Universal College Foundation Senior High School Unit TEACHERS GUIDE S.Y 2019-20

Universal College Foundation Senior High School Unit TEACHERS GUIDE S.Y 2019-2020 DAY/HOUR TOPIC SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES TEACHING STRATEGY MATERIALS EXPECTED OUTCOME MODULE/UNIT CONTENT: INTRO TO MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY 1. CONTENT STANDARD: 2. PERFORMANCE STANDARD: 3. LEARNING COMPETENCIES DAY 1 / 1 HR 1. Defining communication 2. Explaining the communication process through models (specific content should pattern to the learning competencies)  The learners will be able to describe communication in relation to media and information.  The learners will be able to determine the communication in the context of MIL. Q and A 1. Oral Exam 2. Role Playing uploads/Management/ teachers-guide 4 .pdf

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  • Publié le Sep 16, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 0.1887MB