Hour of code with swift playgrounds facilitator guide
Hour of Code with Swift Playgrounds Facilitator Guide Hour of Code with Swift Playgrounds Facilitator Guide CWelcome Lead your own Hour of Code event Celebrate Computer Science Education Week ??host your own Hour of Code event with Swift Playgrounds on iPad The Hour of Code is a nationwide initiative by Computer Science Education Week and Code org to introduce millions of students to one hour of computer science and computer programming Get started with Swift Playgrounds Swift Playgrounds is a free iPad app that makes learning to code fun and interactive Move through a D interactive world meet new characters and solve puzzles ??all with real Swift code Plan your event from start to ?nish Use this guide to set up and lead your Hour of Code with Swift Playgrounds You ? ll ?nd tips and activities to help you before during and after the event Activities require participants to read and write code and solve strategy puzzles independently What you ? ll need An iPad running iOS for each participant is recommended ?? Participants can also share iPad devices and code together The Swift Playgrounds app Download here For younger students check out the Hour of Code materials on www code org learn Hour of Code with Swift Playgrounds Facilitator Guide Optional Display for guiding participants through the activities ??Requires iOS or later Compatible with iPad Air or later iPad mini or later and all iPad Pro devices Hour of Code with Swift Playgrounds Facilitator Guide CBefore the event Plan and invite ? Set a date and ?nd a location for your event ? Announce your event to teachers parents and your community on social media using the hashtags HourOfCode or SwiftPlaygrounds ? Invite your group to attend ? Explore more tools to promote your Hour of Code event Prepare Here are some things you can do to prepare in the days leading up to your event ? Watch these helpful video lessons on iTunes U ?? Introduction to Commands ?? Introduction to Functions and Loops ?? Commands ?? Did You Know Hints ? Explore the ?rst few puzzles in the Issuing Commands Functions and For Loops chapters of the Hour of Code challenge in Swift Playgrounds Hour of Code with Swift Playgrounds Facilitator Guide C Set up the iPad devices To get ready for the Hour of Code follow the steps below to prepare the iPad devices If you ? re using school-owned iPad devices work with your IT admin to install Swift Playgrounds Participants using their own iPad devices will also need to follow these steps to prepare for the event Download the Swift Playgrounds app Open the Swift Playgrounds app On the Featured page tap the Hour of Code challenge Tap Get then tap Open Tap the Hour of Code challenge Hour of Code with Swift Playgrounds Facilitator Guide CEvent Overview Introduction mins Commands and Sequences mins Issuing Commands mins Functions mins For Loops mins Wrap-up mins During the event Intro minutes Welcome your group to
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Jan 19, 2022
- Catégorie Law / Droit
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 40.1kB