Guide zagreb FORMAL GUIDELINES FOR FORMATTING A PhD THESIS The PhD thesis is written in Croatian or some other language used in the ?eld of study The text of the thesis should be logically divided into sections without grammatical spelling and printing mi

FORMAL GUIDELINES FOR FORMATTING A PhD THESIS The PhD thesis is written in Croatian or some other language used in the ?eld of study The text of the thesis should be logically divided into sections without grammatical spelling and printing mistakes The tables and images charts photographs drawings diagrams histograms maps should be numbered and have a proper title The numbers and titles of the tables should be written above the tables The numbers and titles of images charts photographs drawings diagrams histograms maps should be written below the images All the pages from the Introduction to the end of the thesis should be numbered The submitted theses should be hardbound The number of submitted hardbound copies is equal to the number of members of the PhD defence committee the number of supervisors for the Directorate of Postgraduate Studies The page formatting of a PhD thesis A page format ? font type of letter Arial the support of all Croatian characters required font size points justi ?ed text left-aligned headings text spacing tables spacing left margin cm right top and bottom margin cm the front page has di ?erent default margins page numbers should be written in the bottom right corner The general rule is that in all written works it is always necessary to clearly separate someone else ? s text ideas and data from the author ? s text conclusions ideas data etc Smaller parts of texts by other authors can be used but that should always be marked in a clear and standard way If the illustration is not a genuine contribution of the author it is mandatory to indicate its source if it has already been published or its author if the illustration has not yet been published The source is written below the illustration If the illustration is a reproduction of an artwork the author if known the title and other relevant information should be mentioned CDOCTORAL THESIS Monograph style The doctoral thesis monograph style should include A front page written in the language of the thesis and a front page written in English if the thesis was not written in English if it was written in English then the front page should be in Croatian - pages - of this document New page one page single-spaced Bibliography Bibliography data these data are listed at the bottom half of the page one below the other Scienti ?c area Scienti ?c ?eld Branch of science Institution University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Institute Supervisor of the PhD thesis Number of pages Number of images Number of tables Number of appendices Number of references Date of oral examination can be entered by hand later The members of the PhD defence committee The doctoral thesis is stored in Nacionalna i sveu ?ili ?na knji nica u Zagrebu Ulica Hrvatske bratske zajednice p p Zagreb Knji nica Sveu ?ili ?ta u Zagrebu Agronomskog Fakulteta Sveto ?imunska cesta Zagreb The subject of the thesis was accepted at the session of

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