Pi guide DEP TICE BJOAFFNICE ARTMENT OF JUS IJ OF OJJDP JUSTICE S BJ PRO GRA OVC MS U S Department of Justice O ?ce of Justice Programs National Institute of Justice Protective Intelligence Threat Assessment Investigations A Guide for State and Local Law

DEP TICE BJOAFFNICE ARTMENT OF JUS IJ OF OJJDP JUSTICE S BJ PRO GRA OVC MS U S Department of Justice O ?ce of Justice Programs National Institute of Justice Protective Intelligence Threat Assessment Investigations A Guide for State and Local Law Enforcement O ?cials RESEARCH REPORT PRESIDREONGOTOSEEDSVEEFLATRS JDOuoMS sHhCOpMnTOeIWLMNLcBWeYhNtaAinUrAHtAtKneNiLe dLTTuSHOoSituInRhfHsCDepHBOS - rTIeCheTEKcARoaitGMneotOgldteF iHIAnssOJNSgoASiPhTslIaIaTnCAtKis nLoiDlnIlaneUkMdrog etemaspC Wallace Is Shot Legs Paralyzed Suspect Seized at Laurel Rally AWFUL EVENT TThheeDaetreedLDaoPsnterNeaibgtshFytio drade'nsnAt PsLRsrieonaagcsgnsoaoilnsnniW sSIohsuo ? nEtdxecdelbleynAts ? s aiOlatnhte ? rssBSuhlolett The Act of a Desperate Rebel TheatPLraesstidAenctcoSutniltls Alive CU S Department of Justice O ?ce of Justice Programs Seventh Street N W Washington DC Janet Reno Attorney General U S Department of Justice Raymond C Fisher Associate Attorney General Laurie Robinson Assistant Attorney General No? l Brennan Deputy Assistant Attorney General Jeremy Travis Director National Institute of Justice Department of Justice Response Center ?? ?? O ?ce of Justice Programs World Wide Web Site http www ojp usdoj gov National Institute of Justice World Wide Web Site http www ojp usdoj gov nij CProtective Intelligence and Threat Assessment Investigations A Guide for State and Local Law Enforcement O ?cials by Robert A Fein and Bryan Vossekuil July CJeremy Travis Director Richard Rau Program Monitor Robert A Fein Ph D is a Psychologist for the U S Secret Service U S Department of the Treasury Bryan Vossekuil is Deputy Special Agent in Charge Intelligence Division U S Secret Service This project was supported by the National Institute of Justice O ?ce of Justice Programs U S Department of Justice under award number ??IJ ??CX ?? and by the U S Secret Service U S Department of the Treasury The ?ndings conclusions and opinions expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily re ect the o ?cial position or policies of the U S Department of Justice or the U S Department of the Treasury NCJ The National Institute of Justice is a component of the O ?ce of Justice Programs which also includes the Bureau of Justice Assistance the Bureau of Justice Statistics the O ?ce of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and the O ?ce for Victims of Crime CProtective Intelligence and Threat Assessment Investigations Message From the Director U S Secret Service The U S Secret Service is committed to providing a safe environment for each public o ?cial it is entrusted to protect To accomplish this mission it has developed comprehensive protective programs The U S Secret Service believes that threat assessment and protective intelligence are important aspects of these protection e ?orts The purpose of U S Secret Service threat assessment and protective intelligence activities is to identify assess and manage persons who might pose a threat to those we protect while the goal of these activities is to prevent assassination attempts In carrying out its protective responsibilities including threat assessment the U S Secret Service works closely with State and local law enforcement agencies The cooperation information and assistance provided through this

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  • Publié le Apv 13, 2021
  • Catégorie Law / Droit
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 155.9kB