BREVET MADYA 2B FFB RECEPTION The Fruit Reception Station 1.0 Introduction The

BREVET MADYA 2B FFB RECEPTION The Fruit Reception Station 1.0 Introduction The FFB reception station is the first station encountered in the palm oil mill. Equipment utilised in this station includes the weighbridge, the loading ramps, fruit cages, Bobcat skid loader, capstans, railway lines and transfer carraiges. Proper supervision and operation of the weighbridge is very important because incoming FFB and outgoing palm products must be accurately weighed and properly recorded for payment, invoicing and control purposes. In general, the reception station should be designed to suit the method of FFB delivery to the mill. While it is true that the quality of FFB being sent to the mill will largely determine the quality of crude palm oil produced, it is also true that improper operation of the reception station will contribute further to the deterioration of oil quality. This occurs when the FFB is not processed according to the first in first out system and through poor and inefficient handling of the FFB. Bruising of fruits at the loading ramp should be minimised to reduce rise in FFA. 2.0 Functions of the Reception Station The functions of the reception station are:  To receive and weigh in all the FFB  To check and grade incoming FFB  To store the FFB for processing  To facilitate filling of the FFB into cages for processing  To weigh out all palm products 1 BREVET MADYA 2B FFB RECEPTION The objectives are summarised as in Table 1. Table 1 Function Objectives Reception of FFB Weighing in of FFB accurate and properly recorded Ensure quick turn around of transport Minimum spillage of fruits Minimum handling of fruits Quick, simple and effective charging of FFB into cages Grading of FFB Proper grading,recording and reporting as in SOP Storage of FFB Adequate storage capacity Correct flow system Minimum movement Delivery of FFB for Correct flow system Process Minimum movement Ease of steriliser loading FIFO 3.0 FFB Reception The design of the FFB reception is usually directly related to the way the FFB is delivered to the mill. Generally there are 2 systems of transporting FFB to the mill and these may be broadly classified under the heading of:  Road transport  Rail transport 3.1 Road Transport In this system FFB is usually loaded by hands or by nets and cranes into lorries or tractor-trailers to the mill. This is the most commonly used system as it allows fast turnaround of vehicles, particularly lorries. However, as this system also involves the greatest amount of fruit handling both in the fields and in the mill, a greater amount of fruit damage or bruising of fruits will occur resulting in a greater rise of FFA in the oil. 3.2 Rail Transport In the rail system of transport one can either use steriliser cages for haulage of fruit or by means of tipper trucks. With steriliser cages, 2 BREVET MADYA 2B FFB RECEPTION the FFB is handled once only. This system thus ensures that there is minimal rise in FFA during the transportation phase. In the tipper truck, the fruit has to be tipped into cages in the mill and although there is only an extra handling the difference in FFA rise between the two system is in the mean region of 0.3% to 0.5%. The advantage of rail transport system is that it is very economical to operate. The capital cost, however is another matter. However, this system is possible only where the mill is located close to the estate and the terrain should be flat. However, the resulting improvement in oil quality coupled with savings on a long term basis in operating costs will make this system viable if the above other two considerations are in its favour. 4.0 Reception Facilities The reception facility at the mill depends on the type of transportation system employed. The steriliser cages, which are hauled to the mill either by rails or tractor-trailers, are transferred to special steriliser bogies by overhead crane or forklift and the empty cages put back on the field bogies by the same crane. In some cases, separate overhead gantry is designed to cater for cages arriving by tractor- trailer although the current trend is towards the utilisation of a forklift. Usually a storage yard is allocated for the storage of these cage FFB and with a proper layout this system should enable the mill to achieve the required turn around of cages with minimum handling. The tipper truck system is similar to that for the steriliser cages except that the fruit from the tippers have to be off-loaded into steriliser cages. To do this, one can either use the pit system or a ramp system. In the pit system the fruit is tipped into cages inside one or two pits while in the ramp system the trucks are hauled up a ramp where they are then tipped into waiting cages. Both the pit and ramp systems will result in fruit spillage and if these are not supervised properly in unduly large amount of bunch and fruit damage will result. In mills where lorries unload the FFB directly into steriliser cages the time taken to off load one lorry will be too long apart from the great amount of spillage that will result with this system. Mills that receive bulk lorry fruit will usually have off loading ramps of some sorts and these result in an additional handling of the FFB i.e. from the lorries once into the ramp and from the ramp into the cages. Once 3 BREVET MADYA 2B FFB RECEPTION they are full the cages are either pulled into a storage yard or if the ramp area provides sufficient FFB storage capacity the cages are moved directly into the mill for processing. If the reception facilities for the bulk delivery of the fruit by lorries are not designed or operated correctly then problems will arise and the objectives detailed in Table 1 may not be met. As most of our mills are equipped with loading ramps, we shall concentrate a bit more on this. 4.1 Loading Ramps The fruit loading ramp is of rugged steel construction. It consists of a number of elevated fruit hoppers arranged in-line on one or two sides. Each hopper should have a capacity of not less than 10 tons of fruits. The inclined surfaces of the hoppers allow FFB to slide into steriliser cages below when the hydraulically operated doors are opened. Fifty percent of the inclined surface is constructed of tee bars arranged at right angles to the movement of fruit down the hopper. Gaps of about 10 mm between the tee bars allow sand, small stones and some vegetative matter to pass through to the area below the hoppers. 4.2 Railway System An efficient railway system is essential for the smooth movement of cages from the loading ramp to the sterilisers and the crane bay and back to the loading ramp. Railway system that eliminates turn-outs and diamond crossings is an improvement. Such a system usually incorporates the use of transfer carraiges and straight rails. The usage of straight rails reduces the problem of cage derailment and maintenance significantly. This also results in the faster movement of cages and thus helps in attaining the throughput. Rails are designed with sections of between 12 to 15 kg/m with gauge of 700mm. Sleepers are usually placed at intervals of less than 1 metre. 5.0 Supervision at Reception Station To attain the objectives set out in Table 1, a combination of good supervision and design is required. Discussion will centre on the supervision required for bulk delivery of FFB through lorries or tractor-trailers. This system of delivery requires extra handling of 4 BREVET MADYA 2B FFB RECEPTION FFB and speed and co-ordination on the part of mill personnel to ensure its proper operation. 5.1 Supervision of Reception of FFB Bulk delivery by lorries has the fastest turn around and it is vital that the rate of cage filling should as far as possible be complimentary to the rate of bulk delivery to the mill. This is sometimes not possible due to design factor and the period which lorries are expected to arrive at the mill. It is therefore very important that supervisors should know the holding capacities of the reception station and the day’s anticipated FFB to be delivered to the mill. This will help you to decide on how early you should commence processing as late mill starting up time can cause queuing of lorries not to mention of possible extra payment for overtime work. The example below illustrates the statement. Mill A is rated and achieves 40 tons FFB an hour and has a storage capacity of 480 tons at the reception station. The day’s total FFB is 800 tons and these can be transported to the mill within 14 hours during the period of 0800 to 2000. From your records you know that between the hours 0800 to 1100 the rate of FFB delivery uploads/Management/ reception.pdf

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  • Publié le Jui 29, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
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