Cap study guide 1 Standards Certi ?cation Education Train ing Publishing Conferences Exhibits J Certi ?ed Automation Professional CAP Study Guide Setting the Standard for Automation CThe CAIJ Study Guide is designed to provide a review of key content area
Standards Certi ?cation Education Train ing Publishing Conferences Exhibits J Certi ?ed Automation Professional CAP Study Guide Setting the Standard for Automation CThe CAIJ Study Guide is designed to provide a review of key content areas domains covered on the CAP examination and to familiarize the applicant with the type of questions that may be covered Actual CAP examination questions are r not available in the public domain and are not included in this study guide Satisfactory completion of study guide questions in no way assures a passing score on the CAP examination c Certi ?ed Automation Professionaie Study Guide - Version Revision Date August ?ISA - All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America No part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic mechanical photocopying recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the Publisher ISA Alexander Drive PO Box Research Triangle Park North Carolina U S A http lfwww isa org Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Certi ?ed Automation Professionals' CAP program study guide p cm ISBN - - - Automatic control-Study and teaching Technicians in industry-- Certi ?cation I ISA--The Instrumentation Systems and Automation Society TJ C --dc C CAp Study Guide Table of Contents Introduction I Domain Feasibility Study- identify scope and justify the automation project Domain De ?nition- identify and analyze customer requirements Domain System Design- design specify and procure the hardware software used in the control and information system Domain Development- software development and coding Domain Deployment- ?eld installation checkout and startup of the systems Domain Operation and Maintenance - long term support of the system CAP Resources CWELCOME Thank you for your interest in the ISA Certi ?ed Automation Professionals' CAJ ' Program The CA P program recognizes your experience knowledge and education in automation - and provides objective third-party endorsement of your skills Certi ?cation from ISA demonstrates your commitment to your future establishes your credentials as an automation professional and opens career opportunities This self-study guide was developed to help you prepare for the ISA CAP exam The CAP Introduction below will provide you with information about the Program The CAP Study Guide is divided into six domains to re ect the structure of the exam Each domain consists of a performance domain name and task list sample questions and an answer key complete with justi ?cations and a cited reference Recommended sources for study are noted in a resource list Although the questions in this guide re ect questions on the exam completing this guide is no guarantee of achieving certi ?cation The best way to prepare for the exam is to study as much information relative to the domains and tasks as possible CAP PROGRAM OVERVIEW The development of a valid examination for the CAP certi ?cation process began with a clear and concise de ?nition of the knowledge skills and abilities needed for competent job performance Using interviews surveys observation and group
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- Publié le Fev 28, 2021
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 201.7kB