Derma Guide Brought to you by JI Francis Castell  For Chief Complaint, write o

Derma Guide Brought to you by JI Francis Castell  For Chief Complaint, write only the primary lesion (see below). Example: Papules For HPI, only the pertinent Dermatological history, including meds and consult. Remember to write whether (+) or (-) for pruritus. If considering viral, (+) or (-) for fever. For Previous Treatment, include the medications & procedures listed in the HPI, plus soap, shampoo, facial wash, and other dermatological products the patient used (especially Chinese ointments).  Example: (+) Loratadine 10mg/tab, OD in the AM x 3 days (+) Katialis prn x 1 week (+) Safeguard soap For Past Med Hx and Family Med Hx, include HPN, BA, DM, Allergy.  Example: (+) HPN (-) DM (-) BA (+) Allergy to seafoods For Physical Examination, include the following: 1. Number & distribution – few, multiple (>5) or solitary; localized or diffuse, generalized 2. Shape (optional) –annular, guttate, etc… 3. Border –well defined or ill-defined 4. Color—hypopigmented, hyperpigmented, depigmented, skin-colored, erythematous 5. Primary lesion a. Macules –variously sized, circumscribed solid changes in color, without elevation or depression (aka small, flat spots) b. Patches –a large macule, 1 cm or more c. Papules – circumscribed solid elevations with no visible fluid, varying in size from pinhead to pea d. Plaques –a broad papule (or confluence of papules), 1 cm or more e. Nodules—larger and deeper papule, arising in dermis f. Tumors—soft or firm, freely movable or fixed masses g. Wheals (Hives)—evanescent, edematous, flat elevations of various sized, almost always with itching h. Vesicles (Blisters)—circumscribed epidermal elevations, 1-10mm with a clear fluid i. Bullae –rounded or irregularly shaped blister containing serous or seropurulent fluid, larger than 1 cm j. Pustules (Pimples)—small elevations containing pus, usually with inflammatory areola 6. Secondary lesion a. Scales (exfoliations)—dry/greasy laminated masses of keratin b. Excoriations (abrasions, scratch marks)—punctuate or linear abrasions produced by mechanical means such as scratching, usually involving only the epidermis c. Fissures (Cracks, Cleft)—linear cleft through the epidermis, rarely into the dermis. Occur mostly when the skin is thickened & inelastic from inflammation & dryness d. Crusts (Scabs)—dried serum, pus or blood, usually mixed with epithelial debris e. Erosions—loss of all or portions of the epidermis alone f. Ulcers—loss of both dermis & epidermis g. Scars—new formations of connective tissue that replace loss of substances in the dermis or deeper parts. 7. Measurement (in centimeters) 8. Location  Example: Multiple well defined erythematous to skin-colored papules and plaques with excoriations measuring 0.1 x 0.2 cm to 2.5 x 3.5 cm on the lateral aspect of the left leg. uploads/Sante/ derma-guide 2 .pdf

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  • Publié le Apv 20, 2021
  • Catégorie Health / Santé
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 0.0319MB