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CTerms of Use All the materials and or graphics included in the IceTheme theme folders MUST be used ONLY with IT University Theme from IceTheme com Table of Contents - Introduction - Installing the theme with the Cloner Installer - Installing the theme without the Clone Installer - Module Positions - More Information C - Introduction This installation guide will help you install IT University Responsive Joomla Theme by IceTheme There are ways of installing the theme - Using the Clone Installer Package - The manual Installation the traditional installation of Joomla Which one should you use IceTheme recommends using the Clone Installer as it will reproduce a copy of the demo that you have seen in minutes and without di ?culties All the extensions of IceTheme will be positioned and con ?gured ready to work On the other hand the manual installation requires that you install Joomla ?rst and then install and then con ?gure all the extensions one by one through the backend This takes time and increases the possibilities for errors However you have to consider one thing the Clone Installer installs the Sample Data of the theme and automatically erases any text or images that you may have had on the site So if you are installing the theme on an existing site whose content you want to store DO NOT USE the Clone Installer Instead get use of the manual installation which will be explained later in this document C - Installing the Theme with the Clone Installer - The Clone Installer package will save you lots of time because you will not have to set and con ?gure the parameters for the extensions and the theme Moreover you have the content set up by default So making use of this package is recommended for websites that need to be created from the beginning Below you will ?nd all the necessary steps from the Joomla Requirements to make your website exactly as you see it on our demo Check Your System Requirements First you need to check if your server or hosting package meets the recommended requirements for Joomla to run normally The requirements are First you need to check if your server or hosting package meets the minimum requirements for Joomla to run or to operate normally The requirements are ? Apache v x recommended http www apache org ? PHP v http www php net ? MySQL v http www mysql com Microsoft IIS v http www iis net ? PHP v ? MySQL v Extract the content of the Clone Installer zip package on your computer The Clone Installer Package contains all the Joomla core ?les plus the ?les of our theme and the complimentary extensions so it is not necessary to download the Joomla package You can install Joomla only when a new version of Joomla is released and you have to update your website Copy all the ?les that you have extracted to your server directory - If you wish

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