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Mécénat permettant la publication de la revue C T L R en français et en anglais Sponsorship Allowing the Publication of the Journal T H E J O U R N A L O F E - C O M M E R C E T E C H N O L O G Y A N D C O M M U N I C A T I O N S in French and English ALERION BRYAN CAVE LLP CLIFFORD CHANCE DEWEY LEBOEUF FRESHFIELDS GIDE LOYRETTE NOUEL HERBERT SMITH LOVELLS ORRICK RAMBAUD MARTEL PAUL HASTINGS PYTHON PETER Genève SHEARMAN STERLING WHITE CASE WINSTON STRAWN Copies of articles from the International Business Law Journal and other articles cases and related materials can be obtained from DocDel at Sweet Maxwell ? s Yorkshire o ?ce Current rates are ? copyright charge VAT per item for orders by post DX and email Fax delivery is guaranteed within minutes of request and is charged at an additional ? per page ? per page outside the UK For full details and how to order please contact DocDel on ? Tel ? Fax ? Email trluki admincentral thomsonreuters com ? Go to http www sweetandmaxwell co uk our-businesses docdel aspx Please note that all other enquiries should be directed to Customer Support Email TRLUKI cs thomsonreuters com Tel I S S U E I S S U E CTLR COMPUTER AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS LAW REVIEW Revue de DROIT DES AFFAIRES INTERNATIONALES international business law journal N DE DROIT DES AFFAIRES INTERNATIONALES INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LAW Rédacteur en chef HENRY LESGUILLONS Droit français des contrats et arbitrage commercial international French Contract Law and International Commercial Arbitration Décembre December N Retrouvez en ligne les dix dernières années de publication de la Revue et un index actualisé à la parution de chaque numéro www iblj com RÉDACTEUR EN CHEF Henry LESGUILLONS Professeur agrégé des Facultés de droit email iblj editor gmail com ADAPTATION BILINGUE ET REWRITING Joseph SMALLHOOVER Avocat aux Barreaux de Paris de Californie et de Pennsylvanie BRYAN CAVE LLP Each article and Actualités item in this issue has been allocated keywords from the Legal Taxonomy utilised by Sweet Maxwell to provide a standardised way of describing legal concepts These keywords are identi- cal to those used in Westlaw UK and have been used for many years in other publications such as Legal Journals Index The keywords provide a means of identifying similar concepts in other Sweet Maxwell publi- cations and online services to which keywords from the Legal Taxonomy have been applied Keywords follow the Taxonomy logo at the beginning of each item The index has also been prepared using Sweet Maxwell ? s Legal Taxonomy Main index entries conform to keywords provided by the Legal Taxonomy except where references to speci ?c documents or non-standard terms denoted by quotation marks have been included Readers may ?nd some minor di ?erences between terms used in the text and those which appear in the index Please send any suggestions

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  • Publié le Mar 28, 2021
  • Catégorie Law / Droit
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 1.3MB