Student Council and Student Voice: A Call for Student Leaders SUGGESTIONS FOR S
Student Council and Student Voice: A Call for Student Leaders SUGGESTIONS FOR STUDENT COUNCIL IMPROVEMENTS Meetings • Schedule meetings for the entire year and share the dates with all students. • Create and share an agenda with all students at the beginning of the year. • Record minutes and keep financial documents to inform future councils. • Open meetings to all students to allow them to participate with questions or concerns. • Ensure each grade and education pathway is represented on student council. Subcommittees • Offer positions and leadership roles for students in every grade. • Create subcommittees to address current issues; invite all interested students to join. Communication • Communicate regularly within the council and the school (e.g., listserve, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) • Survey students for their opinions on school issues; conduct school-wide surveys. • Report back to students about how their ideas have been used. Elections • Nominate council candidates based on qualifications and skills. • Ensure elections are anonymous and focused on the candidates’ platforms. • Match elected student skill sets with council positions. Issues • Promote students on council as representatives of the student voice, not just event planners. • Ensure council representatives are available to the student population. • Remind council representatives that they are elected to represent the views of all students. © Queens’ Printer for Ontario, 2013 ISBN 978-1-4606-1556-0 (Print) Your feedback and ideas from the survey will ensure this guide keeps improving. You can also share your ideas with your Student Senate, your Student Trustee and the Minister’s Student Advisory Council. STUDENTS ACROSS ONTARIO ARE SPEAKING UP ABOUT STUDENT COUNCILS Join the conversation! Sign-up your school for the Student Voice Survey at Watch the Video! Read This guide! Student Council-booklet.indd 1 10/9/13 1:19 PM Observe & Collaborate Plan & Consult Plan and Consult Meet school admin and faculty advisor(s) to discuss ways to strengthen student engagement. Conduct student–led research and establish priorities for all students. Resources: Student Council/Student Voice fact sheet; 9 Student Voice Indicators; MSAC videos and recommendations; Students as Researchers Collaborative Inquiry Toolkit Reflect & Communicate Act & Create Reflect and Communicate Who’s listening? Who’s being heard? • What are our strengths and where do we need support and/or training? • Have we surveyed all students for input? • Have we hosted an event to hear the student voice? Resources: Order SpeakUp in a Box flect & municate Observe and Collaborate • Hold focus groups • Conduct surveys • Host a SpeakUp in a Box forum • Share findings and recommendations Act and Create Implement your ideas Resources: Apply for a SpeakUp Grant to put your idea into action Student Forums: Participate in regional student forums A Schools that listens are schools that work: A self-assessment guide for student councils From 2010 to 2012, over 600 students imagined new ways of contributing to their school communities. They came from across the province to regional forums or served on the Minister’s Student Advisory Council. They shared their ideas on student council and leadership. They said that student advocacy and citizenship needs to include more student voices. They talked about the role that schools can play to help students become leaders and change-makers through training and support. Students told us that student councils should: • find better ways to empower all student voices • be empowered to be more than fundraisers and dance organizers • strengthen academic engagement • represent the diversity of the student body. This guide was developed to offer ideas for: • student councils to assess student involvement • schools to set and achieve student voice goals. STUDENT COUNCIL SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL Use this checklist to evaluate what your student council is doing now, and to decide where you would like to take it in the future. Does our student council: We have this already We want this in the future Reflect the diversity of our student population? Consult and report back to all students? Share the same vision as the student body? Function democratically? Promote student voice? Work in partnership with students, parents, teachers, and administrators? Have a constitution that was developed with student input? Resources can be ordered by emailing Involving all student voices on student council Here is an overview of a process that can guide your student council as they work to represent all student voices. Student Council-booklet.indd 2 10/9/13 1:19 PM uploads/Management/ studentcouncil-guide.pdf
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- Publié le Sep 21, 2021
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