Gcb application guide 1 See discussions stats and author pro ?les for this publication at https www researchgate net publication Generator Circuit-Breakers ?? Application Guide - Edition Technical Report January CITATIONS authors including Mirko Palazzo A

See discussions stats and author pro ?les for this publication at https www researchgate net publication Generator Circuit-Breakers ?? Application Guide - Edition Technical Report January CITATIONS authors including Mirko Palazzo ABB PUBLICATIONS CITATIONS SEE PROFILE READS Available from Mirko Palazzo Retrieved on November Product Brochure Generator Circuit-Breakers Application Guide Edited by ABB Switzerland Ltd High Voltage Products Department High Current Systems Brown Boveri Strasse CH- Zurich Switzerland Text Dieter Braun Giosafat Cavaliere Kurt Dahinden Mirko Palazzo Table of contents Introduction History of the development of generator circuit-breakers Design of generator circuit-breakers Interrupting chamber Hydraulic spring operating mechanism SF -gas density monitoring system Disconnector Earthing switch Starting switch for gas turbine power plants Short-circuiting connection Current transformer Voltage transformer Ferroresonance damping device Surge capacitor Surge arrester Connecting zone Phase enclosure Control and supervision Standard for generator circuit-breakers Selection of generator circuit-breakers Duties of generator circuit-breakers Requirements for generator circuit-breakers Selection of generator circuit-breakers Rated maximum voltage Power frequency Rated continuous current Rated dielectric strength Rated short-circuit duty cycle Rated interrupting time Rated closing time Short-circuit current rating System-source short-circuit current Generator-source short-circuit current Required closing latching and carrying capabilities Required short-time current-carrying capability Transient recovery voltage rating First-pole-to-clear factor Amplitude factor Power frequency recovery voltage Rated inherent transient recovery voltage System-source faults Generator-source faults Calculation of TRV in case of terminal faults Rated load current switching capability Capacitance current switching capability Out-of-phase current switching capability Excitation current switching capability Rated control voltage Rated mechanism uid operating pressure ABB Table of contents Application of generator circuit-breakers Power plant layouts Thermal power plants Gas turbine power plants Hydro power plants Pumped storage power plants Advantages of generator circuit-breakers Simpli ?ed operational procedures Improved protection of the generator and the main and unit transformers Increased security and higher power plant availability Transformer failures Short-time unbalanced load condition Generator motoring Synchronizing under out-of-phase conditions Economic bene ?t Maintenance of generator circuit-breakers Case study Impact of the method of connecting a generator to the high- voltage grid on the availability of a power plant Power plant layout Layout of extra high-voltage substation Layout of high-voltage substation Generator circuit-breaker Station transformer Data for availability calculations Simulations Simulation results Economic evaluation Case study Interrupting capability of generator circuit-breakers in case of delayed current zeros Generator circuit-breaker model adopted for the simulations Generator terminal faults Out-of-phase synchronising Conclusions References ABB Introduction A major objective of all power plant operating companies is the achievement of the highest possible plant availability at the lowest possible cost Obviously how a generator is connected to the high-voltage grid and how the power supply to the unit auxiliaries is secured has a decisive in uence on the availability of a power plant Two basically di ?erent ways of connecting a generator to the high-voltage transmission network are in use today namely the connection without a circuit-breaker between the generator and the low- voltage terminals of the main transformer i e the unit connection and the connection with a generator circuit-breaker Figure The layout

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