Pwoer 4 boneshealth unit plan

Unit Plan Health Grade UNIT Health P B s TIME FRAME - lesson s a week lessons TEACHER Melissa Kujundzic Unit Summary and Rationale The Power Bones program has been designed to integrate a number of Alberta Curriculum expectations including Health and Life Skills Physical Education English Language Arts and Information and Communication Technologies ICT and Fine Arts and to provide an authentic engaging learning experience for students Power Bones focuses on the importance of eating bonebuilding foods and doing bone-building activities during adolescence The P B program responds to research that shows Alberta kids aren ? t eating well enough or getting enough physical activity to keep their bones strong As a result they are not capitalizing on a crucial bone-building period of life Healthy eating and physical activity tend to decrease as kids progress through the elementary school years so it ? s important to reach them in Grade to prevent this decline The wide variety of program components including online web challenges and comic episodes help students improve their knowledge of the link between bone health nutrition and physical activity Unit SLO ? s Health and Life skills W- lessons - W- lessons - R- lessons - R- lessons - R- lessons - L- lessons - Physical Education B - lessons B - lessons B - lessons B - lessons D - lessons - CD - lessons - Language Arts lessons - lessons - lessons - lessons - lessons - Essential Questions Why is important to build bones When is the best time to build bones What activities are good for bone building What kinds of Foods are bone building foods What is a PSA How can we make healthy lifestyle choices What food choices can you make to include bone-building nutrients Why are bone-building nutrients an important part of healthy eating How are systems in our bodies a ?ected by what we eat Big Ideas Learn that their bones are alive and need foods rich in calcium vitamin D and other bonebuilding nutrients to be strong Learn which foods are good for their bones Learn that weight-bearing activities are best for building bones Learn examples of weightbearing activities Learn that they need to take care of their bones NOW Learn that the best time to build strong bones is during the early teen years Learn that there are health consequences for not having good bone-building habits NOW Learn that having Milk and Alternatives four times a day is the easiest way to build strong CLearning Tasks Reading Tasks Comics Paired reading Group reading Readers Theater Reading Writing Tasks PSA Graphic organizers Web challenges Top ten bone builders bones Identify Milk and Alternatives they can eat and drink to get the bone- building nutrients they need Identify the importance of living a bone-healthy lifestyle Identify how they and their peers can lead a bone- healthy lifestyle Apply what they have learned about bone-building foods and activities to the development of their PSAs Apply what they have learned

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