Etcd portal instruction guide

eTCD - Portal Instruction Guide eTCD - Portal Instruction Guide A Guide for Managing Vehicle Registration Status Online Last Updated April eTCD - Portal Instruction Guide About eTCD is a secure online web application that allows vehicle owners to book vehicle examination appointments and renew vehicle registrations online Note You can still interact with us using existing methods of transaction but we encourage you to make use of this technology This useful reference guide will provide further detail and instructions about accessing and using the eTCD portal What you will ?nd in this guide Registering a new account Renewing your vehicle ? s registration eTCD Email Support Frequently asked questions Registering a New Account To register a new eTCD account using an internet browser i e Chrome Internet Explorer or Safari you must navigate to https www etcd gov bm Do note that the portal is best viewed from a desktop browser Next click Register to proceed to the registration form eTCD - Portal Instruction Guide Fill out the account registration form with relevant information in each ?eld Be sure to store your credentials for later reference Once completed you should be emailed a con ?rmation eTCD - Portal Instruction Guide Check your email inbox for the con ?rmation email In some cases it may be in your Junk or Spam folder Copy your registration code to your device ? s clipboard or write it down for future use This information is needed to complete the account registration process Also be sure to remember your username Once copied click the link in the email to complete registration eTCD - Portal Instruction Guide Enter the account username that you set at the beginning of the registration process paste the registration code from the email and click ? register ? If the con ?rmation information is entered correctly the portal registration process will be complete You can now navigate to the main log in page at https www etcd gov bm to enter your username and password to log in eTCD - Portal Instruction Guide Renewing Your Vehicle ? s Registration Please read the terms and conditions You must accept them to be able to use the eTCD Portal Once logged in you will see the vehicles that are associated with your Driver ? s Licence Vehicles that are eligible for renewal will have the option to relicense click this button to begin the relicensing process eTCD - Portal Instruction Guide If your vehicle ? s insurance policy expires on or after the new registration ? s expiry date you should be allowed to proceed with the registration process Verify this information and click Submit Payment for Registration Renewal Enter your payment card details and click Submit Payment eTCD - Portal Instruction Guide If payment is successful you will be shown your receipt Please print this for your records A con ?rmation email will be sent to your email address along with the Assessment Form Please print complete scan and return this

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  • Publié le Dec 15, 2021
  • Catégorie Law / Droit
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 25.3kB