Installation guide 49 C CSigmaNEST Start-up Guide SigmaNEST SigmaNEST is the leading CAD CAM nesting system for programming CNC pro ?le cutting and punching machines Optimized for plasma laser punch oxyfuel waterjet router knife tube pipe and combination

C CSigmaNEST Start-up Guide SigmaNEST SigmaNEST is the leading CAD CAM nesting system for programming CNC pro ?le cutting and punching machines Optimized for plasma laser punch oxyfuel waterjet router knife tube pipe and combination cutting machines SigmaNEST ensures the best results in terms of material utilization machine motion optimization part quality work ow integration material handling accurate estimates and information management SigmaNEST software is o ?ered in modules that can be combined to best meet the varied needs of customers ranging from job shop environments to Steel Service Centers and Original Equipment Manufacturers in such industries as Transportation Agricultural and Construction Equipment Aerospace Energy and more About SigmaTEK Systems LLC Founded in SigamTEK is headquartered in Cincinnati OH USA and has an extensive global support network with branches throughout North America South America Europe Asia Australia and Africa SigmaTEK is the leading authority on CAD CAM nesting material optimization and manufacturing process automation Our products and services are at work driving cutting punch and bending machines around the world and throughout industry delivering sustained levels of breakthrough productivity improvement Learn more at www sigmanest com -i- CSigmaNEST Start-up Guide Table of Contents Get Ready to Nest with the BEST About This Guide Before Installing SigmaNEST SigmaNEST Basics Types of SigmaNEST Con ?gurations System Requirements Installation Upgrade Installation Installation Prerequisites for Upgrade and Network Installations Installation Instructions SIM License File Management SIM Codes and Licensing Network SIM Management Con ?guring Access to Remote Servers Post Installation Troubleshooting ii - CSigmaNEST Start-up Guide SigmaNEST Technical Support Training Technical Support SigmaNEST Training Contact SigmaTEK Support iii - CSigmaNEST Start-up Guide Get Ready to Nest with the BEST Thank you for choosing to invest in SigmaNEST the leader in CAD CAM nesting software solutions for all major pro ?le cutting and punching machines This manual is a reference to SigmaNEST Some optional features described in this manual may not be included in the version of SigmaNEST software being used Contact your SigmaNEST sales representative to obtain more information on optional program modules described in the help ?le that are not installed at your site We appreciate your business and look forward to working with you to make sure you get the most from your SigmaNEST solution - - ? ? CSigmaNEST Start-up Guide About This Guide This guide provides instructions for installing or upgrading SigmaNEST It also includes information such as system requirements license management post installation troubleshooting steps for common technical issues and contact information for support and training - - CSigmaNEST Start-up Guide Before Installing SigmaNEST Back Up Existing Data Current users must back up data before installing a new version of SigmaNEST Failure to properly back up data can result in its permanent loss See Upgrade Installation on page for more information Determine Installation Method Before installing answer the following questions to determine the most appropriate installation method for your environment l Will all the SigmaNEST components SIM database SQL server program be on the same computer or on a

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