d mathematical modelling of debris flow 1

D Mathematical modelling of debris ow Simulation numérique unidimensionnelle du charriage torrentiel P BRUFAU P GARCÍA-NAVARRO Mecánica de Fluidos Centro Politécnico Superior Universidad de Zaragoza Spain P GHILARDI L NATALE Dipartamento di Ingegneria Idraulica e Ambientale Universitá degli studi di Pavia Italy F SAVI Dipartamento di Idraulica Transporti e Strade Universitá ??La Sapienza ? di Roma Italy ABSTRACT Debris ow is modelled using the equations governing the dynamics of a liquid-solid mixture An upwind ?nite volume scheme is applied to solve the resulting di ?erential equations in one dimension These equations have a structure similar to those of the monophasic water ow di ?ering from them by the presence of some terms characteristic of the bifasic nature of the mixture such as granular bed erosion velocity sediment concentration bed shear stress etc The model and the system of equations to be solved are presented with the description of the implementation of the upwind scheme for the resulting hyperbolic conservation system The numerical method is ?rst order in both space and time The treatment of the source terms is speci ?ed in detail and some comparison with laboratory experiments are presented RÉSUMÉ Le charriage torrentiel est representé par un système d ? équations unidimensionnelles décrivant le comportement d ? un mélange liquide-solide La méthode numérique utilisée est une méthode aux volumes ?nis utilisant une discrétisation de type ? upwind ? Les équations sont similaires dans leur forme à celles d ? un écoulement à surface libre monophasique mis à part la présence de quelques termes associés à la nature diphasique du mélange tels que la vitesse d ? erosion du lit granulaire la concentration en sédiments le cisaillement sur le fond etc Le système d ? équations hyperboliques et la méthode numérique sont présentés Cette méthode numérique est du premier ordre en espace et en temps Le traitement des termes source fait l ? objet d ? une desription détaillée et l ? on présente des comparaisons avec des expériences en laboratoire Introduction In mountain torrents intense and localised storms may cause ash oods with important sediment transport In steep torrents the sediment discharge may increase so that the solid concentration often exceeds ?gures of - This is the case of the debris ows that transport downstream huge volumes of sediments that are then deposited on the alluvial fans often highly populated These wide areas are periodically exposed to catastrophic events To reduce the debris ow hazard it is common to couple structural and non structural protections such as zoning of the risk prone areas and emergency plans Protection plans require the description of scenarios that can be de ?ned only by means of simulations with mathematical models In this paper a numerical model for unsteady debris ow is presented The model will be applied to simulate di ?erent test conditions in channels with simple geometry A one-dimensional scheme is proposed whilst a two-dimensional scheme for the more complex wave propagation on alluvial fans will be developed in future work Many

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