REFLECTIVE ANALYSIS FORM Check as appropriate: __ Year 1, __ Year 2, _X_ Year 3
REFLECTIVE ANALYSIS FORM Check as appropriate: __ Year 1, __ Year 2, _X_ Year 3, __ Year 4. Competency 1: Agir en tant que professionnel héritier, critique et interprète d’objets de savoirs ou de culture dans l’exercice de ses fonctions. Comments: The proof for this competency is my participation in an exhibit called “Through the Lens of Our Community”. This event was an English-community event with the Voice of English Quebec. It allowed me to connect with the English community and to continue to develop my cultural knowledge. However, it also provided me with an experience that I will be able to use to make links for students between their learning situations and the English speaking community in Quebec. Competency 2: Communiquer clairement et correctement dans la langue d’enseignement, à l’oral et à l’écrit, dans les divers contextes liés à la profession enseignante. Comments: No proof for this category this year. Competency 3: Concevoir des situations d’enseignement/ apprentissage pour les contenus à faire apprendre et ce, en fonction des élèves concernés et du développement visées par le programme de formation. Comments: The proof provided for this section is my webquest which I created in my ESL pedagogy III class. This webquest shows my ability to structure an activity for a certain grade level, in this case grades 6. The careful attention to vocabulary used and sentence structure relates to my professional development because it shows my awareness of using relevant vocabulary and sentences structures when developing a lesson. The webquest also demonstrates my development in lesson structure development. In this lesson students are asked to go further than just regurgitating what they have learned on a piece of paper which relates to the learning goals of the MELS program. Competency 4: Piloter des situations d’enseignement/ apprentissage pour des contenus à faire apprendre et ce, en fonction des élèves concernés et du développement des compétences visées dans le programme de formation. Comments: The two thank you notes provided by students as proof represent my professional development in this area. Whether I am teaching, tutoring or just monitoring I continually try to further a student’s learning as best as I can. These letters show that my efforts have been noticed and appreciated which demonstrate my capacities in this area. Compétence 5: Évaluer la progression des apprentissages et le degré d’acquisition des compétences des élèves pour les contenus à faire apprendre. Comments: No proof for this category this year. Compétence 6: Planifier, organiser et superviser le mode de fonctionnement du groupe d’élève en vue de favoriser l’apprentissage et la socialisation des élèves. Comments: The proof provided for this section is my actual hours of teaching. These hours continually contribute to my professional development. They allow me to improve my classroom management skills, modify my planning for different levels and students and organize my classrooms for effective learning. This pertains to my professional development because it allows me to practice and improve the many things involved in planning, organizing and supervising a class. Compétence 7: Adapter ses interventions aux besoins et aux caractéristiques des élèves présentant des difficultés d’apprentissage, d’adaptation ou un handicap. Comments: The number of hours teaching that I have done has allowed me to continually encounter a variety of students for which I need to adapt my teaching style. Therefore this pertains to my professional development in this competency because I am developing my aptitude for dealing with students with learning disabilities and other difficulties. Compétence 8: Intégrer les technologies de l’information et des communications aux fins de préparation et de pilotage d’activités d’enseignement apprentissage, de gestion de l’enseignement et de développement professionnel. Comments: Two projects this year allowed me to develop this competency. It was the Webquest we were required to create in our Pedagogy III class and the Prezis I created. These projects have furthered my abilities in working with ICT’s and have provided me with enough understanding to integrate them into my future classroom. Therefore developing my abilities in this competency. Compétence 9. Coopérer avec l’équipe-école, les parents, les différents partenaires sociaux et les élèves en vue de l’atteinte des objectifs éducatifs de l’école. Comments: No proof for this category this year. Compétence 10. Travailler de concert avec les membres de l’équipe pédagogique à la réalisation des tâches permettant le développement et l’évaluation des compétences visées dans le programme de formation, et ce, en fonction des élèves concernés. Comments: No proof as of yet for this competency. Compétence 11: S’engager dans une démarche individuelle et collective de développement personnel et professionnel. Comments: My participation in the APEAL general assembly show the interest I have in my personal professional development. This involvement has started me on the path to participating in committees and other associations related to my professional development. When I will be in the school system I will need to participate in other activities outside of just teaching and the APEAL general meeting gives me a guideline for those future experiences. I also created a Prezi which summarized a variety of articles I had read on how to start off the school year on the right foot. These articles allowed me to reflect on how I start off when teaching a new group and how I could improve my techniques. Compétence 12: Agir de façon éthique et responsable dans l’exercice de ses fonctions. Comments: No proof as of yet for this competency. B. Briefly identify goals for yourself for the next year. My goals for next year are to continually find new tools and experiences to contribute to my professional development. More specifically I would like to learn more about different strategies I can use in the classroom not only for classroom management but also to facilitating learning. I would also like to learn how teachers lesson plan for the different levels they teach. This will hopefully help guide me in my own lesson planning. I would also like to experiment more with ICT’s and find ways in which I could use them in the classroom. Another goal would be to find more sources to start creating a database for my future ESL lessons. uploads/Management/ portfolio-reflection-form-3 1 .pdf
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- Publié le Apv 15, 2022
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
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