Study guide sochum BISMUN rd Committee of the General Assembly SOCHUM Study Guide CTOPIC AREA A Political Prisoners and prisoners of Conscience with respect the the right to freedom of expression CTABLE OF CONTENTS Welcoming Letter Introduction Political

BISMUN rd Committee of the General Assembly SOCHUM Study Guide CTOPIC AREA A Political Prisoners and prisoners of Conscience with respect the the right to freedom of expression CTABLE OF CONTENTS Welcoming Letter Introduction Political Prisone rs De ?nition and Criteria Council of Europe Amnesty International The right to a fair trial Prisone rs of Conscience The right to freedom of expression Media Freedom Protection of Journalists and Sources Limitations to freedom of expression Hate Speech Political Extre mis m Religious Radicalization Introducing Examples Conclusion Points to consider during debate Bibliography C WELCOMING LETTER Dear all It is our great honor to welcome you all to the SOCHUM committee of BISMUN This year ? s topics re ect some of the dominant concerns of the world society It is our strong belief that equality and justice regarding human rights are the basis of the world ? s peace and security and thus they shall not be applied selectively to people By choosing the controversial issue of political prisoners regarding their right to freedom of expression and the emerging issue of the increasing refugee ows we hope to share our concerns exchange ideas have productive discussions innovative outcomes great experiences and ?nally provide a physical solution to issues that despite of various e ?orts still remain unresolved However to achieve this we ask from you a profound research upon the topics a precise knowledge of your country ? s position a responsible presence into the committee and a sincere cooperation with all delegates During your preparation and your participation in the conference we remain at your disposal Looking forward to meeting each and every one of you Our voices are being heard so give it your best shot The Board of SOCHUM Didili Zoi Dedousi Evangelia C INTRODUCTION The Social Humanitarian and Cultural A ?airs Committee as its de ?nition indicates has on the centre of its attention whatever concerning the human beings The General Assembly allocates to the commonly referred to as the ??Third Committee ? An important part of the work of the Committee focuses on the examination of human rights questions including reports of the special procedures of the Human Rights Council which was established in Its agenda items relate to the advancement of women the protection of children indigenous issues the treatment of refugees the promotion of fundamental freedoms through the elimination of racism and racial discrimination and the right to selfdetermination The Committee also addresses important social development questions such as issues related to youth family aging persons with disabilities crime prevention criminal justice and international drug control POLITICAL PRISONERS De ?nition and Criteria In an international legal nature the concept of a ??political prisoner ? still remains unde ?ned In most times political prisoners consist of journalists activists and government critics that have been punished either for their supporting their beliefs or for revealing a non pro ?table for the government truth and who ?nd themselves helpless before the law In few words the political

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  • Publié le Oct 30, 2021
  • Catégorie Law / Droit
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 139.4kB