ISO 45001 Occupational Health and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Mana
ISO 45001 Occupational Health and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Safety Management Systems Information Guide Information Guide Updated July 7, 2016 ISO 45001 Overview ISO 45001 is a new international standard for occupational health and safety (OH&S), providing a framework for managing the prevention of death, work-related injury and ill health, with the intended outcome of improving and providing a safe and healthy workplace for workers and persons under an organization’s control. ISO 45001, Occupational health and safety management systems takes into account other international standards in this area, such as OHSAS 18001. The standard is intended to help organizations, regardless of size or industry, in designing systems to proactively prevent injury and ill health. All of its requirements are designed to be integrated into an organization’s management processes. The draft international standard (DIS) of ISO 45001:2016 was published on February 12, 2016 and the ballot period ended May 12. With a final tally of 71 percent in favor to 29 percent against, the DIS ballot results fell short of the required votes, as no more than a quarter of the votes can be “against” for the standard to move on to the next stage of approval. As a result, the development of ISO 45001 will now progress to a second DIS, pushing back the estimated publication date to 2017. During the recent ISO/PC283 Project Committee meeting June 6-10 in Toronto, Canada, the 3,000+ comments raised during the initial ballot period were discussed. The Project Committee meeting in October will review the remaining comments and finalize the second DIS, which will then be balloted again. Key Benefits of ISO 45001 ISO 45001 will implement the Annex SL process and structure, making integration of multiple ISO management system standards easier, such as ISO 9001, Quality management systems and ISO 14001, Environmental management systems. It uses a simple plan-do-check-act (PDCA) model, which provides a framework for organizations to plan what they need to put in place in order to minimize the risk of harm. The measures should address concerns that can lead to long-term health issues and absence from work, as well as those that give rise to accidents. ISO 45001 enables an organization, through its OH&S management system, to integrate other aspects of health and safety, such as worker wellness/wellbeing. The ISO 45001 standard calls for the organization's management and leadership to integrate responsibility for health and safety issues as part of the organization's overall plan rather than shift responsibility to, for example, a safety manager. Why an ISO Standard? ISO 45001 Development Timeline ISO’s standards development and review processes contain six-steps (some of which are optional): Proposal Stage: Confirm new international standard “subject area” is needed. Preparatory Stage: Working group (WG) is set up to prepare the working draft (WD). Committee Stage: WD is shared with members of the parent committee. A committee draft (CD) is circulated to committee members for comment/reach consensus Enquiry Stage: The Draft International Standard (DIS) is circulated to all ISO members who get 3-months to vote and comment Approval Stage: The Final Draft International Standard (FDIS) is circulated to all ISO members for a 2-month vote. This stage is skipped if the DIS is approved. 1 Proposal Stage March 2013 2 Preparatory Stage Nov. 2013 3 Committee Stage 7/14 – 3/15 4 Enquiry Stage (DIS) 2016 Current 5 Approval Stage (FDIS) 2017 6 Publication Stage 2017 Obligatory Optional Emerging Key Changes 1. Structure of International Standard 2. Organizational Context 3. Understanding Needs & Expectations of Interested Parties 4. Leadership 5. Worker Participation (Worker Representatives) 6. Hazard Identification/ Assessment of Risk 7. Planning 8. Need to prevent ill-health & injuries 9. Documented Information 10. Outsourcing, Procurement & Contractors 11. OH&S Performance Evaluation Key Change 1: Structure of International Standard - New Annex SL Structure Key Change 2: Organizational Context (Clause 4) Results of context review should be used to: Understand & determine scope and issues (positive & negative) that can affect how organization manages OH&S management system Determine risk & opportunities Developing or enhancing OH&S Policy & set objectives High Level Understanding needs & expectations of workers & other interested parties (and differences for managerial & non-managerial workers) Issues include: conditions, characteristics or changing circumstances that can affect OH&S. Internal/external issues can result in risks/opportunities External Context Issues Cultural, political, economic, legal, natural surroundings, market competition New competitors, technologies, laws, new occupations Key drivers & trends in industry sector Relationships, perceptions & values of external interested parties Foreword Introduction 0.1 Background 0.2 Aim of OH&S Management System 0.3 Success Factors 1. Scope 2. Normative References 3. Terms & Definitions 4. Context of the Organization 5. Leadership & Worker Participation 6. Planning 7. Support 8. Operation 9. Performance Evaluation 10. Improvement Annex A: Guidance on use of this International Standard Bibliography Alphabetical Index of Terms Emerging Key Changes Internal Context Issues: Organizational structure, roles, accountabilities; Capabilities; organizational culture Information systems, flows, decision making; Intro of new products and equipment; Standards, guidelines; contractual relationships; Change in relation to working time requirements Key Change 3: Understanding Needs of Interested Parties (Clause 4) Needs & Expectations of both managerial & non-managerial workers & workers representatives (where they exist) Affect OH&S management system or which perceive themselves to be affected by OH&S system (A.4.2) Worker & as appropriate workers’ representatives Legal & Regulatory authorizes Parent Organization Suppliers, co-contractors & subcontractors Workers’ organizations (trade unions) and employers’ organizations Owners, shareholders, clients, visitors, local community, neighbors, general public Occupational health & safety organizations; occupational safety and health-care professionals (e.g., doctors, nurses) Note – Needs & expectations from interested parties only become obligatory requirements for an organization if organization chooses to adopt them. Interested Parties can include: Emerging Key Changes Key Change 4: Leadership (Clause 5) Leadership has been enhanced to ensure commitment & active support from top management Taking overall responsibility & accountability for protection of workers’ work-related health & safety Ensuring OH&S policy & objectives established OH&S compatible with organizations strategic direction Integrating OH&S into organizational business process Allocating necessary resources OH&S (establish, implement, maintain & improve) Ensure Active participation of workers & workers’ representatives (consultation & removing obstacles) Internal/External Communications supporting OH&S Ensuring OH&S management systems achieve intended outcome(s) Directing & supporting persons to contribute to effectiveness of OH&S Ensuring Continual Improvement of OH&S Supporting relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to their areas of responsibility Developing, leading and promoting a culture in organization that supports OH&S management system Key Change 5: Worker Participation (Clause 5) Non-Managerial Worker Participation Give additional emphasis to determine: Mechanism for participation & consultation Hazard identification & assessment of risk Actions to control hazard & risk Identification of needs of competence, training & evaluation of training Information (what & how) to be communicated Investigating incidents, non-conformities, & involved in corrective actions Needs & expectations of interested parties Establishing policy Assigning organizational roles, responsibilities, accountabilities & authorities Key Change 6: Hazard Identification/Assessment of Risk (Clause 6) Hazard identification should proactively identify any sources or situation arising from organizations activities, with potential for work-related injury & ill health. Source/situations could include, but not limited to: Sources: hazardous substances, radiation, temperature, pressure, dust, noise & vibration Situations: working at heights, working in confined space, working alone, worker fatigue, aggressive behavior or harassment, workload and task control Hazards can be categorized in many ways, including: physical, chemical, biological psychosocial, physiological; or mechanical and electrical; or based on movement and energy. Emerging Key Changes Organization shall establish, implement and maintain a process for on-going proactive identification of hazards arising, taking into account, but not limited to: 1. Routine and non-routine activities and situations, including: a. Infrastructure, equipment, material, substances& physical conditions in the workplace b. Hazards that arise as a result of product design c. Human factors d. How the work is actually done 2. Emergency situations 3. People, including considerations of: a. those who access workplace, including workers, contractors, visitors and other persons b. Those in vicinity of workplace that can be affected by organizations activities c. Workers at location not under direct control of organization 4. Actual or proposed changes in organization, operations, processes activities & OH&S management systems 5. Changes in knowledge of or information about hazards 6. Past incidents, internal/external to the organization including emergencies and their causes 7. How work is organized, and social factors, including workload, work hours, leadership and culture of organization Key Change 7: Planning (Clause 6) When planning for OH&S management system, organization shall Consider issues referred to in “organizational context” (4.1) Requirements referred to in “interested parties” (4.2) Scope of its OH&S management system (4.3) Determine risks and opportunities that need to be addressed When planning how to achieve uploads/Management/ isr-dis45001-guide.pdf
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