A horoscope gem A Horoscope-Gem Author s O Neugebauer Source American Journal of Archaeology Vol No Jul pp - Published by Archaeological Institute of America C ARCHAEOLOGICALNOTES These facts enable us to grasp the meaning of the representation on our pha

A Horoscope-Gem Author s O Neugebauer Source American Journal of Archaeology Vol No Jul pp - Published by Archaeological Institute of America C ARCHAEOLOGICALNOTES These facts enable us to grasp the meaning of the representation on our phalerae The keynote must be the myth of origin As an eagle not a hawk is shown something more general than the totem of the nation must be represented In fact we know that the eagle was venerated in the world of the Eurasian steppe as the father of heavens An excellent study by L Sternberg collected the whole evidence in folklore and myth for this concept The amazing tenacity of tradition in thought and picture in this region of the world until recently isolated to a large extent from the other parts of Asia warrants the antiquity of the data reported by travelers and ethnographers Sternberg documents the veneration of the eagle as the Father of Heavens by the Yakuts on the Yenissei river for whom the eagle is the Creator The Ostyak neighbours of the Yakuts have the same notion they believe that the eagle created the shamans The Finns too called their shamans sons of the Heavenly Father Ukko Aiydi corresponding to the Yakut epithet for the eagle Aiy Further the people of the Katchins honor the eagle as their eponymous spirit and heavenly patron The Orotchens of Transbaikalia and many other tribes venerate the eagle as the lord of lightning and thunder As the materials given by U Harva illustrate the sovereign role of that mighty bird became less important under the in uence of anthropomorphic concepts of the deity He is in many cases the envoy of the Supreme God but remains a mighty creature the totemic ancestor merkiit of the people of the Merkiit a giant whose left wing covers the moon and whose right wing covers the sun The Dolgans represent him at the top of the world-pole etc His original role was as we saw much greater the Creator was imagined in his shape As the Hungarians are an Ugrian tribe with a strong upper stratum of Turkish origin the existence of the concept of the eagle-Father of the Heaven by the Ugrians of Western Siberia Vogul and Ostyak is all-important for our problem it makes it likely that the eagle of our phalerae could also be the Heavenly Father and Creator himself This can be proved by the following considerations Our eagle pl ?gs - holds in his talons two birds both some kind of wild duck It is not by chance that instead of devouring them he supports them gently The duck on the left looks up as if waiting for his word that on the right sits or leans on the mighty talon of the big bird quite undisturbed This curious and peculiar relationship can well be explained by the myth of Creation of the Ugrians established at the river Ob The southern group of the Voguls in the past century still

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