User guide 55 Equipment Database User guide Rev Page of Equipment Database User guide Prepared by Approved by CSommario Equipment Database User guide Rev Page of Equipment type Roles Performing a search Clipboard Editing and adding items documents Editing

Equipment Database User guide Rev Page of Equipment Database User guide Prepared by Approved by CSommario Equipment Database User guide Rev Page of Equipment type Roles Performing a search Clipboard Editing and adding items documents Editing picklist Bulk upload Bulk update CEquipment Database User guide Rev Page of Equipment type The content of the database have been divided in di ?erent equipment type The equipment type are a grouping of various commodity code and are needed in order to show to end users results with the same process information As you can see from the database each equipment type has assigned two di ?erent process characteristics that can be used by end user to perform his own search after this primary search it is possible to re ?ne search by ?ltering per operating center commodity code this will ?lter on both commodity code and commodity code description ?elds manufacturer model number job number P O number or tag number Roles MAPAF Corporate Database manages di ?erent user pro ?les with di ?erent privileges A Viewer Each user that require access to MAPAF Corporate Database will be automatically registered as a viewer Each viewer can perform a search and can add items to his own clipboard Viewer cannot neither edit existing data nor add new data into database B Editor Editor is the pro ?le in charge to add new records into MAPAF Corporate Database or edit existing records Each editor is relevant to a speci ?c operating center and can manage data only from his own operating center When a viewer is added to editor ? s group he will be able to see also a Editor menu on main bar b Edit column on records table into home page c Edit column on records table into clipboard section C Administrator When a viewer is added to administrator ? s group he will be able to see also CEquipment Database User guide a Both Administrator and Editor menu on main bar b Edit column on records table into home page c Edit column on records table into clipboard section Rev Page of Administrator is the pro ?le in charge for editing all picklist into the database the administrator ? s group is transverse to all operating center means that he can manage data from all operating center Managing picklist means that administrator is the pro ?le in charge to a Create new equipment type b Add new commodity code to a speci ?c equipment type c Create new operating center d Create new manufacturer e Create new project f Manage assignation to administrators group g Manage assignation to editors group h Create new document type i Create new project type Performing a search When you log in into MAPAF Corporate Database you will be automatically redirected to home page Here you can search for the item you are looking for following the below passage A Choose your equipment type from relevant picklist this is a mandatory ?eld B Choose your

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  • Publié le Mar 10, 2021
  • Catégorie Law / Droit
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 35.5kB