Multiboxing guide 1 January Basic Guide To Multi-Boxing World of Warcraft From L -L By Jackie This is a guide to multi-boxing World of Warcraft WoW is a very fertile terrain for MMO multi-boxing due to the large number of dungeons strong macro system and

January Basic Guide To Multi-Boxing World of Warcraft From L -L By Jackie This is a guide to multi-boxing World of Warcraft WoW is a very fertile terrain for MMO multi-boxing due to the large number of dungeons strong macro system and steep gear power curve Five-person dungeons in WoW are too easy for a full group but perfect for boxing Plus you can start any number of free trial accounts and try boxing for free up to level including dungeons I am currently three-boxing Burning Crusade ?rst expansion dungeons around L with three characters at once on three accounts beating those dungeons on-level without any special gearing e ?orts Simple tank-DPS -heals three-boxing without a large amount of extra software and add-ons will be the focus of this guide The techniques described can equally be applied to other types of boxing through modi ?cation of the scripts This guide was written in January for the new boxer who wants to learn but it also may contain useful things for experienced boxers My goal is to help Canyone who wants to explore a fun and challenging gaming activity that is ??outside the box ? INDEX What is multi-boxing Setting up multiple WoW accounts Setting up hardware and HotKeyNet Setting up your macros and functionality Class selection for boxing Dungeon tips Speci ?c dungeon notes PvE Leveling Strategies Troubleshooting extra info More Reading WHAT IS MULTI-BOXING There is a lot of ignorance and prejudice against multi-boxing in MMOs today People think it ? s cheating and against the TOS for example just on general principle People may report you hate you or call you a cheater like the person who left a comment to my LotRO boxing guide The fact is that boxing is perfectly legal in many MMOs and is discussed openly in MMO forums At its most basic multi-boxing refers to running more than one copy of a game at the same time on one or more computers and using that setup to play more than one character at once in the game This can be done with many types of special hardware and software schemes There is a lot of confusion about boxing because while the de ?nition is basic boxing is really what individual players make of it Many players box to win at PvP They enjoy chaining multiple characters together to one-shot enemy players via key cloning or to assault enemy cities with their own personal group or raid That ? s not what this guide is about although the techniques used here can be used for PvP The focus of this boxing guide is solo PvE in World of Warcraft with your very own party of characters This allows you to explore great dungeons at your own pace roleplay and make camp for a while if you want and generally enjoy the content without being dependent on other players for your enjoyment Is this an ??extreme ? activity for hardcore players It can be It

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