Kaos guide Installation Guide Espa? ol Now that you have seen some of how KaOS works in live mode you might be ready to install Before doing so it is best to understand a few things As with any rolling release updating regularly is a must fall too far beh

Installation Guide Espa? ol Now that you have seen some of how KaOS works in live mode you might be ready to install Before doing so it is best to understand a few things As with any rolling release updating regularly is a must fall too far behind and trying to update then will likely cause issues Recommended is to update weekly no less than once a month If that is something not feasible for you it might be better to consider using a static distribution with a six or nine month release cycle If any instructions are needed for an update to KaOS http kaosx us news will always warn you about them which will be shown in Octopi the package manager too It is best to familiarize yourself with the command line package manager pacman Any distribution has to implement major changes at times a rolling distribution has to rely on the package manager to interact with the users to make sure such updates are done correctly Since rolling inherently means no reinstall at set intervals a static distribution can use such needed re-install to introduce major changes No GUI for pacman is as powerful as pacman itself in those situations Calamares the installer of KaOS is straightforward and easy to use but lacks some features at this stage RAID LUKS disk setups are not supported yet nor is it possible not to install a bootloader setting up a GPT partition on a BIOS system is not an option either Starting the Installer CThe ?rst two pages give you some information of the current status of the installer option to select what language will be used for the installer set your current location and ?ne tune the language settings CNext is the Keyboard Setup You can test the layout by typing something in the designated area Use the drop-down menu to ?ne tune to your exact desired keyboard model CEnsure that your system meets the minimal requirements Not having an internet connection during the install is no deal breaker and won't stop the install from going trough Having less than the shown disc space or available RAM will almost certainly fail the install As for disc space a minimum of Gb is recommended CPartitioning Using the correct partition setup most suitable ?lesystem and partition-table is the most challenging part for anyone new to installing an Operating System Make sure to backup any data you might need from your drive before proceeding If your target install medium HDD ssd usb-stick as examples is not formatted and partitioned or not set up to your liking you can do so from within the Installer or prepare it before starting the installer needed if you want to use a GPT partition table on a BIOS system This installer gives you four options to use The ?rst option will use the entire disk and will create one partition where all will be installed under root all other partitions will be removed and the

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