PLEASE AFFIX HERE YOUR RECENT PASSPORT–SIZE PHOTOGRAPH CENTRE FOR DEVELOPMENT STUDIES Thiruvananthapuram-695011 READ THE GUIDELINES CAREFULLY BEFORE FILLING UP THIS FORM A P P L I C A T I O N F O R A D M I S S I O N - 2 0 1 9 PhD Programme in Economics 1. PERSONAL NAME AGE DATE OF BIRTH DATE MONTH YEAR FEMALE MALE CATEGORY GENERAL OBC – NCL SC ST Do you belong the category “Person with Disability(PWD)? NO YES, SPECIFY the disability and % : PERMANENT ADDRESS (WRITE IN CAPITAL LETTERS) COMMUNICATION ADDRESS (WRITE IN CAPITAL LETTERS) STATE PIN STATE PIN Telephone number with area code Mobile E–MAIL (WRITE IN CAPITAL LETTERS) 2. ACADEMIC RECORD Please enclose copies of all mark sheets & Certificates Maximum Total BACHELOR’S (specify) DISCIPLINE: INSTITUTION UNIVERSITY Month & Year of COMPLETION Marks Obtained % OF MARKS/ CGPA Maximum Total MASTER’S (specify) DISCIPLINE: INSTITUTION UNIVERSITY Month & Year of COMPLETION Marks Obtained % OF MARKS /CGPA Maximum Total M.PHIL (IF APPLICABLE) (specify) DISCIPLINE: INSTITUTION UNIVERSITY Month & Year of COMPLETION Marks Obtained % OF MARKS /CGPA Maximum Total Cont’d in page #2 overleaf Page #2 of Application 3. Choice of the Centre for Entrance Examination (Tick your choice. Choose only one centre for the entrance test) □ Bardhaman □ GuwahaB □ Hyderabad □ Kozhikode □ New Delhi □ Pune □ Thiruvananthapuram 4. TITLE OF THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL ENCLOSED WITH THIS APPLICATION 5. WHETHER QUALIFIED IN UGC NET for JRF UGC NET for Lectureship State Eligibility Test ICAR Test If Qualified Discipline Certificate No. & Date (enclose copy) Additional Information (on Publications, Research/Teaching experience etc.) 6. RESEARCH/ TEACHING EXPERIENCE FROM TO ORGANISATION POSITION JOB DESCRIPTION 7. PUBLICATIONS (Enclose copies/ Reprints) Title of Paper Journal Vol, Month & Year Co Author(s), if any 8. Details of Demand Draft (DD) enclosed: Demand Draft Number Demand Draft Date Amount Issuing Bank I affirm that all entries in this application and the appended documents are true in all aspects and that the research proposal has been prepared by ME. I understand that any information/ document if found to be false, shall automatically cancel my candidature and render me liable for such action as the CDS and/or the University may deem proper. Signature: Date: Cont’d in page #3 overleaf 9. FEEDBACK on how you came to know of the Programme CDS advertisement in Press Announcement in Friends OWN INSTITUTION Internet CHECKLIST OF ENCLOSURES Mark & TAG in this order Category Certificate – ONLY for OBC(NCL), Person with Disability (PWD), SC & ST candidates. Research Proposal Copies of Mark sheets & Certificates- Bachelor’s & Master’s / M. Phil Age Proof Copies of publications, if any DD for Rs. 300 Page #3 CENTRE FOR DEVELOPMENT STUDIES Thiruvananthapuram-695011 PhD Programme in Economics Entrance Test 2019 Hall Ticket ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Roll Number Details of the Centre of Examination: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date & Time of Examination: Sunday, May 19th 2019 from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon (To be filled by the Candidate) 1. Name: 2. Sex : □ Male □ Female 3. Communication Address: State: PIN: 4. Choice of Examination Centre: (tick in appropriate box. Choose only one centre for the Entrance test) □ Bardhaman □ Guwaha? □ Hyderabad □ Kozhikode □ New Delhi □ Pune □ Thiruvananthapuram Signature of the candidate: Affix your recent passport size photograph here and sign across (For office use only) Guidelines for Preparing the Application The short-listing for entrance test is entirely based on the information in the application. Please follow the instructions below while providing your responses on each item of the application form. All entries to be in CAPITAL letters only. Mark the relevant box of choice. ITEM 1. • NAME: as in Educational Certificates e.g. • AGE: In completed years; DATE OF BIRTH: as per Class X certificate or other relevant document. • Specify your category from the choices given: General, OBC( Non Creamy Layer), Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe(ST) • If Physically Disabled, specify your disability and give the % of disability • Please write your Permanent address and Communication address clearly. Hall tickets will be sent to eligible candidates to the ‘Communication Address’ given by the applicant. • EMAIL and Mobile number: Write your E-mail ID and mobile Number in legible handwriting All communication from CDS to candidates after the entrance test will be through E-mail only. So check your e-mail regularly after the second week of June for any communication from CDS SC/ST/OBC-NCL(Non Creamy Layer)/Person with Disability (PWD) applicants should enclose self-attested copy of a valid certificate from the competent authority (With English translation, if in languages other than Malayalam and Hindi). A candidate, in order to be eligible for any concession/benefits under the Person with Disability (PWD) category, should have minimum degree of disability to the extent of 40%. Further, the certifying authority in such cases shall be a medical board at the district level consisting of the Chief Medical Officer/ Sub- Divisional Medical Officer in the District and an expert in the specified field viz. Ophthalmic Surgeon in the case of visually challenged; ENT Surgeon or Audiologist in case of speech and hearing challenged; Orthopaedic Surgeon or Specialist in Physical Medicine and Re-habilitation in case of locomotor challenged. The degree of disability of the candidate selected under this category may also be verified by a Medical Board. ITEM 2. • Please indicate your Degrees in the relevant boxes. e.g. B.A.; B.Sc.; B.Com.; M.A.; M.Sc.; M.Com.; B.Tech. etc. • Marks/Grades: Give Marks Obtained and Maximum Total. e.g. For 656 out of a total of 800, write • It is also to be given as percentage/CGPA in the next column. • If awaiting award of the Master’s Degree please give the marks obtained for the completed semesters and write RA (Result Awaited) after the Year of completion. e.g. May 2019 RA. Enclose self attested copies of Mark sheets and certificates of Bachelor’s and Master’s/M. Phil, Certificate proving date of birth and Category certificate (Category certificate - ONLY for SC/ST/OBC-NCL and Person with Disability (PWD) candidates). Copies of Mark/Grade sheets for all parts/semesters should also have the evaluation scheme and other details printed overleaf. This is essential to understand the norms of your University/Board. If RA (Result Awaited) for the last degree is awaited enclose certificate from the Institution on the current status and expected date of completion. K A V I T H A S K U M A R 656 800 ITEM 3. Choose only one centre for the entrance test. ITEM 4. The Research Proposal, should be in English; typed or word-processed and should be not more than 2000 words. It will be used during the interview to evaluate the candidate on reasoning and economic insight and well as on research interests and capabilities. While we encourage you to be innovative in approach and presentation, we expect your write-up to have a critical understanding of the body of knowledge in the subject area and to be specific in terms of study issues and objectives and to show some understanding of the analytical framework and data. It should not be just an essay; nor should it be a copy of study presented as part of any other programme. Applications without Research Proposal will be summarily rejected. ITEM 5. If qualified in UGC/CSIR/ICAR NET for JRF/ Lectureship or the Eligibility Test conducted by states, enclose a self- attested copy of the certificate from UGC/CSIR/ICAR/Authority conducting the state eligibility test. ITEM 6. Papers published or accepted for publication in academic journals only, need to be submitted. ITEM 7. Details of Demand Draft taken only from State Bank of India (SBI). ITEM 8. Feedback on how you came to know of our Programme would be of help in improving the methods of Dissemination of our admission announcement. HALL TICKET: Fill up all items in the hall ticket except those reserved for office use only. Affix your recent passport size photograph ( same as pasted in the Application form) and sign across it. Send the hall ticket along with the application form. We will send the hall ticket to eligible candidates by registered post/speed post in the first week of May to the ‘Communication Address’ given by the applicant General Those awaiting the results of the Master’s Degree can also apply. However, such candidates should be declared as eligible for award of the Degree, before the commencement of the Programme. Application Fee of Rs. 300, as a DD taken only from State Bank of India (SBI) drawn in favour of the Centre for Development Studies, payable at Trivandrum.SC, ST and PWD (with ≥ 40% disability) applicants are exempted from payment of the application fee. Communication Address in the application will be considered as the current place of residence for the purpose of travel assistance for attending the interview at CDS. Additional relevant information, if any, may be provided on a separate sheet and uploads/Management/ guide 22 .pdf
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