Intel parallel studio xe 2017 update 5 installation guide for linux os

Intel Parallel Studio XE Update Installation Guide for Linux OS September Contents Introduction Licensing Information Prerequisites Notes for Cluster Installation Selecting Installation Method Establishing Secure Shell Connectivity Installation Using Online Installer Storing Download Content Installation Through Command Line Interface CLI Installation Through Graphical User Interface GUI Silent Install Mode Using Settings from Interactive Installation Installation Folders After Installation Steps Getting Started Verifying Cluster Con ?guration Uninstalling the Product Installer Options Legal Information C Introduction This document explains how to install Intel Parallel Studio XE on a Linux OS system You can install the product from the command line or using the graphical user interface GUI Depending on the license you have the installer performs the installation of one of the following product editions Intel Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition Intel Parallel Studio XE Professional Edition Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition For di ?erences in contents of each edition see Release Notes To install Intel Parallel Studio XE on Linux OS you can use O ine Installer package that contains all the components of the product Online Installer ?? a small installation ?le that downloads and installs only speci ?ed components of the product The installer downloads the components prior to the installation so you can install the product in the o ine mode and or on another machine The Intel Parallel Studio XE installer automatically makes the appropriate selection of binaries scripts and text ?les from its installation archive based on the Intel architecture of the host system where the installation process is initiated You do not have to worry about selecting the correct software component names for the given Intel architecture Licensing Information Starting from the release the named-user license provisions in the Intel Software Development Products EULA available as EULA txt at parallelstudioxe x xxx licensing changed to only allow the software to be installed on up to three systems tracked by the system host ID To install the product on another system after you have reached this limit you will need to release an old system host ID from the registration system As an additional consequence to this change as well as some changes to the license design you will need an updated license to use Intel Parallel Studio XE Additional information is provided here If you have further questions or concerns please contact Technical Support If you have any questions on licensing visit the Licensing FAQ page Prerequisites Before you start the installation you are recommended to complete the following prerequisite steps Go to Intel Software Development Products Registration Center and register the product by providing your e-mail and serial number You can ?nd the serial number for example C within the e-mail receipt of your product purchase Once the admission has been Intel Parallel Studio XE Update Installation Guide for Linux OS Cgranted into the registration center you will be able to manage your licenses and access the Intel Premier Support web page for software support As one of the product activation methods you

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