Nomenclature see also references further reading

Logistics museums See also References Further reading Logistics - Wikipedia Nomenclature The term logistics is attested in English from and is from French logistique where it was either coined or popularized by military o ?cer and writer Antoine- Henri Jomini who de ?ned it in his Summary of the Art of War Précis de l'Art de la Guerre The term appears in Logistics Specialist inventories supplies in a storeroom aboard the aircraft carrier USS George H W Bush where inventorying means the edition then titled Analytic Table Tableau Analytique and Jomini making a report on stock availability Every stock keeping unit has an individual code and a corresponding to a speci ?c subclass from explains that it is derived from French a given drawer logis lit 'lodgings' cognate to English lodge in the terms French maréchal des logis lit 'marshall of lodgings' and French major-général des logis lit 'major-general of lodging' Autrefois les o ?ciers de l ? état-major se nommaient maréchal des logis major-général des logis de là est venu le terme de logistique qu ? on emploie pour désigner ce qui se rapporte aux marches d ? une armée Formerly the o ?cers of the general sta ? were named marshall of lodgings major-general of lodgings from there came the term of logistics logistique which we employ to designate those who are in charge of the functioning of an army The term is credited to Jomini and the term and its etymology criticized by Georges de Chambray in writing Logistique Ce mot me para? t être tout-à-fait nouveau car je ne l'avais encore vu nulle part dans la littérature militaire ? il para? t le faire dériver du mot logis étymologie singulière ? Logistic This word appears to me to be completely new as I have not yet seen it anywhere in military literature ? he appears to derive it from the word lodgings logis a peculiar etymology ? Chambray also notes that the term logistique was present in the Dictionnaire de l'Académie française as a synonym for algebra https en wikipedia org wiki Logistics C

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