics’ Methodology ............................................................. 58 Appendix B: FAID Related References .................................................................... 61 Other References ............................................................................................................... 62 Appendix C: INPUTS Tab Icons ............................................................................... 63 Appendix D: OUTPUTS Tab Icons ........................................................................... 65 FAID®, GRAID™ and HAZAID™ are either trademarks or registered trademarks of InterDynamics Pty Ltd. Except where otherwise stated, the contents of this document are the Intellectual Property and Copyright of InterDynamics Pty Ltd. Until such time as permission may be granted under an agreement with InterDynamics, permission is not granted for the use, reproduction, or distribution of this document for commercial purposes. FAID Standard Version 2.1.1 User Guide – 2013-09-13 Page 4 of 66 1. Introductory Notes 1.1. What You Need to Know About FAID® Developed using scientific research and knowledge gained over several decades on circadian factors, the effects of shift lengths, timing of shifts and the importance of previous work periods on fatigue and performance, FAID is a bio-mathematical model of human alertness response to work and rest patterns. FAID is a powerful analytical tool that can support the management of hours of work within an organisation’s fatigue risk management guidelines. Managing hours of work taking into account fatigue is one of the major elements of a proactive and effective Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS). Please refer to InterDynamics’ website for a discussion on other key elements of an FRMS. Many regulators and industry bodies recognise that within an FRMS, adequate management of fatigue-related risks associated with working hours includes more than simply working hour limits. Circadian influencers and biological limits to recovery are also important. Consideration of these factors can most effectively and efficiently be supported by the strategic use of a bio- mathematical model such as FAID. FAID has been designed to be a powerful decision support tool based on what can be known with confidence: working hours. FAID uses work hours as its input to predict the effect on fatigue and performance of different rosters or work schedules. It is a model of human biology and is best used as a statistically significant indicator of general human response, but not as a predictor of an individual’s condition. This is true of all models given that variations in sleep requirements and tolerances do exist within the human population. FAID considers the influence of work periods (time of day, length and how recent), and human biological limits associated with sleep and recovery, to determine an Hours of Work-related fatigue score (FAID Score). FAID does not consider other personal factors that contribute to an individual’s fatigue (i.e. sleep disorders, health, actual sleep obtained, sleeping conditions etc.). Like any bio mathematical model, which (by definition) use general population level data to provide a view of relative fatigue exposures, neither FAID nor any other model in the market can provide an accurate prediction of individual level fatigue. To try to do so with FAID or any other fatigue model would be inappropriate. Individuals will always need to be considered and managed as individuals, within any fatigue risk management regime. Understanding and managing your organisational risk profile with relation to fatigue is an important process within FRMS that involves looking at multiple areas of exposure. For example, a view of the organisation’s fatigue risk profile can be gained by determining the:  Fatigue risk profile of the workforce through an employee Managing Fatigue Survey;  Hours of Work risk profile through a FAID Hours of Work Diagnostic of planned and actual hours worked;  Workplace hazards in the context of fatigue, associated with specific roles and environmental factors through a Fatigue Hazard Analysis risk assessment FAID Standard Version 2.1.1 User Guide – 2013-09-13 Page 5 of 66  Drawing it all together with a fatigue risk grading will provide contextual data on the specific fatigue-related risks for your organisation, and how to manage them effectively within a true risk-management framework. As can be seen, the use of FAID in determining the Hours of Work risk profile is one component of many. The formula and factors used by FAID have been validated within simulated work environments and field-based situations by the Centre for Sleep Research (UniSA). The development and validation of FAID is well substantiated and published in international peer-reviewed journals and books (refer to the references at the end of this section). 1.2. FAID Scores No model can predict work-related fatigue completely, however the likelihood of fatigue impairment associated with different work hours can be reviewed using FAID. A FAID Score is provided, indicating different levels of fatigue exposure for different work hours. The higher the FAID Score the higher the fatigue exposure. A standard work week of 40 hours, Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., when analysed, results in a peak FAID Score of 41. A 40-hour week of 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. night shifts by comparison, provides a peak FAID Score of 97. A study by Dawson and Reid indicates that scores between 80 and 100 (high fatigue likelihood) are comparable to the level of fatigue-related impairment after 21-24 hours of continuous sleep deprivation (Dawson & Reid, 1997). This result was observed when the sleep deprivation started at 8 a.m. on a Monday, following a standard working week and weekend break. Multiple studies have shown that performance impairment at such a level of sleep deprivation is comparable to that experienced at blood alcohol concentrations of over 0.05% (Fletcher, Lamond, van den Heuvel, Dawson, 2003). A FAID Score can provide an indication of the likelihood of performance impairment associated with fatigue. Validation studies suggest that work-related FAID Scores correlate very highly with sleep-onset latency, neurobehavioural impairment and subjective sleepiness (Fletcher, 1999). 1.3. Fatigue Tolerance Levels FAID analysis results can assist organisations and managers in understanding the fatigue exposure of different hours of work. The model can support fatigue risk management decision- making by limiting the fatigue exposure of work hours for tasks or roles that are more sensitive to fatigue-related impairment and/or have significant consequence in the event of a fatigue- related error. Hours of work-related fatigue exposure can be limited by allocating work hours within a FAID Score benchmark figure (Fatigue Tolerance Level / FTL) for a specific task or role. A lower FTL may be set for a higher risk task or role, and a higher FTL may be set for a lower risk task or role. For a specific task or role, one uploads/Management/ faidv2-1userguide 1 .pdf

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  • Publié le Jan 10, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 2.8017MB