Icc judges qp pdf M AYENG SP ENG TZ XX English A language and literature ?? Standard level ?? Paper Anglais A langue et littérature ?? Niveau moyen ?? Épreuve Inglés A lengua y literatura ?? Nivel medio ?? Prueba Wednesday May afternoon Mercredi mai après

M AYENG SP ENG TZ XX English A language and literature ?? Standard level ?? Paper Anglais A langue et littérature ?? Niveau moyen ?? Épreuve Inglés A lengua y literatura ?? Nivel medio ?? Prueba Wednesday May afternoon Mercredi mai après-midi Miércoles de mayo de tarde hour minutes heure minutes hora minutos Instructions to candidates yyDo not open this examination paper until instructed to do so yyWrite an analysis on one text only yyIt is not compulsory for you to respond directly to the guiding questions provided However you may use them if you wish yyThe maximum mark for this examination paper is marks Instructions destinées aux candidats yyN ? ouvrez pas cette épreuve avant d ? y être autorisé e yyRédigez une analyse d ? un seul texte yyVous n ? êtes pas obligé e de répondre directement aux questions d ? orientation fournies Vous pouvez toutefois les utiliser si vous le souhaitez yyLe nombre maximum de points pour cette épreuve d ? examen est de points Instrucciones para los alumnos yyNo abra esta prueba hasta que se lo autoricen yyEscriba un análisis de un solo texto yyNo es obligatorio responder directamente a las preguntas de orientación que se incluyen pero puede utilizarlas si lo desea yyLa puntuación máxima para esta prueba de examen es puntos pages páginas ?? ?? ?? ? International Baccalaureate Organization C ?? ?? M AYENG SP ENG TZ XX Write an analysis on one of the following texts Include comments on the signi ?cance of context audience purpose and formal and stylistic features Text Removed for copyright reasons C ?? ?? M AYENG SP ENG TZ XX Removed for copyright reasons Turn over Tournez la page Véase al dorso CText ?? ?? M AYENG SP ENG TZ XX HOW ARE ICC JUDGES ELECTED ?? PART Thursday November ?? By Justice Hub At the Assembly of States Parties ASP ?? the annual meeting of the International Criminal Court ?? next month there will be discussions on all kinds of issues like how much money the court gets for investigations next year But a key item on the agenda for the ?rst and second days is the election of six new judges to replace those whose terms have come to an end after nine years How does that work It ? s not a straightforward process by any means because the court has all kinds of rules to ensure regional gender and law-system representation We ? ve read the rules for you and have prepared with our colleagues from The Cartoon Movement a couple of pictures that should help you understand what ? s going on C ?? ?? M AYENG SP ENG TZ XX Click for Part of Justice Hub ? s infographic about how the judges are elected Adapted from the website Justice Hub explaining how the judges of the International Criminal Court are elected justicehub org ?? What is the purpose of the infographic and what audience might it be intended for

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  • Publié le Mar 11, 2022
  • Catégorie Law / Droit
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 27.4kB